Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 867: Be prepared to cover

Seeing that the light outside the window gradually brightened, Panda sighed and turned off the magic lamp in front of the desk.

He stayed up all night and was exhausted, but the joint mechanical automatic control system he intended to be "easy to complete" still did not make much progress.

The lack of the right tools was a small problem, but the bigger problem was that he was rusty with his expertise.

One day without practicing hands, one day without singing, although the proverb is a bit exaggerated, but the ability under the world really must be practiced diligently in order to maintain the level.

Since crossing, Panda has not touched programming-related technologies for more than 11 years. Although he can still remember what he learned in school, when he uses these professional knowledge, he feels that his mind is messy, as if he has entered a messy warehouse with useful things everywhere. But it needs to be cleaned up and sorted out before it can be easily selected and used.

However, sorting out your memory and knowledge is not so easy. His powerful force value is useless here, and he has worked hard for several days, except that he seems to be regaining the habit of "cultivating immortals" in the age of staying up late, but he has not achieved much.

With the current state, it is tantamount to want to complete an automatic control system independently.

Looking at the set of plans on the paper, Panda's eyes swept casually and found several mistakes and omissions.

However, it is easy to find errors and omissions, but difficult to fix them. In the past few days, he could find a few mistakes and omissions in just one or two minutes every day, and then it took him more than ten hours to fix... Sometimes he couldn't fix it.

For example, a problem he is facing now is quite troublesome.

"Forget it! Put the program aside for now!" Panda shook his head, put the pen and paper back in the drawer, washed his face, and went downstairs to have breakfast while exercising.

After a lot of sweat, he took a shower with well water. The well water at the end of November was freezing cold on my body, but it was very comfortable and refreshing.

Then, returning to the room, as soon as he closed his eyes, within twenty seconds, the snoring had already sounded.

Panda slept until it was getting late, and was woken up by the prompt sound in the private chat channel.

When I opened it, it was a message from Pratt.

[Changsun Wu (Pret): Are you there? 】

[Panda: Can you still be offline? 】

Prett smiled and asked, "Are you free tomorrow?"

"Of course I'm free...what's the matter?"

"I'm going to sign an agreement with the Black Prince."

"Agreement?" Panda recalled what happened in the past few days, and asked suspiciously, "Didn't we publicly support him? We went to Trela ​​City in person and publicly supported him at the noble meeting. At that time, Locke drew his sword and said that he wanted to stab all the chattering nobles to death, lest the flies be buzzing in his ears... If we hadn't stopped him, he would have been able to give them all killed……"

Thinking of the scene at that time, Prett couldn't help laughing.

Although he was hugged by a panda, and several magic swords were also hugged by Prett, he couldn't shoot anyone, but Locke's murderous aura still forced those nobles who wanted to continue to oppose their faces to be pale and breathless, and they even said a word. Not comprehensive.

In this case, of course, they can no longer express their opposition, so the matter is so settled, the situation is so stable.

As for how the king will try to make up for it afterwards, to quell their grievances, or simply not make up for it, and in turn use the power of the transmigrants to beat them hard and let them lose those unrealistic fantasies... these It has nothing to do with panda, he is busy programming.

Therefore, when he heard Prett say that he was going to sign the agreement with the Black Prince, he couldn't help but wonder.

"What agreement are you going to sign?" he asked.

"It's basically a friendly agreement, but it's not a whole, but an individual." Pratt said, "I told him that the Inhumans are also a group, and everyone in this group has various ideas. Although we generally The consensus is reached, but this does not mean that when he really needs help, everyone will come to help him - even if he does, it is likely not in time. So I suggest that he find a few more active aliens and sign one-on-one. Make a friendly agreement and everyone will take care of each other."

Panda was a little puzzled and asked, "What's the point of this? I don't think we need him to take care of us."

"We don't need it, but our family always needs it," Praet said. "In the future, more and more people will get married. Even if we stay at home, there is no guarantee that we will be able to protect everyone. Sign with the king. With such a friendly agreement, as long as we pull him when he is in trouble, we can let him use national resources to protect our family, don't you think it is very cost-effective?"

Panda nodded: "It's quite cost-effective, but what does this have to do with me? I don't need to talk about 'family', my girlfriend doesn't even have a shadow."

"Be prepared, do you plan to be single for 60 years and practice the supreme and unique 'double unicorn arm'?"

"Brother, are you here to harm me..."

"Anyway, be prepared, right?"

"...It makes sense, but my intuition tells me that you definitely can't find the Black Prince to sign an agreement for this matter - I remember that your relationship with him is not good at all."

Prett sighed: "It's just because the relationship is not good that the agreement needs to be signed! If the relationship is good, for example, Princess Feisna becomes the queen, I don't worry about this kind of thing!"

"Signing an agreement is binding?" Panda shook his head, "I don't believe it."

"The agreement itself is not binding, but our force is binding." Praet explained, "With this agreement in hand, if he does not speak in the future, we will directly abolish him and establish a new king. Can't say anything, is that true?"

"Then he is willing to give us such a big deal?"

"Please! This is a friendly agreement! Unless he really wants to fight with us, why not sign it? After signing this agreement, he can also get more help from us!"

Panda thought about it for a while and said, "I still don't think it's that simple..."

"Fuck! Your intuition is as good as a dog's nose. Are you cultivating some kind of Buddhist secret like 'He Xintong' recently?"

Panda smiled: "Don't change the subject! What are you trying to do?"

"Sigh! It's so difficult to sell it... In fact, the key reason is that I plan to ask Alice to notarize it after the agreement is signed."

"Alice? Isn't she a demon? What can she notarize?" Panda asked suspiciously.

"Alice's personality is 'Demon Lord Beelzebub'! As long as she notarizes the agreement, it is equivalent to stamping a Beelzebub seal on the Black Prince-although this seal is a bit crooked, it's only an indirect effect. But with this chapter here, can the black prince ever want to make a deal with the devil again? Even if it's just by chance, it's only indirectly, after all, he has a relationship with Beelzebub. Which devil dares to fool him? He dares to lie to him Soul? Dare to lure him into madness?"

Panda nodded again and again.

Pratt added: "The Black Prince is still very smart. As long as he doesn't hook up with the demons, he won't kill himself and drive himself crazy. As long as he doesn't have problems, we don't have to worry about it - this That's the most fundamental reason why I want to sign an agreement with him... I'm not afraid that he has any thoughts, I'm afraid that he will suddenly die and go crazy!"

Only then did the panda understand what was going on, thought about it carefully, and agreed to Pratt's invitation.

The next morning, a dozen or so travelers who planned to start a family in the Terrera Kingdom, under the leadership of Pret, went to the "Morning Star Palace" where Prince Zion lived, and signed a friendship and mutual assistance agreement with him.

The content and format of the agreement were negotiated in advance, and the pen and paper were also provided by the prince. Zion Trella was relieved to sign the agreements, each in duplicate, one for each other.

At lunch, Prett returned to the castle with his own agreement and found Alice who was bored.

"I thought of looking for me at this time..." Alice complained, "I don't know how to come and play with me when there is a lot of fun!"

"I haven't had much fun all these years. I invited you when I got married..."

The "quasi-demon king", who was obviously bored, smacked his lips, put the parchment on which the agreement was written, directly into his mouth, chewed a couple of bites, and swallowed it.

"Okay, I'll finish stamping him now," Alice said, "but I'll say it before, I can't force him just because of this."

"No, no." Pratt smiled in relief, "Just stamp it, really!"

That night, Prince Zion worked in the secret room for a long time, and finally extinguished the special incense used to summon demons in wonder.

The low-level demons who are usually summoned easily have disappeared today for some reason...

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