Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 880: The Melancholy of Brave Sellers

Molai's first general, General Brave Sellers, was in a bad mood during this time.

The main reason for his bad mood was the signs of division within Mo Lai.

As a country, the Molai Business Federation does not have a strong government. The ruling core of this country is the joint parliament of the great nobles and businessmen headed by the five dukes. It greatly guarantees the "democracy" within the parliament, but it also lacks strong binding force-businessmen do not want to have one more on their heads. Powerful rulers come out, and if they can, they don't even want to pay the taxes to keep the country going.

In the war that started ten years ago and ended eight years ago, Mo Lai was seriously injured. The Norma family, the "Duke of Silver Shield", among the five dukes, lost almost all of their territories. Even the Marquis is not as strong, and strictly speaking, it is not even powerful among the Earls; and the Norton Family, the "Duke of Gourmet", has also been severely damaged, and has not been able to recover until now.

The Cyrus family, the "Duke of Knights" to which Brave belonged, was the beneficiary of that war, because they dominated the two most crucial victories of the war - Brave himself was the coach of the first victory, the second The victorious military executor, and personally beheaded the famous Thracian general, the Duke of the Mountains, Lauren Pieduc, became a famous general in the world.

However... this also buried another huge hidden danger.

For a long time, the capital of the five dukes of Molai was the "Golden Duke" Gordon family. The family controls Molai's banking industry and is the issuer of the official currency. For businessmen, the person who masters the money bag is naturally the most important boss, so this order has never been challenged.

But in the war, the Gordon family performed poorly, and the Norma support they led did not achieve much effect, and many of their subordinate nobles lost their territories in the war. These benefits need to be remedied. Where can they be remedied? Of course, only from small nobles and small businessmen.

As a result, in the post-war revival, the Gordon family was even more complaining, and although they held the money bag, they still caused a lot of trouble.

For example, the Elma family, the "Duke of the Giant Ship", who is also one of the five dukes, the old man who is twice the age of Brave, has a clear attitude.

"The interests of the Elma family and our nobles and businessmen are upheld by ourselves. We have no money bag or bank, but we have a fleet and a fist! Whoever wants to encroach on our interests, He was beaten so hard that even his mother couldn't recognize him!"

He said it and did it. After he announced this, in just one year, dozens of armed conflicts, large and small, broke out. In the largest one, the two sides even assembled an army of more than 3,000 people - pay attention! These 3,000 people are not militiamen, but regular troops and mercenaries, each of which can be beaten!

At that time, the Duke of Cyrus was in a cold sweat, and the father and son hurried to mediate. With the prestige of the old Duke Cyrus and Brave's bravery, he finally calmed down the scene and prevented the two sides from going to war in the end. But the old Duke of Cyrus became anxious and ill because of this. He was not too young. If he fell ill again, his health would soon fail. Seeing that there were frequent conflicts within the Federation, he simply abdicated and lived in seclusion. Let the eldest son, that is, Brave's brother, Lauyo Sellers, succeed him as a new generation of dukes.

That was already three years ago.

Duke Laujo Cyrus was a soft-spoken person. He was not as strong and brave as his younger brother, but more like a businessman. Therefore, when encountering contradictions, he often can't control the scene, and in the end, Brave mostly rushes.

Thanks to Brave's efforts, the tit-for-tat Gordon and Elma families did not completely break up. They chose to call friends and draw allies to enhance their strength. The Gordon family wooed the Norton family and assisted King Zion of Terrera as foreign aid—the king was the son-in-law of the Duke of Gordon, who could help a lot at critical moments; the Elma family wooed a large number of small and medium-sized nobles and businessmen ——They originally wanted to win over the Norma family, but Duke Norma obviously didn’t mean to go into troubled waters. He closed his door all day long and saw no guests. Except for reading, painting, and even banquets, the Elma family had countless attempts to win over them. Start.

In general, the alliance of "Gordon, Norton" is definitely much stronger than the alliance headed by the Elma family. But among the people, support is the other way around. On the one hand is the vampire who is still trying to make money to make up for the loss, and on the other is the God of Wealth who controls most of the maritime trade and holds the lifeline of Molai. Anyone who wants to make money and want to make a fortune, who dares to stand with Gordon and the others. Go, can't you get along with the Elma family?

Under such circumstances, someone in Mo Lai has already put forward the statement that "since everyone has such a big conflict, it's better to break up."

The fragility of the federal system was fully manifested at this time. Because of the lack of central coercion, the Molai official is not only unable to suppress such remarks, but even many officials have an ambiguous attitude.

Officials are also people, nobles, and businessmen, and they also have to protect their own interests.

If Mo Lai really can't keep it going, it's better to break up the team while everyone has not completely turned their face, and it is better to be able to do business in the future than to fight a civil war.

Brave was furious about this, but there was nothing he could do.

He persuaded the two dukes, Gordon and Norton, to stop pounding their bones and sucking their marrow, so as to ease the conflict. However, the two dukes felt that even if they stopped now, they might not be able to stop the signs of splitting. On the contrary, if they strengthened their strength, it would make the splitters a little more afraid and dare not act rashly.

He was also the Duke of Elma in the whole country. The old duke roared louder than the young man at the time: "Everything in the world has to be reasonable! If the one who takes the lead doesn't even talk about the truth, then why are everyone following him?"

Brave can only helpless.

During the recent period, the two sides began to launch large and small frictions, causing Brave to fight the fire everywhere, exhausted.

At the same time, however, there was also a problem within the Cyrus family.

Every time an accident happened, the Duke of Loujo couldn’t hold back the situation, and it all depended on General Brave to rush to save the scene. It was only once or twice. The more times, many people were questioning whether the old duke’s successor was wrong— -Mo Lai now clearly shows a precarious meaning, and it is obviously more reasonable for the famous "Thunder Knight" Brave Sellers to take over as the Duke.

Brave himself didn’t think so, because the Cyrus family has always engaged in primogeniture, and it has never changed – primogeniture may not be the best inheritance method, but it is the most stable inheritance method, the easiest to implement, and the most difficult Something went wrong.

For a family, "stability" is fundamental.

But... even though he explained it more than once, there are still many people who always insist on that view.

Brave understands what they mean - Mo Lai's situation is not good, and now the family needs a strong leader.

Of course it could only be him.

But this is really not what he wants!

After completing the conflict mediation once again, General Brave, who returned to the official residence, sat slumped in the study with a tired face.

Just then, he received a letter.

A challenge book.

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