Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 882: Lightning flashes

you understood?

Yuneruo's head full of "black question marks" at the moment wanted to ask, "Brother, are you stupid?"

Brave has won from the very beginning, he has won for a day, and he still understands where he is... Hey, this is more or less from Yunero himself!

He couldn't help but complain, but at this moment, Lei Guang appeared.

Inside Brave's body, lightning began to radiate outward. This thunderbolt comes from his eyes, from his skin, from his hands and feet, from his hair... His whole body is constantly emitting thunder and lightning, jumping arcs, floating sparks, flickering current... Just a moment In two seconds, he was completely surrounded by lightning.

"This... what's the matter?" Yunero asked in surprise.

Brave was clearly still awake. He nodded with a smile and didn't answer. Instead, he said to the hurried guards, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

(Well? You're almost turning into a Pikachu!)

Yuneruo complained in her heart, but she stepped back honestly, all the way to the side of the guards.

Of course he was not afraid of danger, but of those guards.

Brave's current situation is obviously not very normal. Although he said "I'm fine", no one can come to the conclusion that "he's fine" from the electric light flowing all over his body.

In this case, others should of course stay away and not cause him trouble.

His lightning was flowing from his body, which means that the problem lies within himself. If he wants to solve the problem, the key lies in himself.

Although perhaps Yuneruo might be able to help, but if he stayed where he was, the possibility of doing a disservice was far greater than the possibility of being helpful—at least from the guards’ point of view, that should be the case.

Therefore, Yunero resolutely retreated, all the way to the side of the guards.

Sure enough, the guards breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were still nervous, at least they did not turn their vigilant gazes to him.

"What's wrong with General Brave?" Union asked. "Has he been like this before?"

"Occasionally, he said it was a natural phenomenon with strong fighting qi to a certain extent." A trusted guard said, "The general's fighting qi attribute is thunder and lightning. As long as he wants, he can send thunder and lightning at any time. Lightning strikes, but never on this scale."

"Is there a solution?" Yunero asked.

The guard shook his head: "I don't know."

Yune thought for a while, and contacted Harmony through private chat.

"Bookcase, I've encountered a strange thing here. Brave Sellers was suddenly covered in lightning, and then he said it was okay... What the **** happened to him?"

He waited patiently for a few minutes before Harmony replied, "Sorry, I don't understand what's going on - I don't remember at all."

"Then who do you think I should ask?" Yunero continued to ask.

"...Maybe you can ask the seed girl, she has accepted the inheritance of the giant dragon, and there may be some information for reference."

Yunero secretly sighed, thanked Harmony, and contacted the seed girl.

Fortunately, this black dragon, who often slept continuously for several days or even dozens of days, was just awake now.

"Who is Brave?" she asked.

"It's the famous general of the Cyrus family, that fierce young man. When he was in the Iron Chain Fortress, he led the charge, broke through the mountain legion's position, and killed the Duke of Pieduc."

"...Oh! I remember! What happened to him?"

"He's spraying thunder."

"Spray thunder light, what's so strange? There are at least twenty or thirty people in our guild who can do it. For example, Eric, if he wants to, can spray thunder light into a magic circle. Little Eggplant (Rai) Sha) is even able to draw artistic symbols in the sky against the light of thunder. What's the point of that?"

"But he's so good, and suddenly he's spraying thunder light!"

"He wants to show you talent?"

Seeing the unreliable answer from the seed girl, Yuneruo felt as if she wanted to vomit blood. Resisting the urge to roar, he introduced the situation just now in detail.

At this time, Brave's whole body was completely covered by lightning, and he could only see a piece of lightning flowing and flickering not far away, and it was still bursting with crackles, but he couldn't see his figure at all.

At most, it's just a vague sense that there is a person there.

Yunero and the guards became more and more worried, but they didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, at this time, the seed girl finally gave a more reliable answer: "The fighting qi attribute is thunder and lightning, the strength is strong, and the body is spraying thunder light... This is a natural phenomenon after the fighting qi is strong to a certain extent. If you are lucky , this is going to break through to the legendary realm."

"Is it bad luck?" Yunero asked hurriedly.

"If you're unlucky, you'll consume too much power, drop a little bit temporarily, and try again in a few months or a year or two." The seed girl said nonchalantly, "Anyway, his grudge has begun to overflow into lightning. Don't worry about getting too strong in your body and becoming a self-exploding soldier. You won't die, you won't even suffer serious injuries."

After saying this, she asked again: "You were also a legend in the game at the beginning, couldn't you use your knowledge and skills to search it?"

Yunero was stunned for a moment, opened his skill panel, thought about it, clicked "Dou Qi Knowledge", and then started the search.

The result of the search was "full of vindictiveness, it may be a manifestation of strength growth, or it may be a manifestation of the use of some powerful tricks, and the danger cannot be determined". there a difference between saying this and not saying it?

After thinking for a while, he clicked on "Dragon Knowledge" again, and tried to search it.

This time, it is directly "one of the signs that may appear when a young thunder dragon evolves, or one of the external manifestations of using a powerful dragon roar."

... what a donkey's head is not a horse's mouth!

(Everyone is from the dragon type, how can the seed girl find the answer, but I can't find it here?)

He complained in his heart, but knew that he had found the right consultant.

Brave's profession is a knight, or some kind of high-level advancement of a knight, so if you want to ask a question about him, of course, it is more reliable to look for someone who is also a knight.

For example, the Griffin Atlas, who is directly a knight.

Sure enough, after listening to his question, Atlas did a little search and gave the answer.

"After the battle, Dou Qi is transformed into the corresponding attribute spillover. This is a natural manifestation of the knight's advancement. Don't worry." Atlas said, "But... Brave is actually going to be advanced? Could it be that this dead salted fish also needs to be advanced? Have you stepped into a legend?"

Yuneruo has no intention of discussing with the other party why the good-looking Brave has become a "dead salted fish", and now he is more concerned about observing Brave's situation.

Since it has been determined that Brave is indeed not in danger, then instead of wasting time chatting privately, it is better to take this opportunity to observe and learn.

Maybe... I can use it myself in the future.

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