Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 886: A Song of Ice and Fire

"This is what you said, the magic ritual that can help me break through the bottleneck?" Looking at the white altar in front of her, Queen Katarina's mouth twitched, not knowing whether to laugh or be angry.

This altar seems to be fine at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that there are magical lines under it, and I don't know where to go. Although Caterina is not a magician, as a disciple of the sage Ernst Lopez, she does not understand magic. She only looked at it for a while, and then she saw through the true face of this altar.

Isn't this a sacrificial altar? It's just that the sacrifice place was placed elsewhere, and the power obtained from the sacrifice was drawn through the magic lines.

When Liu Daoqing saw his wife's expression, he realized that she had seen through the truth, laughed dryly, and said, "This is really useful!"

"I believe this is useful, but you are not afraid of causing trouble?" Katarina sighed, "You want to help me break through the legendary realm... What are you going to sacrifice?"

Without waiting for Liu Daoqing to answer, she carefully observed those magic lines, and the more she looked, the worse her face became.

"Sacrifice of life, sacrifice of life... It's all sacrifice of life! How many people are you planning to kill!"

"Murdering isn't really a big problem, right... If you kill some people, you can give birth to a legendary powerhouse, who is willing to kill—"

"Sacrificing itself is the biggest problem!" Katarina shook her head. "Which Demon King is responsible for accepting sacrifices and giving them power?"

"There is no demon king."

Katerina glanced at Alfion who suddenly came out in doubt: "There is no Demon Lord? If there is no Demon Lord, who will receive the sacrifice? Who will give strength?"

"Power is produced by sacrifice." Alfion explained, "This magic circle directly transmits the power of sacrifice to you, without going through any other link."

Katerina frowned, but her expression softened a lot than before.

The biggest problem with the blood sacrifice method is that it involves the demon king of hell. Once the demon king is involved, it will not be a good thing - this is a well-known truth.

But if it doesn't involve the Demon King, it's just murder. Killing people is naturally not a good thing, but as Liu Daoqing said, if just killing some people can give birth to legendary powerhouses, there are many people who are willing to accept this condition.

At least Katarina herself is not really unacceptable.

This doesn't even need to hurt innocents - the kingdom of Ellants is so big, there are quite a few felons to be executed every year. After saving for a few years, how can I make a round of sacrifice. Compared with the sacrifices, it is the candidates who are qualified to accept sacrifices from the high-level peaks, which is seriously insufficient.

So she hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but ask: "It's really just sacrifice, or...just murder?"

"It's really just that."

Katarina was silent for a while, then nodded and said nothing.

She didn't ask who was to be sacrificed or how to do it. She just followed Liu Daoqing's instructions and put on a robe that could help stabilize the energy in her body. She walked to the altar and lay on the magic circle. central.

After a while, rays of light of different colors flowed along the magic pattern and gathered into the altar at the same time. They revolved in circles along the magic pattern on the altar, stirring continuously, merging, gradually and completely merging together, and they were no longer separated from each other.

On this altar, many layers of filtering are arranged, which can continuously filter the life energy obtained from the sacrifice, and finally when it enters Katerina's body, it is extremely pure, and there is no more impurities.

Katrina's body was shocked, and the fighting spirit that had already reached the peak of the high-level suddenly burst into flames, rising into the sky.

At this time, someone in the chat channel also began to speak.

[The sage of Tara Khan: What a surprise, the loss of experience points is not so much. 】

[Librarian: You didn't pay attention to the status bar, click it to see, there is a "sacrificed" buff in it, all attributes are temporarily reduced, and the duration is unknown...]

[Happy little eggplant: The attributes haven't dropped much, not even the lack of sleep. 】

[Librarian: The problem is not here, but that as long as this buff is there, we can’t be a second sacrifice. 】

[Happy little eggplant: Huh? Want to be a second sacrifice? Who else wants to break through the legend? 】

[Librarian: If this method works well, we can actually do it often. Paladins such as Pandas are no good, but people like Yunero who don't care about good and evil camps can use this method to quickly rush to the legend. 】

[Sing if you want: I also wanted to make this suggestion before, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work. 】

[Reckless Earth Cafeteria Manager: No, no, no, anyway, we are so strong, even if we don’t rely on sacrifices, we can still step into the legend! 】

Due to occupational reasons, pandas who can neither serve as sacrifices nor accept sacrifices are currently patrolling the vicinity of the altar. Seeing everyone's conversations in the chat channel, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the traversers are immortal, if they can really sacrifice others so that they can break through the bottleneck, I am afraid that there will be some bad effects.

He is not sure what the impact will be, but no matter how he looks at it, things like "harming others and benefiting oneself" should not become the norm.

Just as he was thinking about this somewhat esoteric question, he suddenly felt a powerful momentum rising behind him.

Looking back, I saw that a lot of water vapor suddenly appeared in the Dou Qi that rose like a pillar of fire.

"What's going on?" he couldn't help but ask.

Roland, the Templar who also acted as a patrol, shook his head: "I don't understand, isn't Katerina's vindictiveness of fire attribute? How can there be water vapor?"

In a blink of an eye, someone in the chat channel was already asking this question, and there was an answer.

The answer to this question is the "two-legged bookcase" chord. He thinks that it should be that Katarina has absorbed too much life essence from the water-type dragon, which has changed her own attributes and favors water-type bloodlines and tendencies. This strange phenomenon is caused by the inability to integrate the fire attribute vindictive qi well.

"Will there be trouble?" Liu Daoqing asked anxiously.

"Theoretically speaking, in the cultivation of fire-type fighting qi for a water-type person, there will be no real danger in addition to getting twice the result with half the effort. After all, fighting qi is generated by people themselves. The physique has changed, and it has become adapted to itself..."

"But her current fighting spirit is strengthened by sacrifice!"

"...It shouldn't be a problem. After all, the sacrifice is to strengthen herself first, and then use her as a medium to strengthen her fighting spirit. To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to giving her a 'sixty years of penance' or something like that. It's just a plug-in..."

Just as she was talking, Katarina's rising breath became more and more violent, the dense water vapor continued to grow, and a chilling chill emerged from it, and finally turned into countless ice flowers, fluttering and falling from the sky...

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