Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 893: Alanz's shock

"What?! Brave Sellers was attacked and now gone?"

Seeing the news in the chat channel, the panda who was fighting the **** automated program and doing the "bug-catching" job that every programmer hated, was so surprised that he even dropped his pen.

"Yes, this news has been confirmed!" Liu Daoqing said, "It is the news sent by the ambassador of Ai Lanz in Molai himself, and it is absolutely reliable!"

"...Where did he go? You want to see people in life, and you want to see corpses in death. You can't be eaten by people," Loma said.

"Who knows? I don't understand either." Liu Daoqing replied, "We are discussing this matter. Piede Candy just made a guess - when we were in the War of Independence in Ireland, there was a legendary strong man. The person disappeared, do you remember?"

"Tiangong Emi Wei?"

"That's right, many people judged that she was taken away by Norman Speak, the 'sage of the secret spell'. The book King Hood also drew a series of books that she was adjusted and modified by Norman..."

"But, what's the use of Norman catching Brave?" In addition to collecting style, he usually paints and rarely speaks on the chat channel. The COS mad and the king of the book, the machine gunner Hood finally said, "Does he plan to expand his acting career, toward the Are you developing in the direction of danmei?"

"This is possible!" The rotten girl, the danmei cartoonist, the magic swordsman Alia said immediately, "The forbidden relationship between the demon spy who infiltrated the world and the young generals of the Federation... wow! I feel so excited when I think about it. !"

Panda couldn't help covering his face with his hands, he felt that the topic was going to be skewed again.

Sure enough, because of the speeches of the two book experts with very different styles, the topic quickly turned to "what is the relationship between Norman and Brave", which made Liu Daoqing, who wanted to speak the truth, helplessly sigh.

He turned off the chat channel and shook his head at his wife and others.

"They don't have much interest in it," he said. "For us, the life and death of a mere legendary powerhouse is really nothing to be taken seriously—if Brave eloped with Norman, it might be possible. A group of people jumped out and ran to give special support..."

Katerina, who already knew the style of the aliens, was not surprised, smiled and said: "Actually we are the same, does Brave live or die, does it have a lot to do with us? Strictly speaking, he It would actually be a good thing for us if Norman killed him."

Everyone nodded in succession. Although the relationship between Ai Lanz and Mo Lai is peaceful at present, the essence of the contradiction is actually very big. More than half of the territory of the Ai Lanz Kingdom comes from the original Mo Lai Federation. If Mo Lai is really strong , a territorial dispute is bound to break out between the two sides.

That's why Katarina became so anxious when she heard that Mo Lai also had a legendary powerhouse. And although the top executives of Ailanz didn't say it, they were secretly worried in their hearts.

...Although the Inhumans are backed by the Inhumans Kingdom, and the Inhumans are technically their own family, but there is nothing to trouble the Inhumans. Wouldn't that be a child who would go to his parents as soon as he was beaten? Ai Lanz is also a dignified kingdom after all, so I can't afford to lose face!

Fortunately, Her Majesty Katarina finally stepped into the legend with the help of the aliens, ending the vacant period of Alanz that lacked legendary powerhouses, and everyone was relieved.

Now, apart from worrying about how to compensate the aliens and how to repay human favors, they really feel at ease and have nothing to worry about.

But in fact, there are still things to worry about.

Brave Cyrus was about the same age as His Majesty Katarina, but relying on his own abilities, he even broke through the legend earlier than His Majesty Katarina. This obviously means that his talent is higher than His Majesty Katarina, and the height that he may reach in the future is also higher than His Majesty Katarina. If a few hundred years later, he grows into another Sword Saint, it is conceivable that the pressure that Ailanz will face at that time.

Therefore, the people of Ellants were actually quite happy to learn of Brave's attack and disappearance.

"Now we only need to worry about one thing." Pied Candy, who was the prime minister in the Kingdom of Ellants, whose nickname has changed from "governor" to "old prime minister", gradually began to have some white Beard, said in a deep voice, "Will Norman Speak attack His Majesty?"

"He dares?!" Liu Daoqing exclaimed and jumped up, "I killed him in one bite!"

"However, he has already attacked two legendary powerhouses." Pied's eyes were full of worry, "Although things have not yet been determined, if he really did these two things, then he is definitely very May come to attack Your Majesty."

"Then let him come!" Katerina smiled confidently, "I'm different from those two, if he regards me as the kind of opponent who has just stepped into the legend and lacks powerful means, I will give him one An unforgettable lesson for a lifetime!"

Liu Daoqing shook his head again and again: "No! It's too risky! ... Well, Katarina, you can stay in the castle for a while to avoid the limelight! You haven't been thinking about the 'Adventurer of the Dark Forest' table that you ran from. Isn't the tour group finished yet, I just took this opportunity to finish it..."

"I don't have the habit of running away from danger!" Katerina interrupted him. "The king can't run away either!"

"Of course the king can run away!" Pied exclaimed at once, "not only can escape, but the king should first consider running away when he is in danger!"

He said unceremoniously: "For us Alanz, you are the most important. As long as you are here, no matter what attack we are attacked, we can maintain our strength - the importance of legendary powerhouses is unquestionable. If it is true that you are in danger, I also agree with His Majesty's opinion. You should find a safe place to hide first, and leave the general affairs to us and His Majesty to deal with it. For particularly important affairs, we can go directly. Please ask."

With that said, he turned to look at Marquis Spinola next to him: "Otto, what do you think?"

With the name of "Burning Steel", Otto Spinola, who has always been known for his bravery, nodded repeatedly: "Yes, there is no reason to ask the king to take risks before all his men are exhausted? Caterina, you are this Don't give us face!"

"That's not a reason for me to run away!" Katarina insisted.

"Don't worry, we're not letting you escape now." Marquis "River" Ruifu, a high-level member from the former Molai area who surrendered, advised, "The situation has not yet been determined, and of course it is impossible to escape just because of some speculation. But Your Majesty is right, you have so many things to do, why don't you do it first? Anyway, gathering intelligence, investigating and analyzing... these things, you have never been interested, have you?"

Facing the unanimous attitude of her husband and ministers, Katerina sighed deeply, her beautiful face full of frustration.

"Okay...I just listen to you..." She lowered her head aggrievedly.

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