Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 903: Demolition team, join in!

In this world, the reason why many things seem difficult is often because you have not found an efficient way.

For example, in the face of eloquent sophistry experts, it is obviously inefficient for you to argue with him. It is the correct and efficient method to slap him directly, and then fill up with two feet. This is what Han Feizi said back then. Debating the topic can make scholars from all walks of life speechless. But when this guy leads the white horse through the city gate, he still has to pay taxes according to the 'horse'. The evidence is better than the debate, which can be seen."

The same is true for deciphering the maze. It is the most inefficient way to roam around like a headless fly. It is more efficient to travel in a planned way and accurately map the path you have traveled while walking. The efficient way is to smash the walls of the maze directly regardless of it!

Just like what Long Biao is doing now!

All the arrangements in Norman Speak's lair were aimed at the good or at least the neutral camp. In the face of the evil camp's invaders, his various methods were almost ineffective-according to his ideas, he was from In **** demons, the evil guys are of course their subordinates. Even if they see them, they should be subdued by themselves. Where do they need to kill?

But he never dreamed that there would actually be evil guys in this world forming an adventure team to attack him!

The incident happened in a hurry, and even if he had superb means, he could only make some simple responses. And the method he chose was to adjust the structure of the cave and create a complex labyrinth.

Most of the guys in the evil camp are not very good at using their brains, and simple deception can often work wonders for them.

And... on the premise of not destroying the enchantment structure in the lair, there are only these changes that can be made.

It's not that Speke can't temporarily deploy more powerful traps and magic, but doing so will damage the magic and traps in the lair that were originally used to fight the good camp. In his view, these evil elements may still be subdued after all, and the number is not large. Compared with the steady stream of clergymen that will inevitably appear in the future, most of these evil advance teams are cannon fodder forced to die, and it is not worth wasting much effort for them.

Now, he has returned to the depths of the lair and is presiding over the transformation of "Thunder Knight" Brave Sellers.

As for dealing with those crusades who are dizzy and dizzy from the labyrinth, and will be weakened by unknowingly draining a lot of life force on this too long road... This kind of trivial matter is left to Manu.

This guy Manu is more or less a legendary warrior. With the advantage of the geographical advantage, of course it is not a problem for a group of tired and weak guys in the upper district!

What's more, even if Manu can't stand it, there are helpers he left behind...

In short, Spike is not worried at all, and is focusing on the work that is more important to him.

As long as the young legendary knight in front of him has been transformed, he can take the accumulation of more than two hundred years to retreat safely and escape to another stronghold of his own.

The facilities at that base were far less complete than here, but they were barely usable. The most important thing is that if the situation is not good, he can also use the arrangement here to delay the time and set up a magic circle to **** there.

Although it was a bit embarrassing to flee back like this, his strength increased and his savings increased, and the two hundred years were not wasted.

Speke never dreamed that the traversers would use the method of "smashing the wall and breaking the door" to break his labyrinth with violence.

With a roar, one wall after another was smashed by Long Biao's huge stone pillar. Every time a wall was smashed, the traversers cheered and rushed over.

Among these walls, sometimes there are some traps. Not to mention poisonous water, acid, flamethrower and the like, all kinds of attack spells are emerging one after another, and there are even creepy things like poisonous snakes and poisonous insects.

In the face of these endless traps, the "exploration team" did suffer considerable losses, and almost no one broke away after breaking the wall. Later, even Long Biao himself, who led the team, was hit when he demolished the wall, and was blasted into a pile of strange-shaped fragments by hundreds of magical missiles that suddenly burst on the wall.

After being resurrected in the castle hall, he hurriedly checked his totem stone pillar and was relieved to see that his beloved weapon was intact.

When it was more than four o'clock in the night, because the loss of personnel was too serious, the evil expedition team had to temporarily retreat, retreated to a place near the entrance of the cave, and rested for the time being.

Originally, Gerald suggested that everyone just go out and rest at the camp. But Alphin was worried that if everyone left, the labyrinth might be restored - just like in the game, some dungeons are "refresh when no one is in it".

Although most dungeons will remain the same for a while after the players have all left the dungeon, who knows what kind of maze this is?

She made a lot of sense, so although the environment in the labyrinth is not suitable for rest - there is obviously magic like "Drain Life" working here, and corresponding defense measures must be arranged to avoid damage. In this case, It's impossible to really relax - but the traversers still stay in the labyrinth and set up camp, at most as close as possible to the labyrinth exit.

After a while, Long Biao and others rushed back again. And this time, everyone brought enough materials to set up a temporary resurrection point outside the maze.

After the traveler dies, as long as he doesn't care about weakness, he can fight as soon as he is resurrected. In other words, as the temporary resurrection point is set up, they can even use the method of facing the trap to forcibly move forward.

In fact, they actually did.

Through a lottery, the group selected the hapless man who was responsible for opening the way and the trap, the pandaren Seton.

Nicknamed "Poison Milk MK2", she has yellow and black patterns and green eyes. Well, although she is also called "Panda", she is actually classified as "Little Panda", which is completely different from Shen Daxia's "Giant Panda".

Her personality is also different from that of pandas. She is afraid of trouble, doesn't like doing tasks, and has no interest in being a chivalrous warrior. Although she is a monk who majors in the field of therapy, she is a firm home-schooling party. "Where to go? Who to kill? How much to kill?" Other than that, he was too lazy to lift his spirits.

However, even if she can't lift her spirits, since she loses the lottery, she will be responsible for being the cannon fodder to open the way.

Thurton doesn't have any hypocritical thoughts like "I'm a woman, you have to let me go", she is a staunch feminist, and she is honest and honest while chanting "so troublesome", "so bad luck" and so on. He actually rushed into the hole that Long Biao smashed in the wall every time.

After the poor student Selton died at least fifty times, with another wall being smashed, the traversers lit up and finally saw a completely different view from the labyrinth cave.

A wide hall!

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