Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 907: Hundreds of people

Panda clenched the long sword in both hands, and the divine power was surging like burning, which strengthened his speed and strength to the limit. With the auxiliary magic given by others, he even felt that his movements were too flexible. The power is also too large, and it can no longer be controlled precisely.

Fortunately, the opponent in front of him does not need any "precise control".

It was a wild boar.

He's not very big, so he's just as tall as one person—well, although Long Biao is a bit tall, he's also a person after all, so "one person tall" is fine.

Although this guy is tall, because the head is down, the long teeth, sharp teeth and iron nose as weapons are just at the height of the panda's head. If you want to attack the panda, you don't even need to lower your head, which is quite convenient.

In the same way, if the panda wants to chop it, it doesn't have to jump up, which is very convenient.

Therefore, they are generally regarded as rivals, playing ping ping pong pong. The sacred long sword in the panda's hand slashed the body of the wild boar from time to time, making a sound of gold and iron, splashing a string of sparks - this guy's skin is simply stronger than the enchanted steel armor, the panda even suspected that even if he faced the face with a heavy crossbow If you shoot an arrow, you may not be able to shoot through its thick skin.

However, the wild boar also has no good way to take the panda. Although its defense is amazing and its strength is quite large, the panda with full firepower and a lot of auxiliary magic is not lost to it in terms of strength and defense. The battle between the two sides turned directly into a battle of positions, with each other not retreating an inch, and each time they fought head-to-head.

Panda didn't feel ashamed to be "matching an opponent" with a wild boar—judging from the investigation results, the wild boar's level was as high as level 74, and it was a legendary creature. If it were released, it would be a catastrophic disaster for most cities.

In fact, it's no exaggeration to say that any of these monsters that are fighting against them at the moment can be regarded as a "devastating disaster".

Not far to the left, Long Biao was waving a huge stone pillar, fighting a monster whose lower body was mud and whose upper body was a hydra. The body of this monster is similar to gelatin, the slashing sword and the piercing halberd have little effect on it. Although the blunt damage effect is not satisfactory, it is already the highest of all physical damage. .

On his right, about a dozen paces away, Yunero was holding a giant axe, just in front of the Tauren who also held a giant axe. The tauren was dark all over, wearing a huge armor that was so heavy that it could crush an ordinary strong man with its own weight. The axe in his hand already had a few gaps, but the damage caused by the unparalleled weight was enough to make up for the lack of sharpness. . Yuneruo is a little shorter than it, but the strength is not inferior at all. The two sides keep slashing with axe, and each time they take a step or two back, but as long as they take a breath, they will recover and start the next round of competition. .

There are still many situations like this. In the face of dozens of "polluted puppet guards" with levels over 70, all the melee traversers with relatively good strength have temporarily turned into meat shields, and they have used their whole body solutions one by one to eliminate these dangers. Powerful enemies are blocked, so that the long-range attacks and spells behind can be output as much as possible.

Everyone knows that the key to determining the outcome of this battle is to see if the front row can stand, and the second is to see if the back row can knock down the enemy before the front row can't stand.

At present, the traversers in the back row are focusing on attacking an orc. This orc pig-headed human body, carrying a sledgehammer with a dead man's skull inlaid at the end, is a fighting shaman. As he attacked, he continued to cast spells, and circles of bright red rays of light continued to rise from the feet of those monsters, strengthening their power and promoting their recovery.

The auxiliary effect of shamanic spells on combat is fully displayed at this moment. There is no doubt that it is the most threatening to transmigrators among these monsters!

In fact, some monsters who shrank back to release cold arrows and cast spells are more dangerous, but just like they have no ability to cross the fierce front-row battlefield and attack the back-row passers-by, the back-row passers-by can't attack them for the time being. For the time being, they could only choose targets in the front row, and they chose this orc shaman.

"What is the origin of this guy?" Someone asked, "Legendary shaman? Is there such a number one person on the grassland?"

"I've never heard of it!" Ai Weiyin, a man who has lived on the grasslands all these years, replied, "The four major shamans are only high-level peaks. The situation on the grasslands has been very chaotic these years, and one or two masters often appear. Maybe he was just doing his magic when he was plotted by Spike - just like Brave."

"But we've never heard of him, how did Speak know?"

"Extraordinary people must have extraordinary abilities. If you want to be a villain, you must not only be ruthless and bad enough, but also have enough ability. Speke is almost one of the top villains in the world. It's normal for him to be powerful. , it cannot be overestimated.”

Saying that, Ivy suddenly changed his face, laughed a few times, and resumed the familiar style of middle school painting before: "However, only such an opponent can be worthy of the bravery we are waiting for! The head is cut off and hung in the tent as decoration, it will definitely be pleasing to the eye!"

"My dear, the medicine can't be stopped!"

As we all know, Ivyin has two versions, one is the middle and second wind version that often appears when playing games, and the other is the normal person version when everyone gathers offline. When she first crossed, she often showed the style of middle school, but with the success of starting her own business on the prairie, she has increasingly shown the style of a normal person. Occasionally today, I saw her resume her second-school style. Although everyone was complaining, they felt very kind.

Such a Avril is the second girl in middle school that everyone is familiar with!

Right at this moment, a dark red light flew towards Long Biao, the tallest and most conspicuous person in the front row among the traversers.

He couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by the red light on his left shoulder, and half of his shoulder immediately began to dry up, like a dehydrated vegetable, and the speed was astonishingly fast.

"Blight?! Fallen Druid!" Someone in the back row exclaimed, and then two or three green lights fell on him at the same time. His left shoulder immediately made a cracking sound of boiling oil and cold water meeting, and the withered shoulder quickly recovered. A black gas was expelled from the body.

Among the traversers, there is far more than one person who can cure the blight. Maybe one-on-one, their spells are not enough to fight the fallen Druid on the opposite side, but the quality is not enough, just make up for it with quantity!

A similar situation has happened several times. The magic power of the monsters in the back row is not small, but there is no way to instantly kill the traversers in the front row, even if they are beaten to the point where there is still a layer of blood skin, and there are a lot of them in the back. Healing occupations can also quickly bring the blood line back to a safe level.

Because the scale of the battle is getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more traversers coming one after another. Now, in this underground hall, more than 100 traversers have gathered to fight against more than 20 legendary monsters with a hundred people. Although intense, it is not thrilling and can be completely controlled.

In the chat channel, Sanyu is encouraging everyone.

"Everyone, hold on! There is no reason why our immortal bodies can't use up those guys who will be tired and die!"

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