Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 918: Stalker Gondor

Since the issue of "aesthetics" broke out at the last time passers-by plenary meeting, many passersby have had strong concerns and unease about this issue. Among them, those who are particularly "quirky in skeletons" and with "old-fashioned looks" are naturally the most active.

Gondor is one of them.

Of course he wouldn't want to marry a female goblin. Even if he didn't consider the issue of aesthetics, the backward civilization level of the goblin family would inevitably lead to poor thinking. To spend the rest of his life with a woman who only has "eat", "sleep", "kill", and "fuck" on his mind... He thinks it's better to stay with Xiao Zuo Xiao You for the rest of his life.

However, he is a normal man, and he has all the desires a normal man should have. Even the race of goblins is more powerful than humans in certain desires. Originally, he was fine when he didn't realize these problems, but once he realized it, the problem suddenly became serious, so that he often haunted areas such as Qinlou and Chu Pavilion during this time.

But... to put it horribly, women who are in the flesh business also have aesthetics!

It's not that people really can't survive, why bother to do a goblin business? Even though Gondor is rich and powerful, many women shrink at the thought of being the laughing stock of the industry.

Gondor was furious, and the more he wanted to find a reliable woman.

In fact, he doesn't really pursue being a beautiful woman - after the cruel blow of reality, he has deeply realized that he can marry a beautiful woman based on his appearance? Marrying Pan Jinlian is almost the same! And it's the kind that will feed himself medicine immediately after he gets married.

Although he will not really die, things like "Dalang has taken medicine" can even be regarded as fun, but Pan Jinlian not only feeds her dwarf husband "taking medicine", but is also keen on red apricots. !

Gondor's skin was green, but he didn't want to wear one, two, three, four... Countless green hats!

So when he heard the news that "Emiway Sislin, the 'Sky Bow' transformed into a fighting machine, is also considered a trophy", he was immediately tempted.

To become a fighting machine, you must preserve at least a minimum level of intelligence - if you don't have intelligence, you can't talk about fighting, and no matter how high the force is, you can easily be deceived to death. And Tiangong Emiwei is powerful and has a long lifespan, so there is no need to worry about the unlucky thing of middle-aged widowhood. In addition, Emi Wei is still somewhat of a beauty... So he immediately made up his mind to compete for this "trophy".

Among those who want to compete for the "Heavenly Bow", he has the highest DKP, no one!

Over the years, relying on his unparalleled stealth skills, Gondor has delved into treasures everywhere, and he has no idea how many treasures he has stolen. Except for a few of these treasures that he kept as a collection, most of the rest were sent to the guild warehouse and became his DKP.

Not to mention that compared with those who are not very active at ordinary times, even for activists like pandas, there are not as many DKPs as him! In the entire guild, there are probably only a few big rich people who control the small world, and Liu Daoqing who just donated a large amount of materials to the guild in the name of the Kingdom of Elanz not long ago. DKP is above him.

Those big wealthy owners have made it clear that they will not participate in the competition, Liu Daoqing... The guild has rules. If you want to exchange DKP for something, you must calculate it based on the DKP when you get it. This is mainly to prevent everyone from competing for good results. It hurts peace by smashing things and selling iron.

In other words, no one can compete with him if they exchange DKP!

However, Alice's plan of "martial arts recruiting" broke Gondor's good wishes-as the owner of the "trophy", Alice actually wanted everyone to compete by fighting in the ring!

hateful! He is a stalker, and his expertise is infiltration, stealing, investigation, and at most assassination. He is not good at frontal combat at all!

So Gondor has been in a bad mood for the past few days, and the fact that Panda continued to destroy the ring and prevent the competition made him feel even worse.

Although it is very unfavorable to him, even if it is unfavorable, there is always hope - the national football team can play a draw with the Brazil team, what else is impossible in the world?

However, if it fails, then there is no hope at all!

So when he made things clear with Panda, his attitude was very bad.

He knew what Panda said was right, and he knew that what he did was wrong, but for his own sake, it was wrong to be wrong!

In life, who hasn't done something wrong?

Thinking of this, his heart settled down, and his eyes became more calm and cold.

Holding a pair of short knives, he stood in the middle of the training ground, looking around.

"It's just like that in martial arts competitions," he said. "Whoever wants to fight with me, come on stage now!"

Everyone around hesitated for a while, and a rabbit wearing a short robe of ge cloth and leaning on a purple cane walked up.

"Gondor, I will be your opponent!"

Seeing this opponent, Gondor was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Bug Bunny, are you sure you want to fight me? Are you also a spell student to play in the ring?"

The traverser known as "Bunny Bugs" snorted coldly: "Immortals of Dongtian are not only magicians!"

As he spoke, the purple light on his crutches flourished, and four or five **** of light flew out one after another, shooting at Gondor mercilessly.

There is no sign of these purple light shots, it is simply a sneak attack! But Gondor was already prepared, snorted coldly, and stepped back a little, and the whole person disappeared in plain sight like thin ice entering the water.

As a stalker, what he is best at is stealth and concealment. The speciality of the opponent's race, the Horned Rabbit Demon Fairy, is the enhancement of strengthening spells, but it does not have the ability to see through invisibility.

Bugs Bunny wasn't surprised to see Gondor disappear. With a wave of his cane, purple rays of light circled around him one after another, quickly turning into a circle of light shields. Then he held his cane high and chanted a spell.

"What is Bugs Bunny thinking? Now he can't even lock Gondor's position, so what if he casts a spell? Does he plan to strengthen himself a bit to face a thief?" Panda asked in surprise .

"If Immortal Dongtian has a range of spells, as long as he can force Gondor out and break his 'different-dimensional stealth', he might take a set of spells away," said Raymond next to him.

"You also have area spells. In your own words, can you do such a thing?" Panda asked rhetorically.

Raymond smiled: "It's theoretically possible...theoretically."

Of course Bugs Bunny himself knew these truths, but he wasn't worried.

In the more than ten years after the time-travel, although he was mainly in the castle, he didn't spend his days in vain!

With his incantation, the purple light on the top of the cane became more and more intense, and finally turned into five **** of light that rose slowly, but did not leave, but continued to revolve around him.

Not only that, but he continued to chant and summoned five more such **** of light.

Then, five more, five more... A few minutes later, in the air of the training ground, there were already more than fifty light spheres spinning. They were separated by a certain distance from each other, and they were constantly cruising around, leaving almost nothing for Gondor. half a foothold.

"Gondor! If you have the ability, you can stay where you are!" Until then, Bugs Bunny laughed, "Otherwise, just try the power of my 'Evil Pursuit Bullet'!"

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