Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 942: Weird "Undead Scourge"

With the help of human cannons, the seven-member clergy team soon arrived at the border of the West Brunei Federation.

Because of the reduction in personnel, the area that each team is responsible for has become larger. Roland and the others, as the most high-end clergy team in the Western Continent, naturally have the largest and most dangerous range in charge.

For example, yesterday, Roland met an undead knight in a village called "Siva".

There are two sources of undead knights, one is the corpse of the warrior who died in the battlefield and uses the undead spell to resurrect, the other is the evil warrior who fell into the darkness. These two types of people have a high foundation, and they will naturally be stronger after becoming a undead knight. As far as traversers know, about one-third of the famous undead legend powerhouses in the "Battle of Life and Death" in the game are Born in the undead knight.

The one Roland met yesterday was already quite powerful among the undead. Not only does he have the fighting ability equivalent to a high-level warrior, but he can freely manipulate the power of the undead, take the vitality of the enemy to restore himself, or cast spells such as restraint, fear, darkness, etc., and even when the battle is unfavorable, he also summons I gathered a group of skeletons and zombies, and tried to use these guys to drag Roland so that he could escape.

To be honest, he is indeed strong enough. If the opponent is not Roland, if he is replaced by an ordinary high-level cleric, he can only be driven away, and he may die under his hands.

However, what he met was Roland.

Knight Templar, specializing in the halo, can activate three different halos at the same time, with an effective radius of more than 30 meters, and the strike force is comparable to that of the magician of the middle-level peak.

Roland used the sacred halo to break the opponent's death halo, bound the opponent's footsteps with the swamp halo, and used the cold halo to enhance the freezing effect, further slowing the opponent's pace.

In the end, the guy was smashed into broken corpses by his left arm shield, and was burned to ashes by a fire, and the ashes were brought back to the castle by him and given to the necromancers in the castle as research materials .

It's not wasted at all.

Destroying that undead knight provided Roland with a lot of experience and prestige, but he also found another problem - I don't know if it was because their team was relatively elite, and the undead that appeared in their jurisdiction seemed to be A bit more playable than anywhere else.

So, he thought of asking Panda for help.

As a senior adventurer who has been in the arena for more than ten years, as a traveler who knows the details of the power of the undead, Roland firmly does not believe that the power of the necromancer has great ability, and can continuously flow according to the strength and number of clergy within the scope. Create undead.

So his way is to break the game with force!

If one person is not strong enough, add another person; if he is not strong enough, find someone stronger.

Anyway, he absolutely does not believe that the undead forces can easily create mass-produced soldiers that can compete with the first-sequence masters of the traversers!

With the clergy's restraint on the undead, the panda is enough to fight against the ordinary legendary undead. If the undead forces really produce energy and his swarms of undead soldiers, then the undead forces should have rushed out of Asia to the world - no, they rushed out of the ground and swept the world.

Roland didn't hide his thoughts, and told Panda all these things as they were. After listening to his introduction, Panda was also very curious.

According to his impression, the necromancer is either generated through evil rituals, or it is spawned by the accumulation of a lot of death breath. The clergy did not catch the necromancer who presided over the ceremony in this generation, nor did they find a blasphemous place with a lot of death breath, so where did these undead come from?

If it was just a low-level undead like a skeleton, it would be fine. An undead of the level of the undead knight, who was able to fight Roland, couldn't be created out of thin air!

The appearance of a large number of undead should be called "undead natural disaster". According to experience, there is often at least one legendary level necromancer behind this kind of thing.

But this time, the clergy did not find the necromancer behind.

Panda is also curious and wants to know what is going on. So he simply sat in the small sun drying field at the entrance of Xiwa Village and acted as a guard.

Roland has already left. As the leader of this team, he needs to inspect the villages under his jurisdiction one by one every day to ensure that each village is inspected at least once to avoid tragedy.

Of course, a few villages not far from Shiwa Village do not need it. There are pandas sitting here, and as long as there are undead nearby, they will definitely not be able to hide from him.

Paladins are extremely sensitive to things like undead, not to mention that the panda is on small guard, even if he is sleeping in, he can feel the undead aura around him for dozens of miles.

In the past two years, it has gradually become known to everyone that pandas sleep in when they have free time. Although everyone wondered how this master who woke up every day and worked hard to practice martial arts would sleep late in his spare time, and wondered that the style of panda painting was wrong, but gradually they accepted this fact.

Some researchers in biology said that sleeping late is the nature of pandas, and pandas are also affected by their own bodies.

Panda himself doesn't care, anyway, for the traversers, as long as they are alive, they are idle. It's good to practice martial arts hard, but it's not bad to sleep in. What's more, he's not really a sleeper, at best he only sleeps for 11 or 2 hours in a day...

Of course, now is the time to do business, and he will definitely not sleep.

To make sure he didn't fall asleep, after sitting for about half an hour, the panda stood up and walked around the village.

This is both a patrol and a refresher to keep yourself from dozing off.

The village of Xiwa is not big. He walked back and forth for more than a dozen times in it. Seeing that the sky was getting darker, the upper and lower eyelids began to stick together.

Panda sighed, took out a temporary resurrection rune, put it on the ground, and stabbed himself in the neck.

In the blink of an eye, his body turned into countless spots of light, and then reappeared next to the rune. Although his face was a little pale, the sleepy look in his eyes had disappeared without a trace.

"Locke's method really works!" After using the divine power to recover a little from fatigue, the panda returned to the gate of the village, rested while eating dry food, and waited for the state to recover.

This suicide refresh method is indeed a coup against fatigue. During the night, the panda committed suicide four times before and after, making sure that he never fell asleep.

The strange thing is that this night, he did not find any undead breath.

Doesn't it mean that the dead are plagued here now? Why can't he meet one? Could it be that even the undead can bully the soft and fear the hard?

Full of doubts, the panda still stayed in Xiwa Village, never leaving.

The next afternoon, he finally encountered a few undead - a few zombies appeared in a nearby village.

The panda arrived quickly, one sword at a time, and chopped these zombies into golden-green torches with a long sword burning holy flame.

The night was still calm, but Roland and the others encountered some undead again, but there was nothing unusual about the villages that Panda was in charge of.

On the third day, Panda continued to use death to refresh Dafa to ensure that he would never sleep, and stick to Xiwa Village.

Today is the day that Xingzhao and Gondor start the final, but he can only rely on the chat channel to watch the text live broadcast.

However... Regarding this first final, the text live broadcast is also very simple, only two sentences in total.

Gondor threw a big bomb, and they both perished.

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