Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 950: What does that have to do with me?

In the following days, the pandas will of course continue to be stationed in Xiwa Village. While exterminating all kinds of undead that he could sense, he introduced the teachings of the Church of the Suffering God to the villagers and began to engage in missionary work.

The paladin didn't have the ability to "preach", so he simply added a part-time job to level 10 as a priest -- anyway, it didn't take much experience to level up to level 10, and he didn't pursue other abilities, as long as he could use divine power to cast spells and help determine his belief status.

Using spells to determine the target's belief status is only a detection skill in the game, but in reality it is one of the core abilities of priests. With this ability, the pastor can judge whether the mission is successful or not, and can also distinguish between enemies and friends, and prevent the gang from mixing in the team.

Therefore, in a region, there is no way to establish a formal church organization with only paladins or monks. There must always be a pastor stationed here, in order to establish a loyal and reliable church organization with him as the core.

It is precisely because priests have this ability, so basically there has never been a situation in which spies are mixed into the clergy organization in this world - like the transmigrators, even if they don't believe in the concept of the corresponding gods, they can use the power of the gods smoothly. The clerk seems to have not appeared since ancient times.

Unless it is a dog-blooded affliction novel, it is unlikely that the belief will remain unchanged but the position will change in reality. Since a team can maintain the purity of the belief, it will naturally be able to maintain the cohesion of the team. It's no wonder that although they were attacked by nobles from all walks of life, churches like the God of Suffering and the God of Justice have never been really defeated. Instead, they can always be like weeds in the field, no matter how hard they are attacked, they can flourish again. stand up.

Two hundred years ago, a priest who was executed left this last word: "The only way to destroy us is to allow people to live and work in peace. We will only disappear when the masses stop suffering."

This is obviously impossible, not to mention the world, even in the most developed regions on earth. Thinking about it, it will only be possible to really do it until communism is realized in a few thousand years.

When people have grievances in their hearts, they are naturally easily agitated. But it is not difficult for them to be determined to resist, it is difficult for them to fight to protect others. Panda has been preaching for more than ten days before and after, but not even a single believer has been developed.

This is also impossible. For this world, the difference between believers and priests is nothing more than the strength of belief and innate aptitude. Ordinary people, because of their lack of strength, tend to put themselves in the position of the "saved" in their hearts. Of course, they appreciate the concept of the Church of the Suffering God, and are willing to help priests like Panda, but they need to adjust to themselves. Positioning, to take the initiative to become a "savior"... It's hard, it's hard.

Therefore, the priests of the suffering **** often have enough strength first, and then they are inspired by divine power to become priests because they want to protect those who need to be saved.

Missionary is not smooth, panda is not discouraged, missionary is not an easy task, not to mention the world's beliefs are much more demanding than the earth's requirements. In his opinion, if he can develop one or two believers a year, it is a remarkable achievement.

But before he could develop his first believer, Roland had already come to him.

"You preach here?" he asked.

Panda nodded, this is not a shameful thing.

"No!" Roland said solemnly, "The local lord strictly prohibits the Church of the Suffering God from preaching."

Panda said disdainfully, "At least 99 out of 100 lords of the entire Western Continent strictly forbid us to preach. But what does that have to do with me? Who cares about him!"

"You ignore him, but I can't ignore him." Roland sighed, "I belong to the Church of the God of Order, and it is my duty to obey the rules. Unless it is an emergency, I can't ignore the rules. ."

Panda understood what he meant, frowned, and asked, "What if I insist on preaching?"

Roland smiled bitterly: "Then I can only give up working with you."

"Shouldn't you stand up against me for my unruly behavior?" Panda asked sarcastically.

Roland shook his head: "I follow the rules because I'm willing to follow them, it doesn't mean I'm on the side of the local lord. If they want to deal with you, they can only rely on their own strength - this is also the general rule in society. Unless you are in Killing people and poisoning the living beings here, otherwise I have no reason to be hostile to you."

Panda smiled with satisfaction.

"If that's the case, let them come!" He raised his eyebrows, his eyes filled with murderous intent, "I want to see what the lords here can do to me without your help!"

He said it with confidence, and Roland naturally knew that the local lord had absolutely no way to get the panda, so he just shook his head, sighed, and left.

When he left, Panda opened the task panel, and sure enough, the task of "killing the dead" had disappeared.

The task must have a publisher. The publisher of this task is the official Western Laika and a number of churches. Now he has ended his cooperation with both parties - the former may have fallen into hostility, and the task will of course be gone.

But he didn't care at all.

At his level, the experience points required to level up are already quite amazing. If you want to get so much experience points in the world, I am afraid that you must have some of the spirit of the "Internet Cafe Gods of War" in the age of kimchi online games many years ago. Panda asks himself that he is not that kind of leveling madman, so it doesn't matter if there is no quest, and it's not bad to train on his own anyway.

The next afternoon, a knight rushed to the village of Xiwa, declared Panda's missionary behavior illegal, and ordered him to leave as soon as possible.

The panda was still sitting under the tree at the entrance of the village, and didn't even bother to stand up, so he squinted at him and asked with a teasing tone, "What if I don't leave?"

The mighty-looking knight, as if he hadn't heard him, shouted again on his own, then went straight to the horse and flew away.

Seeing the way he was wielding the whip with great force when he left, those who didn't know thought his wife was about to give birth to a child!

Panda shook his head and was about to close his eyes and rest for a while when the head of Xiwa Village suddenly approached cautiously and asked in a low voice, "Lord Panda, are you leaving?"

"Leave?" Panda opened his eyes, looked at the worried look on the old village chief's face, and asked in confusion, "Why should I leave?"

"But... the lord's order..."

"What does his order have to do with me?" Panda asked back, "He said his, I do mine, do I still need his approval?"

"But... the lord may send troops to expel you..."

"Come on! If he dares to send troops, there won't be only one knight to give orders today." Panda sneered, "A man speaks with his fist, and a warrior speaks with a sword. I don't force him to be a warrior, as long as he can dance his fists with him. I have played thirty or fifty rounds, I can give him this face and leave obediently."

The old village chief was stunned and shook his head again and again: "How could the lord come to fight with you! He can't beat you."

"Then there's no way." Panda Tan spreads his hands, "I am a priest who believes in the suffering god, and now you are threatened by the undead and need my protection. He does not prove that he has the courage and ability to protect you, I How can you leave with confidence?"

The old village chief suddenly showed a tangled color, with a dilemma on his face.

After a while, he finally made up his mind, a little nervous but looking forward to saying: "Then... I'll leave it to you, Lord!"

"Don't worry!" Looking at the "Protect the Villagers of Xiwa Village" task that appeared in the task panel, Panda smiled with satisfaction.

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