Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 111 - Auction ( 3 )

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The bidding price for the Alchemist's Random Items started at 400,000 Ains.

The price wasn't too high so many people decided to participate. This much wouldn't affect their budget for the final items anyway.




The increment of the price must be 10,000 Ains. However, there are truly several people here who couldn't wait that long as they decided to increase the price according to the limit of their budget.

It doesn't seem to be an intelligent move but it could scare away some people after all.

"900,000!" Fabrice joined the bidding again. He even looked at Myriam momentarily as if he wanted to see where she would block him again. Luckily, Myriam doesn't seem to be interested in the item.

Eve looked at the crowd and noticed that no one is already bidding. She felt shame that the item wouldn't sell well as she expected.

She thought it would reach a million or two after all.

Nevertheless, before she could end the auction, she heard another person bidding while raising the number on his table.

"1 million…"

Cyril said with a nonchalant tone of voice. He didn't shout but for some reason, his voice can be heard so easily.

"1.5 million!" Fabrice didn't even bother looking in Cyril's direction as he outbid him.

"Bring it on! 1.7 million!"

Of course, Cyril didn't expect to get the item so easily as he decided to bid higher than Fabrice's bid by 200,000…

"3 million!"

"3 million and 2 hundred thousand!"

This even last until it reached 4 million and finally, Fabrice shows some hesitance. He could probably spend 10 million for this but would it be worth it?

Only he knows.

This is why after it reached 4.6 million, he decided to just give it to the handsome man.

"Hmph! I'll find out who you are."

Fabrice then signaled to one of his men to find out everything about Cyril.

"Yes, boss! Just give me a few minutes and I'll even know what time he goes to the bathroom every morning!"

The bodyguard answered without any hesitation before leaving his post.

Though Cyril wasn't truly his enemy, he didn't like how he didn't give him the respect that he deserves.

"If you have no outstanding background. I guess that's normal, I will be the one teaching you a lesson…" Fabrice muttered as he finally got a better mood.

Now, he just has to wait for his bodyguard and bid for the item that he wanted to take here.

"Cyril, you did it!" Bonnie celebrated as they finally managed to purchase something here. They are no longer just observers of this event.

"Yeah… I'm sure that it will help you a lot." Cyril replied with a smile.

Bonnie was happy to hear this but she was actually curious as well. After all, the texts written on the scrolls were basically unreadable since it doesn't contain any human language.

Aside from that, the Stone Tablet's use might not even be that impressive. After all, the Meddus Paramount must've studied it already. Since they are selling it for a cheap price, it means that whatever knowledge or techniques it contains may not be that impressive as everyone thought.

"The next item is here! A top-grade Insight Pill! It is said that consuming this pill will allow you to easily master any techniques whether they are martial arts, potion-making, array studies, runesmithing, and all other arts! We have a total of three pills here! We will sell them one by one!"

Eve announced and as expected, all the rich people who have been silent for a while now started perking up. It means that this is the item that they have been looking for!

"Insight Pill… It should be a Grade 4 or 5 pill…"

Cyril muttered after hearing Eve's description of the pill.

In his previous life, he never had a chance to even have a glimpse of such a pill. This thing is very expensive after all.

'Well, it's not like I needed it…' Cyril thought but he looked at Bonnie. Although the Stone Tablet may give her Alchemist Abilities, mastering them is a different story.

The Insight Pill might be able to help her to easily learn this ability… Even if not, it would certainly help her in her concoctions in the future.

Cyril wanted to bid on the item since there will be three of these pills in the first place.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated the people who have been waiting for this pill!

The first pill was sold for 23 million!

The price increase didn't even end there as the second pill was sold for 27.5 million!

Cyril realized that these rich people are truly crazy! The pill wouldn't even guarantee that the person would really learn whatever he was trying to learn. The pill can only increase the chances!

"Just how desperate are these guys? Though the insight pill is really good, it's just a pill that gives inspiration to the person… Am I missing something?"

Cyril started pondering as it shouldn't be sold at such a scary price!

However, this might just be some kind of thing between the rich people…

'I guess, we'll just watch them for now. There's no way I'd spend that much for these items.'

Cyril sighed as even though he has a lot of savings with him, he knows that they can be spent so easily since his requirements as S-Rank Awakened can be very demanding later on.

'It's not like I could always find a business tycoon who is willing to give his entire fortune for my potion…' Cyril mused as he knows that the cases of his first few customers were special.

They have someone important with "incurable ill' and they are also very rich and willing to spend so much money. These people weren't easy to find so it only means that his potions can only be sold slowly in the black market…

As he thought of this, he realized that the third pill has already reached 40 million!

"So high?!"

Thanks to Eve's several speeches, the crowd has been made aware of how rare this Insight Pill was. It can't even be concocted by any humans as of the moment.

Because of this, the allure of the last pill reached a tremendous height until it was sold to a middle-aged man who appears to be a representative of someone with high status.

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