Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 15 - Workout

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A week had passed after Cyril returned to the past.

He still lives with his aunt and waiting for the day of his Awakening. He wanted to share the expenses in the house but the generous lady was not allowing him to.

She keeps saying that she's earning enough money at the flower shop and even explained that the pension she's receiving from the government was just going to her savings and was barely touched.

As far as he knows, she should be receiving about 18,000 Ains monthly for that. Since about five years had passed, it means that his aunt had probably saved a lot of money.

At the moment, Cyril is watering the watercrest plants that have arrived two days after his Aunt made a deal…

'Hmm… Am I actually good at this? They're growing really well.' Cyril pondered after observing the healthy growing plants.

They previously have 90 pots of flowers but because of the pre-orders made by his aunt's clients, only 55 were left.

These remaining plants would not be for sale as Cyril plans to take advantage of his knowledge about the lesser healing potion it could make with the right ingredients.

Of course, he had already asked Xagan if he could make a potion out of nothing, but the answer is no.

Apparently, he could not create things magically… To produce the healing potion, he would have to either steal it or at least acquire the materials to create the potion.

Obviously, there is also the other option to heal the target directly instead of creating the healing potion.

Nevertheless, Cyril managed to get the complete recipe from Xagan for only 20 days of his life span. It was quite cheap since he already knows the main ingredient and a couple of supplementary ingredients in the recipe.

Xagan just has to fill in the missing information of the recipe that he learned from who knows where.

Of course, the other ingredients were also items found in the Arcane World. They were items that are already in the possession of many people after the government deemed them as harmless things.

He just needs to purchase them and create the potion by himself.

"Cy… Are you going to the Martial Arts Hall again?"

"Yes, Aunt… I'm about to finish watering them."

"Alright. I'll be going out as well. I'll leave the keys here." His aunt said before placing the key under the pot of a cosmos flower.

There's zero crime rate in this town so they didn't really have to worry about leaving the house.

'Ahh… It's that date today…' Cyril recalled that today, the 4th of August, is the death anniversary of his aunt's late husband.

He only recalled after seeing his aunt Bonnie wear a pure white dress and brought lilies with her.

After saying their goodbyes, Bonnie left to visit the cemetery while Cyril finished watering the plants before going to the gym.

His current body is not in a good shape for combat. Though he knows several martial arts and he can also wield various weapons, his body may not be able to keep up if he retrained them.

He needs to be fit in order to do that.

Though he doesn't have plenty of time, a month of workouts will still improve his body significantly.

Apparently, he's planning to immediately find a Crystal and enter an Arcane World once he completed his Awakening

He can no longer waste his time at that time.

'I'll get all the necessary ingredients in another week. Then, I can concoct the potion according to the steps I got from Xagan. Hmm… The problem is the price.'

Cyril doesn't know how much he would sell the potion if he ever made one. After all, there is no other potion he could compare it with at the moment.

Anyway, after thinking for a moment, he decided to just find someone who needed that potion and allow him to set the price and he'll go from there.

Since it is only a lesser healing potion, it can not cure terminal illnesses and could only suppress it at most.

'Still, that potion can still heal someone with third-degree burn… I can earn a lot of money from them.' Cyril thought as he was recalling the prices of the Artifacts.

He needs to earn enough money to buy the Artifacts that can help him explore an Arcane World.

After all, being Awakened will only improve the physical and spiritual qualities of the human body. Depending on the quality of the body's Awakening, the person will be able to wield different ranks of Artifacts.

An F-Rank Awakened can wield the lowest rank F Artifacts while E-Rank Awakened can wield both rank F and E Artifacts.

It was similar to a higher level of Awakening where they can wield any lower rank artifacts but will be rejected by a higher rank.

"Cy… Someone's looking for you."

As soon as he arrived at the gym, he was called by the instructor.

'Who will look for me here?' Cyril was confused as he glanced in the direction where the fitness instructor was pointing.

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