Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 153 - Corrupted

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"I'll try…" Magenta replied.

Anyone can tell that the huge guardian is difficult to deal with after all. Even if Magenta is a Demoness, she's still at the lowest rank.

On the other hand, the Snake Guardian here appears to be at the peak of power!

This creature is definitely the strongest Magical Beast he had ever faced.

The cat beside Cyril suddenly burst with dark energy. The poison gas also dissipated during the process.

The Guardian didn't bother to dodge at all as it relied upon its natural defense to deflect the Dark Energy.


Cyril watched the huge snake struggle as it cried in pain…

The ground shook wildly as its tail and heads continuously slammed on the ground. Unfortunately, it only lasted for about 10 seconds before it completely disappeared!

"You'll pay for this!"

The Guardian was furious seeing the small human and cat dealing painful injuries to its body. It had never experienced something like that before!

Soon, its eyes glowed red as it stared at Cyril…

A huge pressure suddenly covered his body and he knows that he can't stay like this.

The young man knows something was up as he quickly dodged its line of sight.

He activated his Elven Boot's Haste to move away and pulled up one of his Giant Wraith Swords…


His previous location was hit by something invisible. It appears to be some kind of invisible laser beam seeing how the ground was burnt.

Wailing Slash!

A wave of deafening slash was released from the sword… The Guardian Snake, however, didn't mind it at all!

"How tough!"

Cyril no longer hesitated and used the Wraiths Summon!

Wraiths Release!

Gigigi! Gigigi!

Soon, a dozen of Elven Wraiths and over 20 Iron-Clawed Bear Wraiths appeared!

"Lucky!" Cyril exclaimed after seeing such a good set of wraiths fighting for him.

He doesn't have an idea what kind or how many wraiths are inside the swords after all. Only the Giant Wraiths, or its previous wielder, knows what kind of strong creatures they killed.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The scales of the Three-Headed Snake were tough as always… It did manage to destroy almost half of the Wraiths in a few moments.

However, Cyril wasn't disheartened at all. He expected this to happen!

He allowed it to continue as he readied his Goblin Musket. Well, this is a low-rank Artifact but if used correctly, it would surely deal a promising blow to his enemies!


The final Elven Wraith dissipated after being bitten by the Guardian Snake. This creature is extremely strong!

"That's should be enough…" Cyril muttered as he pulled the trigger of his goblin musket.


It perfectly hit the head of the Snake's left-most head. The Snake was already getting tired as well so it wasn't able to dodge.

The bullet didn't seem to injure the snake at all.

However, after waiting for five seconds, its scales started cracking!

Crack! Crack! Crack!


The scales had received numerous damage now. From the Goblin Grenades, Magenta's Demonic Energy, the Wraiths, and finally, his Musket Ball that is wrapped with his S-Rank Awakened Aura!

No matter how tough it was, there should still be a limit. As long as he didn't give it time to recuperate, he knows that this tactic will be successful…

'Hmph… Although I've never participated in hunting powerful creatures, I've seen how high-ranked Awakened kill stronger and larger targets.'

Cyril mused as he recalled all the videos he had seen in his previous life.

It's not like he's only reading blogs… There are times that he had watched multiple Beast Hunting videos as it is recommended online.

Thanks to him being curious, he learned how the Awakened really fight at a higher level.

Awakened like them didn't have much change on their bodies after all aside from controlling their Aura and giving them a chance to wield Artifacts.

Because of this, not many Awakened would risk fighting in close combat, unless it's just a low-class Arcane World or you truly believe the power of the Artifacts you have to protect you.

Bang! Bang!

Cyril shot the other two heads as well using preloaded Muskets from his Storage Space.

From these three shots, Cyril poured a lot of S-Rank Aura on it to ensure that it will have enough penetrating force.

Crack! Crack!

Most of the scales of the Snake Guardian finally shattered into pieces. It consumed a quarter of his Aura reserves though. He needed some rest if he wanted to be in his full power.

"Magenta, can you try now?!"

"Alright, Master!"

Magenta answered as she activated her corruption again. A while ago, she suffered a backlash after the Guardian Snake resisted her power.

It took her some time to regain her strength but luckily, the timing for her recovery was still good as Cyril dealt a serious blow to the beast.

She can now cast the same Corruption Magic.

Soon, the Snake Guardian was covered again with the Black Energy. This time, it was thicker and larger than the previous one.


The beast struggled as it continued resisting the forceful corruption.

At this time, Cyril also noticed that several Snake Clan's soldiers are surrounding them. They all came from the tower and are equipped with their swords and shields.

Realizing that the Snake Guardian is in trouble, they immediately target Cyril and his mysterious black cat.


"Protect the Guardian!"

The Snake people started charging at them while the Guardian was still resisting against the corruption magic.


Cyril held his Giant Wraith Sword ready to clash with the group of enemies. Since he already used up the Wraiths trapped inside the sword, it would be better to fill them up again with the souls of these beastmen.

Clang! Clang!

Wailing Slash!

Thanks to the sword's ability, it became a lot easier for Cyril to cut off their heads. The Wailing Slash would stun the Snake People in front of him allowing him to deal a finishing blow swiftly.

"Magenta! Is it not over yet?!"

Cyril had no issues fighting against the group of Snake people, however, there are about 50 of them here and he would still be exhausted if he had to fight them all at once.

"It's almost done, Master. I just need a few more seconds."

"That's good. Order it to deal with the Snake people once you corrupted that thing."

Just like what Magenta said, the corruption was completed just after 30 more seconds!

Finally, Magenta now had a strong corrupted being!

"Kukuku! I did it! Master!"

Magenta couldn't help but laugh as she ordered the Snake Guardian to deal with all the Beastmen trying to kill Cyril.

Bang! Bang!

The three-headed snake smashed the ground and the nearby Snake people.

"No! Help!"

"The Snake Guardian has gone crazy!"


"We need to tell this to the king!"

The soldiers started to panic as soon as the Snake Guardian started attacking them. If they didn't send all their strong soldiers to the volcano, perhaps they would have enough forces here to deal with the Guardian.

However, because of the war, they had to send out most of their forces outside the city to contest the Ancient Artifact.

"Alright! Magenta, continue assaulting them. Let's clean this up."

"Yes, Master."

With the help of the Snake Guardian, it became a lot easier for Cyril to deal with the Snake people. He easily chased the fleeing soldiers by activating the Haste Ability of his Elven Boots.

'Ugh… It's a bit tough using Haste continuously.' Cyril complained after his repeated use of the ability.

He knows that its durability may reduce by a lot by doing this but he had no other choice since this is his only movement ability right now.

Anyway, the Haste Ability could not boost the user's senses. It can only help with the user's movement speed making it difficult to fight while it's active.

Nevertheless, it only took them about half an hour to kill the remaining soldiers of the Snake Clan. It also filled up Cyril's Giant Wraith Sword with dozens of souls!

"Let's not stay here any longer. Magenta, increase your corruption rate. Release the prisoners. We'll directly go to that volcano and join in the fun…"

"Kuku… Finally, I'll show you the real power of a Corruptor, Master."

Magenta chuckled as she ordered the Corrupted Prisoners to come out!


After a few hours, about 20 kilometers away from the Snake Clan's city, six groups of beastmen are watching the changes happening on an active volcano.

It has been rumbling for a few hours now indicating that it is about to erupt. However, none of them are worried at all.

They aren't even trying to get away from it.

"It's starting… It should appear any moment by now." One of the snake people wearing a golden crown assessed the situation.

He was about to order his people to get ready when one of his soldiers came running at him.

"King Theramas, I have bad news. Our City was attacked while we are here waiting for the Ancient Artifact!"

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