Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 166 - Nine Crows Guild ( 3 )

Cyril was satisfied with the result of his experiment.

The guild revealed that they do possess a total of two Rank-S Artifacts! Luckily, he didn't act recklessly and relied on his Artifact to storm the building.

Apparently, when he started his attack using his Domain, he knows that the Nine Crows of the guild could've acted immediately and dealt with the issue.

However, they remained patient throughout the whole time and allowed their members to suffer and their arrays to be destroyed.

'They really waited for the right time to act. It was as if they're expecting someone to infiltrate them using this kind of method.'

Cyril muttered after recalling what happened just a while ago.

He was impressed by how patient the Nine Crows are.

They did not make a move until the last moment when his domain was about to touch their treasures. Three of them defended the Treasure Vault while another three worked together to destroy his Domain. As for the last three, they actually came out of the building to monitor the surroundings as they tried looking for him.

Luckily, he already has an escape route so no one managed to see him acting suspiciously near the Nine Crow Guild's headquarters.

"Well, they truly left the fifth floor where the high-class Arcane Worlds are located. I guess they're thinking that it's completely safe, huh."

Cyril muttered.

His attack on the third floor's Treasure Vault where various high-ranking Artifacts are located is just a diversion. He didn't really want to steal anything in that place.

What he aimed was their battle plans in case of this situation. Of course, they might change a lot of things within their guild after this sudden attack but it didn't matter since he knows that they won't change the location of the Entrance Crystals because it would be too risky.

They wouldn't take their chances of taking them out of their safe room.

Cyril looked at the time and noticed that it was only six in the evening. The defenses of the guild would surely be all-time high after this incident but with his plan, he should be alright.

'I need to take a rest and replenish my Aura… I will finish this later!'

Cyril clenched his fist as he entered a hotel where he already made his reservations. He's planning to stay here until three in the morning!

That's right, he will act at that time and surprise them again with his infiltration!


In the meantime, Cyril was unaware that Asta's group has been aware of almost everything that has occurred within the Nine Crows Guild.

"Someone's helping us?" Melza muttered as he looked at their leader.

Asta only shook her head as there was no way that their operation for tonight was leaked. Even if some people know their presence here in the city, they shouldn't be aware that they are targeting one of the top three guilds in the country!

It is such an absurd plan after all.

However, it seems that someone beat them into it and forced the Nine Crows to act and reveal two of their Rank-S Artifacts.

Geryu didn't speak as he continued driving the black sedan they're currently in.

"Anyway, it's not important. We at least learned that they possess Rank-S Artifacts. Perhaps, they didn't even reveal all of them."

Asta muttered as she helplessly sighed. Even their Silent Crawler Guild only has two Rank-S Artifacts at the moment and they are already considered the strongest guild in the nation.

However, the top three guilds here in Traoland Archipelago were probably stronger than their guild.

"Well, they might have more Rank-S Artifacts but it doesn't mean that they have S-Rank Awakened that could wield them as well. Perhaps they only have two S-Rank Awakened in their guild after all."

Melza suggested.

From the Nine Crows, they are aware that five of them are A-Rank Awakened and the other four are unknown. It was only until today that they learned that two of this four are S-Rank Awakened.

As for the other two, they are most likely A-Rank Awakened considering how they failed to catch the culprit of this incident.

"Whatever, we just have to gather evidence that they are involved in human trafficking and we can let the International Awakened Union handle this."

Asta sighed as she really didn't want to accept this mission. However, since she was the only free S-Rank Awakened at the time, the government had no other choice but to give the mission to her.

'Ugh~ I shouldn't have revealed that I'm an S-Rank Awakened! I could've lived a leisurely life if they were only thinking of me as B-Rank or A-Rank…'

Asta complained to her past self for being so excited after learning that her Aura passed all the qualifications to be considered an S-Rank.

She decided to boast about it and take her license immediately as soon as she managed to control her Aura.

Because of that, almost all her movements are being closely watched by the Association.

She decided to join the Silent Crawler Guild because she wanted some privacy as well which the guild leader promised to her.

However, in the end, the guild still has to accept high-level missions that even their government was unable to complete.

'Sigh~ I wonder what happened to that Shroud… an S-Rank Awakened that no one recognizes. We already asked the other nations and even our spies in various guilds but no one really knows that guy… How mysterious. Perhaps he's living freely than I am.'

Asta thought to herself as she waited for the time to pass. Tonight, they have to wait for their spy to make a full report to truly understand what happened inside the guild's building and not just based on their senses.

Without this report, they would have to wait and just observe the guild's movement from the outside.


Ring! Ring!

It's already three in the morning and Cyril's alarm set off.

Cyril opened his eyes immediately since he only lightly slept. After turning off his alarm, he started wearing all his equipment and checked his Artifacts.

Most of them have their durability reduced by a huge chunk. At this point, even the Old Crafter doesn't have the guarantee that he could repair a Rank-B or Rank-A Artifact to the fullest.

At most, he can repair 20 to 30%. If the Old Crafter forced himself, there might be a chance that he'll destroy the Artifacts instead of repairing them.

"The Giant Wraith Swords should still be fine for three more uses before they give in. I shouldn't use them carelessly this time. I'll rely on the Conqueror Staff and other expendable Rank-B or lower rank Artifacts."

Cyril muttered after completely checking his Artifacts.

Finally, he brought out his Identity Shroud Mask and assumed the appearance of the young and handsome Mitsuo.

Luckily, this Identity Shroud Mask has a lot of resistance against his S-Rank Aura so its durability is still commendable.

'Perhaps it because I used that Upgrade Stone to this Artifact?'

Cyril had a random thought after recalling how he used the mysterious copper-like object to upgrade the rank of this supposedly Rank-C Artifact.

Anyway, Cyril didn't think too much of this as he used his Traceless Scarf's ability to leave the hotel quietly.

After a few minutes, Cyril is now standing in front of the Nine Crow Guild's headquarters.

'Hmm… ten guards outside. As for the third floor, they sent a lot of people there as expected. That's good.'

Cyril wasn't using an Artifact when he sensed their presence. He just sent out his Aura to his surroundings to sense the presence of other Awakened Aura.

He easily did this because the Nine Crows Guild's Defensive Arrays were still not being repaired.

Even if they have one, it seems that they aren't for blocking senses or scouting scans inside the building.

After confirming everything, Cyril held his Conqueror Staff and activated his Conqueror's Domain without any hesitation!


A huge pressure immediately bore down to every individual within the scope of the domain!


"Ugh! You didn't even want us to have a rest! Darn it!"

"Hmph! The Nine Crows have prepared this time…"

"That's true! Let's wait for them to fight it out. D-Ranks like us are just cannon fodder in this battle."

"Tsk. I hope I get a pay raise here."

The guards immediately felt uncomfortable as they kneeled on the ground. They could probably force themselves to stand up if they gave it all but they just don't find it necessary since they know that they aren't a match to this intruder with their current set of Artifacts.

As a matter of fact, they are D-Rank Awakened with Rank-C Artifacts! With such pitiful Artifacts, what could they do in front of an Awakened that could trouble even the nine powerful crows of their guild?

They could only wait for their higher-ups to deal with this problem. The guards outside decided to look at the building and sure enough, they started seeing signs of battle on the third floor… and the fifth floor!

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