Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 184 - Spirit's Reward

The Ice and Wind Spirits both have cute female voices. If Cyril would guess, they seem to be around 10 years old if he'll only base it on that.

However, considering that they have accompanied the Lich here for a long time, they should be a hundred if not thousands of years old.

"What are your plans now?" Cyril asked while he walked towards his group.

He distributed the Escape Crystals and wanted them to get out of this place. Well, not that it matters since after killing Gyqul, they suddenly felt their connection to the Entrance Crystal. They can just take the Escape Crystal and have it exchanged to the Association for money or something.

"Hmm… If you can break the Crown for us… We'll be grateful and give you something in return. We don't want to be trapped here after all."

After hearing this, Cyril nodded and looked at the others.

"You guys can leave first. Just tell them that I'm still settling something here. Right, you can also collect the Artifacts of the Death Knights you killed." Cyril said before they could leave. They seemed to be hurrying to get Arvid healed after all.

"Alright, I'll stay here for a bit and collect them. I'll be returning shortly, Lia." Eron said as he let Melody and Evalia take care of Arvid and the corpses of the others.

Eron only spent eight minutes or so before he collected all valuable items that can probably pass through the void and left Cyril who was still chatting with the Spirits.

Apparently, Cyril learned that Gyqul contracted these two Spirits while he was still a reputed High Elf. They were bound to his soul and couldn't disobey their orders unless the soul has dissipated.

He also learned that there were previously Mid-Level Fire and Wood Elemental Spirits living in the crown with them but they, unfortunately, perished after they have decided to go against the Lich forcefully.

Because the Wind and Ice Elemental Spirits were only Low-Level, they do not have the capacity to rebel at all, so they remained as slaves of the Elven Lich.

"I see… I know that Elemental Spirits are honest creatures so I'll help you."

Cyril said. Aside from that, he already used 1 day of his life to confirm that these Spirits wouldn't harm him intentionally. With this in mind, he decided to help them to destroy the Crown trapping them.

Though they no longer have to follow Gyqul's words, they are still unable to do much unless their bindings on the crown were dealt with...

Bam! Bam! Bam!

After a while, the room was filled with a banging sound as Cyril started smashing the crown with his hardest item, his Conqueror Staffs.

The two spirits said that breaking the whole crown including the jewels on it would do the trick to free them.

Unfortunately, the Crown is most like an A-Rank Artifact and though Cyril is confident that he can break it, it would still take quite some time.

"Haa~ Finally…"

After spending over ten minutes on it, Cyril finally shattered the crown into many pieces.

Soon, a cloud of smoke appeared from it carrying some deathly aura before it vanished completely!


"We're free!"

Cyril saw the Spirits finally forming a better appearance. Previously, they were just small human-like figures without any features except for their beautiful eyes. However, this time, they now have beautiful long hair and their appearance became a bit larger. They became more ethereal and their aura had completely changed.

"Congratulations, Elemental Spirits."

Cyril said with utmost sincerity. He couldn't imagine what kind of agony they've felt after becoming a slave of that Lich after all.

"Thank you, Cyril… We are now planning to return to the Spirit World… But before that, please accept our reward. I hope you can continue helping other Spirits in case you encountered them as slaves."

"That's right… I'm sure you'll be rewarded by them."

As soon as they said this, they held their hands together as if they are praying. Suddenly, Cyril was covered by a brilliant light.

It lasted for ten whole seconds before vanishing like nothing happened.

"Guh… That was a bit exhausting…"

"Yeah. We're only low-level Spirits after all."

The two said with an exhausted voice.

However, Cyril didn't feel anything at all so he was confused. He looked at his body but he couldn't find any changes at all.

"Uhmm… I'm sorry to interrupt. I know you're exhausted but may I know if the blessing or reward was successfully given to me?"

Cyril asked politely.

"Huh? Of course! We fixed your left eye!"

"Kekeke, this time, call it Elemental Eye!"

The two Spirits said at the same time which made Cyril gape in surprise. That's right! His left eye was indeed fine!

"Elemental Eye? What do you mean?" Cyril had never heard about this eye even in his previous life.

However, after thinking for a moment, he heard about a couple of mysterious eyes that some S-Rank Awakened managed to acquire through an incredible journey that almost lead to their deaths. They are the Evil Eye and the Truth Eye. Nothing much is known about them aside from a few superficial things they decided to announce to the public.

Cyril then looked at the two Elemental Spirits but he really couldn't find any changes at all.

"Well, it will help you a lot. I'm sure of it. Just explore it on your own."

"Right, just discover it yourself. It will be fun that way. You'll also appreciate it even more. Anyway, we want to return to the Spirit World already~"

The two seemed to be in a hurry as they just let Cyril think for it himself.

He could only wryly smile since he can't really force them.

"Alright… It doesn't seem to be dangerous anyway. Thank you for fixing my eye." Cyril said because indeed, even without it being an Elemental Eye, his eye is now functioning correctly and the little bit of scar that was left has also been healed by the Elemental Spirits.

Cyril has never imagined that his Arcane Exploration for today would bring him such a benefit. He thought that he would get his eyes fixed once he managed to get a genuine high-grade healing potion after all.

"No worries! I hope you can visit the Spirit World someday." The Ice Spirit said with enthusiasm.

However, the Wind Spirit is different.

"Err… We're not even sure if the Spirit World is still the same. I'm sure that something has happened on that day. Anyway, I hope everything is fine."

They suddenly went silent after recalling something about the situation of the Spirit World. Cyril didn't want to pry too much about this but he also recalled something.

'Ahhh… That's right, even the Demon World was in shambles… Perhaps the Spirit World suffered the same fate?' Cyril mused as he felt that something was really going on in various worlds.

Nevertheless, as long as the world where the Tree of Life is located remains safe, he will be fine.

"Wait! Before you guys leave, do you know where Gyqul hid his treasury?" Cyril suddenly asked.

"No idea. Only Gyqul knows where it is located."

The Ice Spirit answered.

"Alright… Thank you."

Then, Cyril noticed that the two Spirits created some kind of portal and entered it without hesitation.

The Lich's Boss Room became quiet once more so Cyril has decided to leave after taking everything he could get from the Lich's body aside from the three Artifacts he received.

"I got a good haul today… However, this isn't my Arcane World, I need to pay for the taxes. Hmm..."

Melody and the others must've reported about the three Artifacts he received from the Lich. There is a high chance that they might take one of them as payment which he didn't really mind.

However, he made sure to put the Elemental Lich Staff, Lich Robe, and the Spatial Bag to his Dimensional Storage Space. That's right, the Lich has a pouch which he discovered as a Spatial Bag after further inspection.

"Hmm… I can't open it. Perhaps it's still sealed." Cyril said before throwing the bag into his Storage Space.

"Let's leave…" Cyril muttered as he connected his Aura to the Entrance Crystal in the human world.


As soon as he gets out, he was met by a couple of medical staff working at the Association and asked about his condition.

"I'm alright…"

"Please do not leave this room until we fully check your condition. This is a bit more comprehensive than a routine check but it's necessary." One of the medical staff said calmly.

The two of them are wearing hazmat suits so Cyril couldn't really identify them. Aside from that, they seem to be affected by some kind of Nature's Blessing as well.

"What's going on?" Cyril asked while carrying the Artifacts he retrieved. He was a bit confused but he suddenly noticed that Melody and the others are also being treated the same on the corner.

As for the corpses, they seem to have been brought somewhere else including Arvid who has the worse condition among them.

"We received a report that you encountered a Lich."

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