Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 37 - Dungeon

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Cyril closed his eyes and poured his Aura into the crystal.

As soon as he did this, he felt the exploding force coming from the creation of the entrance for the first time.

It was greatly suppressed by the restriction he made so he was the only one who managed to detect it.

'It's effective as I thought! Now, let me see what kind of Arcane World will you give me!'

Cyril felt that his body was sucked inside the space crack created by the crystal. As soon as he disappeared, the room became silent and everything returned to normal.

On the other hand, Cyril realized that he was in a dark place.

He couldn't tell whether it is just night or he's inside a dungeon… After a few moments, his eyes adjusted to the darkness and he also controlled his aura to enhance his vision.

There are actually small glowing stones around the cave walls giving a bit of light in this place.

Apparently, he appears to be inside a cave… The walls are wet and there's a foul smell coming from behind him. It was brought by the strong wind coming in that direction.

Then, he noticed that he has three paths he could choose from, the path where there is a foul smell, one that has trickling water on its walls, and finally, the one where he can feel the presence of magical beasts…

"A dungeon-type Arcane World, huh… It shouldn't be that bad…"

The young man observed the paths he could take as he did his best to find any traces of living beings who had used the path recently.

However, he couldn't find any traces of them.

Because of this, he couldn't identify what kind of creatures are inside this dungeon. Nevertheless, since this is just a low-class Arcane World, he felt that he should be worrying that much.

'Hmm… These glowing stones can be taken outside if I'm not mistaken. I should try taking it later.'

Going out of the Arcane World is actually easier than entering them…

He just needs to connect to the aura he poured on the Entrance Crystal. That's right, after entering the Arcane World, there would be a mysterious connection between you and the purple crystal in the real world.

Though some other places in the Arcane World can stop them from leaving immediately, this wouldn't normally happen in a low-class like this.

'Alright… Let's meet the Magical Beasts here…'

Cyril thought as he walked in the path where he could subtly feel the presence of the beasts.

He's not here to safely investigate this place but to hunt creatures and find Artifacts that can help him get stronger or richer to increase his chance of finding the Tree of Life.

He slowly followed the path and perhaps after reaching walking for about five whole minutes, he started hearing the sound of steels and stones colliding.

Apparently, there seems to be a group of miners ahead. The sound is greatly suppressed as it seems that they've used some kind of magic to lessen the vibration and noise.

'Are they being careful to avoid destroying the cave?' Cyril mused as he first thought that this dungeon appears to be very sturdy.

If it wasn't about that, they were probably trying to avoid any attraction from another creature living inside this cave.


It didn't take long before Cyril arrived at the cavern filled with glowing stones…

He can finally see that he's actually dealing with red-skinned goblins or also known as Cursed-Goblins this time. They are known for their obsession with sparkling things like gemstones and others.

He quickly held his dagger with him and observed the group while he hasn't been noticed yet.

There are only twelve of them here so he knows that he can deal with them at any time.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The goblins continued their mining and were unaware of his presence. However, one of them started sniffing on something.

Cyril knows that the goblins have a good sense of smell and her odor was just perhaps covered by the dusty smell of the cavern.

However, now that he has gotten near, the goblins started noticing his human smell.

Gaaah! Gruu!

They seem to be communicating with each other so Cyril decided to make his move.

He pounced towards one of the goblins who had just stopping smashing stones with his pickaxe.


He quickly just the head of the small red goblin! He was unable to even cry for help as his body dropped to the ground.

This action completely gave away his location and soon, he was faced with angry and ugly goblins.

Some of them continued carrying their pickaxe while the others quickly held their main weapons.

Most of their weapons are swords or sharp blades made of exquisite stone.

This is something that he had never seen being sold to the Awakened Marketplace online at all!

This piqued his interest as he decided to avoid destroying their swords.


Cyril shouted as if to signal the start of their battle.

Because of the small frames of the goblins, Cyril can easily calculate the trajectory of their weapons. The only concern is about his quick movement.

This is why he had mastered his Pencak Silat!

Ssak! Ssak!

The goblins tried to cut him with their blades but he uses his feet and arms to hit the blunt parts of their weapon to change the direction of their weapons.

He would then counterattack with his dagger to deal a killing blow to the small goblins.

'Heh~ It's easier than I thought…'

In truth, he shouldn't be able to easily cut their skins if he's only at F-Rank… After all, their skins were still covered with the magical aura that protects them from any harm.

However, his thick S-Rank Aura was so powerful that it looks like he's fighting against normal creatures…


He suddenly felt a slight nudge behind him and he soon noticed that one goblin was actually carrying a magical orb…

Its magic is called a sand spear as it tried to piece his body but only met a thick Aura Protection…

"Oh… So I can do that…"

Cyril chuckled as he finally realized how different his Aura is… He had now realized why S-Rank Awakened is sought after by all the powerful guilds in the real world.

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