Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 40 - Red Goblins

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"Hey… I know you're still alive, listen to me…" Cyril called the goblin chief.

Though it looks like his punch was powerful, he only used a pushing force on that strike instead of penetrative force…

With the goblin chief's tough body, he shouldn't have any problems surviving from that strike.

"Ugh! That hurts! I will kill you!"

The chief didn't seem to hear him talking as he stood up quickly… As expected, he didn't take too much damage from that strike and only received some scratches mostly caused by the stone wall where he hit…

"Are you really not going to listen?!" Cyril increased the volume of his voice as he walked slowly in his opponent's direction.

"What?! You can speak our language?! Are you a fellow goblin? Are you using an illusion?!"

"What are you talking about? I'm a human!" Cyril couldn't help but be amused at the goblin's reaction.

"A human? I've never seen any human who can understand us. What do you want?"

"I'm here to take all the valuable things I can find in this dungeon. But it's difficult to do this alone since this place seems to be quite larger than what I thought. So I want you to serve me… I heard that it's possible."

"Serve you?! In your dreams! Everyone! Attack this goblin disguising as a human?!"

Graah! Grahhh!

Finally, the smaller red goblins who were all ready to fight with their weapons charged at him…

"Well, I guess it won't be that easy, huh… Alright, I'll leave 10 or so goblins alive." Cyril smiled as he pulled out another two daggers he kept from the bag.

During the brief moment of their conversation, Cyril had already seen several interesting weapons and dwellings within the cavern. There is even one room he suspected where the goblin smith is.

Cyril didn't hesitate to kill the goblins using his impressive Ancient Martial Art called Pencak Silat…

Cutting their throats, stabbing their eyes, kicking them with all his might, and even smashing them with his fist… His martial art that only aims to kill their target was truly effective in this Arcane World compared to other Ancient Martial Arts that many other Awakened have been practicing.

Ssak! Ssak!


Some lucky goblins were able to cry in pain as they backed away from Cyril.

The goblin chief who had seen the man fight felt that something was wrong. Their opponent was too strong!

It doesn't matter whether they use hidden weapons, magic, or even sacrificial attack, the man wouldn't budge as if he has invisible armor!

He was too strong!

"Stop!" The goblin chief shouted. However, Cyril didn't mind him and continued his massacre.

"I said stop!"

Finally, the huge goblin uses the magic that was hidden in his bone weapons, the bone claw turned green as if it was covered with poison!


Cyril decided to block the weapon with his dagger but it was a mistake.

Crack… Crack… Crack…

It started with a small crack but it was soon followed by the whole thing shattering in his hands!

Cyril decided to back away for a bit, he wasn't planning to retreat but to gain momentum! He formed his fist and dealt another heavy strike to the goblin chief's face.


The goblin was prepared this time and used his right arm with a bone gauntlet to catch his strike.

But as Cyril hit the Bone Gauntlet, it created a powerful impact disturbing the whole cavern… They can even feel the vibrations created by the strike.


'You really think you can defend on my strike!' Cyril had seen the gauntlet blocking his attack so he actually increased the intensity of the S-Rank Aura in his fist…

Because of this, the result of the attack wasn't surprising. It almost shattered the bone gauntlet of the chief as he was thrown away by about five steps.

'That bone… It's tougher than I expected. I wonder what kind of beast was that before.' Cyril praised the toughness of the weapon.

The base of the bone gauntlet in the goblin's right hand has similarities to an alligator's skull so it gave him an idea that some kind of lizard or reptile species must also be inside this dungeon.

Cyril then looked at the goblins that were left… He easily counted them with his sight since there are only thirteen of them that are still alive except for the Goblin Chief…

"You… Why are you here?! What do you want from us?!"

The Goblin Chief shouted as he took his attention.

"I need you to serve me… I'm not sure how it works but I heard someone has managed to get a goblin tribe chief's loyalty. Tell me, how it works." Cyril asked recalling a blog that he read before. This is listed in the things he could recall from his past life.

"What? You're really asking that to me?" The Goblin Chief asked in confusion.

"Yes, because I will have to kill all of you if I can't use your tribe." Cyril coldly replied.

"Y-you evil human!"

Cyril had already forgotten how many goblins he killed in his past life but he knows that it is not a small number considering how he can only enter a low-class Arcane World for a whole decade.

Most creatures in this low-class were only goblins, weak undead or zombies, evolved wolves, elemental salamanders, kobold, and some other weaker creatures.

Nevertheless, Cyril also noticed one thing from the goblin's words… "Evil Human."

'Interesting… He knows about humans. Is there a human settlement nearby? Hmm… That's not impossible but it is incredibly rare. Wait, perhaps someone has already used this Crystal but didn't manage to get out?'

Cyril mused but this is not important right now. He first needs to establish his authority. He would later ask all his questions once this is done.

"I… I don't mind serving a lord that will protect us… I'm Gaarm the Red Blood Goblin Tribe Chief! Since you can speak and understand us and you have proven that you're stronger than us. Then we will do our best to serve you. Please, become our lord!"

The Goblin Chief shamelessly announced his loyalty as the other goblins prostrated in front of Cyril. It was quite easier than he thought, it seems that learning their language is the best way to have a different species serve you.

Cyril then smiled as he felt satisfied with their action.

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