Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 49 - Search ( 2 )

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The Ascension Tower was made fifteen years ago to gather all the Arcane Explorers within the country and make it a hub for them.

This is a place where trading with fellow explorers can be made with the highest security protocol. There are also rooms you can rent and some even smaller guilds are using a floor of the tower as their base and have their Entrance Crystal installed here.

It is quite expensive but the security can be considered to be the best anyway…

There are recreational areas or even training facilities here that can be rented aside from the numerous stores.

As soon as Cyril entered the lowest floor of the tower, he was scanned by some kind of appraising Artifact to confirm that he has a trace of Awakened Aura in his body…

It is an expensive Artifact and as far as he knows, this is something that only the Elves possess. In short, they are not just expensive but also very limited in numbers.

Cyril then glanced at the shops located near the front entrance of the Tower.

"Otherworldly Spriggan Artifacts"

"Werewolves Arcane World Souvenir Shop"

"Water World Delicacies"

"Explorer's Lucky Charm"

"Mysterious Glowing Stone Lottery"

He briefly looked at the stores and it feels like he's inside a mall.

There were numerous people around that are window shopping and security guards in every corner.

Though there is a low chance of having a conflict here due to the severe consequence that is being implemented, there might still be some insane people that would dare to break the rules.

"Ugh… So expensive…"

Cyril looked at the shop called Water World Delicacies… Apparently, the shop owner has access to an Arcane World where she can farm exotic fishes that can be taken out to the real world.

He looked at the sign and confirmed that a single plate of meal would cost 5,000 Ains!

The price is too much considering that aside from having a unique taste, it wouldn't have any effects on their bodies at all! It was a daylight robbery!

Anyway, there must still be a lot of people trying it out just for the sake of experiencing something new.

Cyril continued looking around and found a lot of Artifacts Shop… In truth, most of the sellers in the online shop have physical stores here as well so it wasn't that surprising.

Compared to the Black Market or the Ascension City owned by the underworld organizations, the items being sold here were relatively safe to be used…

The items here have been proven and tested by the Artifacts Administration or even the Department of Arcane Trade and Industry.

These two organizations are government authorities that are basically responsible for taking care of the foreign things that are coming out of each Arcane World whether they are living things or not.

Anyway, they are still working together with the Awakened Association hand in hand since these two still require the power of the Association to monitor all the Arcane World being discovered.

"Well… Those that didn't pass the requirements would either be destroyed to avoid harming the lower-rank Awakened or get smuggled to the underworld organization…"

Cyril muttered as he continued looking around just in case there are some things that could catch his attention.

However, as he was walking around, he heard a commotion happening not too far from him.

It happened at the Mysterious Glowing Stone Lottery…

"Hmm…Did someone just get lucky?" Cyril muttered as he knows that particular shop. In his previous life, he tried testing his luck there and only wasted 10,000 Ains…

The stones that are being sold there were covered with mud or perhaps another layer of rock… What was inside were supposedly special stones from the Arcane World where it was taken.

It could be a fossil, precious stone, gem, worthless item like fangs or bones of a magical beast, or perhaps, even a hibernating insect can be found sometimes…

After all, the Artifact used to find these mysterious rocks can only detect that there is something inside them that is emitting a weak force of Magical Energy or perhaps even Life Force…

In short, purchasing them is a gamble.

At the very least, one can rest assured that it wouldn't contain dangerous things with the meager energy they possessed.

As he looks around, he saw a young lady jumping in joy as she hug the glowing yellow stone in her hands…

Though the stones can be opened in their homes, it seems that she decided to have the attendant of the store do it for her…

"Whoa~ Isn't that a poison detector stone? One of the precious items listed online?"

"That's right… I just checked on the Association's Website."

"Ugh~ So lucky! I wish I bought it a while ago."

"Che! That's just a marketing strategy! I'm sure they just hired that beautiful!"

"No way! Just look at the owner's face! It's full of regret! He sold a stone for 1,000 Ains and it could actually be sold for 2 or 3 million! He must have his stomach hurting now."

Cyril listened to the crowd and indeed, the owner doesn't seem to be expecting this as well.

Then, she saw the blond lady fixed her cap and tucking her stone in her bag before quickly running away. It seems that she has finally realized her situation.

'Poison detector stone?'

Cyril tried to recall the use of the stone.

It's indeed quite a precious stone since it could easily detect poison substances by changing its color to black… If they needed to test a portion of food or water, one just needs to drop some of it into the stone and the magical item will do the work.


Cyril noticed that six or so people silently followed the young lady outside the Tower. It's not difficult to guess that they are after the precious item…

Nevertheless, Cyril just chuckled at this. After all, she recognized that girl from the past!

That blond lady acting like a normal awakened shopping here is definitely Asta Bleuer! An S-Rank Awakened of the Silent Crawler Guild!

"Haa~ To think that I'll meet one of their elites here… This place sure is popular… Ugh… Let's leave it at that…" Cyril muttered as he continued looking around the shops.

He had decided just now that he needed to find a suitable secret weapon for his next adventures.

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