Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 54 - New Arcane Word ( 3 )

After discussing their deal, Cyril was brought to a secret room and confidently stood beside the four tall and muscular Awakened hired by Director Staub.

In truth, the director was a bit curious as to why Cyril could act so calm even though he's inside a lion's den.

The young man doesn't have an ally here or even a strong Artifact that could protect himself.

That's right, they already confirmed that Cyril is not possessing any Rank B much less a Rank A Artifact with him.

'Is our reputation as a good company that trustworthy?' Eduard thought as he waited for someone to bring out the Entrance Crystal…

It took them quite some time because he ordered someone to place several more arrays to protect the Crystal and avoid it getting stolen. It's not that he's thinking that Cyril will steal it but there might be someone using him as bait without his knowledge.

He could only be careful since he doesn't own the Entrance Crystal. It is the property of their company and he has to take care of it.


Cyril saw the Entrance Crystal being brought carefully by Director Staub's bodyguards. It is carefully sitting on top of a white pillow and covered by a spherical glass.

However, if one observed carefully, the spherical glass is actually a protection array! Since Cyril is sensitive with Aura, he was able to notice it after a moment of observation.

"Sir Cyril… As per our agreement, you will be with our four D-Rank Awakened and two C-Rank Awakened inside the Arcane World. Please do your best to peacefully negotiate with the Elves and we will also allow you to privately transact with them as long as it's within our terms."

"I understand. However, are you sure that they won't just mindlessly attack us there? I may not have a chance to even speak with those guys." Cyril asked.

"Oh, you're right… I forgot to mention something. The man behind me is Silver… He's our C-Rank Awakened and he'll bring an Escape Crystal in case this happened. However, based on our experience, the Elves wouldn't attack us as long as we don't enter their territory or hunt the beasts living in their forests."

Cyril looked at the man who was called Silver. He seemed young, about 25-27 years old based on his appearance.

He has a big build and is packed with muscles. It seems that he trained with some kind of crazy martial arts.

He nodded at Eduard after hearing his explanation. During their discussion, he learned the rough situation inside the Arcane World. Aside from the aloof Elves, only various magical beasts can be seen in the island or the Arcane World.

Aside from that, the company only managed to learn that they are facing Elves in the forest instead of ghosts because of the unknown characters carved in many things like swords, bows, tree trunks, and others.

They haven't faced the Elves personally at all!

Nevertheless, they know that they are dealing with cloaked individuals who can use swords, bows, and speak a foreign language.

'This might be tricky… However, I really need the clues from these Elves. If there's any race that could give me clue about the Tree of Life, it should be them!'

Cyril was determined to do whatever it costs to meet them. Anyway, he still has Xagan with him to save him in case they were truly in huge trouble.

"Very well… I wish for everyone's luck…" Eduard said as he gestured at Silver to start their Arcane Exploration.

"Yes, Sir Eduard."

The blond-haired man nodded as he placed his palm on the purple crystal. The Spherical Glass acted like it was not existing as the man's hand passed through it.

He was followed by the two D-Rank Awakened before Cyril copied their action…

Soon, the seven people were teleported inside the small Arcane World.

Unfortunately, the maximum limit of this Arcane World is only seven individuals.

As long as they are alive inside this place, no one could enter this world using the Entrance Crystal in Aeson Company. Of course, it is a different matter if one of them died here.

Cyril relaxed his body as he inhaled the salty air on the island.

They were transported to a ruined stone structure and looking at it closely, it appears similar to the Stonehenge he saw on the internet.

He continued observing the surroundings and about three hundred meters in front of them is a jungle or a mountain range. He can guess that it's the forest where the Elves are living.

He looked behind them and saw the noisy waves of the sea splashing on the rocks not too far from them…

They are actually on a cliff and they could see the endless water behind them.

"Eh? What's that?"

Cyril suddenly noticed something below them…

Silver looked in the direction where Cyril is pointing and realized why he got so excited. They had also investigated that place and looted whatever they could find.

"A large wooden boat… Though it's already beyond repair, it was made really well… We are not sure if this is made by the Elves or what's the story behind it. Hopefully, you can help us find answers."

Silver paused for a moment as he seemed to recall something.

"Right, that is also where we found several items like cups, plates, and weapons with unknown markings… However, since you mentioned that those markings are from the elves, it seems that their group was either transported to this island or they tried to make a boat and escape here but failed in the end." He added.

Cyril nodded at this as he curiously looked at the endless ocean. It is indeed quite interesting to explore what's beyond the horizon.

During his previous life, most of his Arcane Explorations are dangerous. Instead of Exploration, it is more like a survival game for him.

He had never considered exploring what was the extent of a single Arcane World. Well, that was understandable in his previous life since he has to earn money to satisfy his lover…

Cyril smiled wryly at himself as he allowed Silver to lead him to the forest.

For now, he can only hope that the Elves here wouldn't be so untrusting and violent.

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