Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 67 - Luck Item

"Lucky Charms were difficult to appraise, no one could really tell how effective it is. We can only tell whether they are Rank F or Rank A based on the amount of Aura they could trigger from an Awakened's body."

Ulf said as he handed the token to Cyril.

The flat token was made of wood and has eight corners. At its center was a carved word that no one could read… except Cyril.

He was feeling excited as soon as he saw the token!


It was actually written using the Pixie's language!

"Sir Ulf, may I ask the origin of this token? It looks really mysterious to me. I can feel that it's not ordinary."

"You're right! It's definitely different from other Luck Treasures I've seen before. I got this in my last exploration! Hehe, I was still active in exploration until 14 years ago!"

Ulf seemed to be happy as he recounted his story on how he got this item. They have entered an Arcane World filled with deadly snakes and the boss of that world was a gorgon!

Just dealing with the snakes was already so difficult! Once they were bitten, no antidote can cure them! Unfortunately, not even the World Awakened Association has a solution to this problem.

But since the small Arcane World was filled with treasures, it didn't stop the Explorers to find treasures that could probably change their life.

Because of this, many Awakened died in that place and it became their burial site.

From a total of 15 Explorations, about 300 Awakened had entered and only 80 of them managed to live and bring something out.

Ulf was actually one of them! He got a box of treasures from the gorgon's lair after a battle and this token is somehow included in that small stash.

"This is too valuable… How can I take this?" Cyril said as soon as he realized how precious it is.

"Ha~ Do you think it has any use on me? It was appraised by someone from the Traoland Archipelago… They said that this was definitely a Luck Treasure. However, I have never noticed that it worked even once. I don't know how to trigger its powers so it's useless. I tried asking someone to appraise this again but they are all saying that this is really a Lucky Charm. However, they said that I may not be compatible with it…"

'Sounds like a scam…' Cyril immediately commented but he didn't dare say it.

After all, he could read what was written on it!

There was no way a scammer Pixie would carve that, right? Although pixies aren't known for their creations of lucky charms, they should be honest creatures! There must be a secret on this.

"Well… If you fancy this item. I can give this to you. But as I said, I don't know whether you'll benefit from it. Think carefully." Ulf said as he waited for Cyril's response.

Cyril didn't immediately answer as he truly needed to think about this just like what Ulf said.

'Perhaps, the method to use this wasn't known yet? Wait… I have the all-knowing Demon with me.'

Because Xagan was so silent, he had almost forgotten this demon behind him.

With this in mind, Cyril quickly asked Xagan using their unique connection.

Right now, he has some Artifacts that he could use to survive inside an Arcane World. However, finding the Tree of Life not just need some strength but also a bit of luck.

There are tens of thousands of Arcane World after all… There was no way he could search all those worlds! His remaining years wouldn't be enough to cover all of them! He needed a direction or some luck to find it!

"You want to know how to use this Luck Treasure?" Xagan asked and with his tone of voice, Cyril realized that he was being mocked for not knowing how to use a lucky charm!

"Yes… This old man mentioned that he couldn't use it before, there must be a way to activate this token."

"I get it… I get it… Just give 5 days of your life. That's enough."

"Hmm? So cheap? Alright, let's make a deal. Take my five days and tell me what you know about it." Cyril replied in his mind.

Though he wasn't rich, five days shouldn't be that much considering his previous transactions.


Xagan then took some of his warmth again before answering his question.

"This Lucky Token is indeed made by Pixies… It's something that they would normally give to someone that they trust. Anyone who holds this would gain the pixies' friendship and of course, increase their luck in finding fortunes or wealth left behind by other people or creatures. That's right, it can only find hidden treasures of other beings and not natural treasures… To activate it, you need to use your aura and follow a pattern like this…"

Xagan then taught him how to activate the Lucky Token…

'I see… Hidden Treasure, huh...'

Cyril doesn't know whether it would be better to find natural treasures or not.

Well, these natural treasures that Xagan mentioned were probably similar to spiritual herbs, precious stones, rare fruits, immortal water, and other priceless items that were formed by the Arcane World.

'Well, it's also interesting to find treasures made by other creatures. That should be fine.'

As soon as Cyril made up his mind, he accepted the token and chatted with the old man for a while before leaving the place.

Apparently, he would have to return in a couple of days to get his Musket fixed.

Cyril then contacted Britta again to get her assistance in selling his Redprite Ores and some of his Star Garnet Ores that he got from the Red Goblin's Arcane World.

"What? So you also have supplies of Star Garnet?! Those are expensive these days… There's a lot of exploration going on right now. We can sell them for 180% of its price." Britta exclaimed as soon as she heard Cyril's words.

"I don't know anything about the market right now so it's up to you on how much you'll sell it. Anyway, you can still get the same commission or would you like to make a change?" Cyril asked.

"No… no… I'm not greedy, Sir Cyril. You don't have to test me like that. It would be the same as our previous contract. You can go to my store now and hand them over. I will sell them all within this week."

"That's good!" Cyril happily replied as she returned home to fetch the bags of precious ores.

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