Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 71 - A Demon

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Cyril was taken aback after hearing the devil's words.

It might indeed seem unreasonable in their perspective. After all, they seem to live here peacefully as they have said. The place was even clean without any patches of dirt.

They obviously have basic manners and are quite educated as well seeing how they wear their clothes and how the houses are built.

But something was still not right…

'No! I can't listen to them.'

Cyril immediately shakes his head after realizing that his way of thinking is already being affected by the devil's words.

He can't trust them after all.

They might be saying they haven't harmed any humans but by worshipping demons, they have already harmed themselves in the first place!

"Hmph! Let's talk no more… Just die in my hands!" Cyril said as he started attacking them. He doesn't want to listen to them anymore as the devils might actually be using some kind of charm to affect his heart.

'Next time, I'll purchase Artifact to defend against beguiling magic.' Cyril thought as he pounced at the first devil on his left.

He covered himself with his thick S-Rank Aura and dashed like a ghost.

With his skills with Pencak Silat, he managed to kill the devils that are the closest to him.

After seeing his actions, the others no longer hesitated as they cried in grief and shouted in anger!

"We will never forgive you!"


"You will be our first human sacrifice!"

"Kill him!"

The devils could no longer hold themselves back as soon as Cyril killed one of them even after being surrounded.

They no longer cared about Cyril's background or if other humans are searching for them! It no longer matters!

What's important for them is to put Cyril in his place! They will skin him alive and sacrifice him to their Lord Demon!

'Hmph! You want to kill me with those weapons?'

Cyril raised his brows after seeing the poor quality blades, pickaxes, staves, and axes…

'These tools are familiar…' He mused as he fought against the devil.

Then, he was suddenly enlightened as he recalled the origin of these weapons…

"Goblin Tools!"

Most of their weapons were actually from the Red Goblins!

No wonder it has terrible quality!

Bang! Bang!

Cyril was surprised as he suddenly felt a huge pressure hitting his back.

The leader had actually hit him with his hammer!

If Cyril only has an F-Rank Aura protecting him, he would be a goner!

Aside from that, he also noticed that these stone hammers have runes glowing on them! They've been improved!

'So they are really the ones who placed those runes on the dungeon's entrance.'

Cyril thought as he decided to move away from their encirclement. He found the nearest house and decided to stand with his back facing its wall.

He realized that even with his Aura, the hammer took a lot of his energy, and getting hit five or more times of those might put his life in danger.


The devils were surprised that Cyril was still alright even after being hit by the hammer. However, seeing how he retreated and put his back on the wall, they realized that the man has probably reached his limit!

His action made them excited as they move forward with confidence!

Cyril battled against the devils but this time, he didn't come out unscathed!

'Ugh… It's a bad choice to fight them without proper equipment… I relied too much on my Aura…'

Cyril complained after looking at himself. His face was grazed, his clothes are torn to pieces, his dagger was shattered, his right arm was also injured after he exhausted his aura.

He looked at his surroundings filled with corpses of the demon worshippers.

"Haa~ That was more challenging than I thought." Cyril picked up their weapons to see if there is anything useful that he missed.

Unfortunately, he was just disappointed as nothing had caught his eyes.

None of them possess a decent weapon or even Artifact.

He looked around and decided to rest in the nearest house. The houses here barely have any things inside. Most of the pieces of furniture and other things are made of wood and stones.

'Hmm… It doesn't feel like a devil lair… I guess they were just recently converted to a devil.'

Cyril thought as he looked around.

Apparently, the Awakened Association decided to classify devils as those humanoid evil creatures and demons for the beast-like evil creatures.

That was why Cyril recognized that statue that they are worshipping a while ago as a Demon.

As for Xagan, who has a human projection, he was a legitimate demon since his true appearance was way different from a human.

After resting for a while and checking each house for any valuables, Cyril helplessly returned to the center of the small village.

Everything in their houses is worthless. The Red Goblin may find them quite useful but not for him.

'However, where are the other devil worshippers?' Cyril pondered.

Gaarm mentioned to him that the number of "humans" who came to block their entrance was about fifty.

There was no reason that the Goblin Chief would give such a lie.

'Is there another village we're not aware of?'

Cyril has no idea where the next village is. With such a thick forest, unless they also created a watchtower to guide the travelers, he would have difficulty finding them no matter what Awakened Rank he is.

As Cyril returned to the statue of a demon, he thought of destroying it just in case it would spread evil in the surrounding forest.


Cyril's punch that was wrapped with S-Rank Aura would normally destroy steel much less for a stone statue.

However, he was surprised by the fact that the stature remained unscathed!

'Hmph! I don't believe that I can't destroy you!'

Cyril continued punching the stone statue and even used his C-Rank Short Sword for a while…

Crack! Crack!

The small stature finally started after more than 10 minutes of perseverance!

Cyril celebrated and as he was planning to continue, he heard an old man's voice threatening him!

"Stop now or I'll devour you!"

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