Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 97 - The New Artifact ( 1 )

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"No way…" Magenta instinctively answered but she immediately thought of something and quickly corrected herself.

"I mean… I'm really strong and once I advanced, I will naturally get out of this lamp. When that happens, I can be considered as a powerful Awakened similar to those S-Ranks of your race. However, serving you will be difficult for me… As you know, I'm from a demon race. If I'll ever serve someone, it'll only happen to a higher rank Demon."

Magenta explained patiently.

However, Cyril wasn't impressed. He's someone who would not easily give up on this matter.

"Then you will be useless to me if you can't serve me as your master. I would have no choice but to seal you again and hide your precious lamp someplace where there's no hope of getting a worshipper… Hmm… Perhaps I can hide you inside the undead territory where only mindless zombies are living?"

Cyril replied with an evil smile.

As Magenta said a while ago, she wouldn't be able to get out of the lamp unless she advanced. In short, she needed to find a worshipper whom she could communicate to make a deal… However, if she went to the undead cemetery, there was no way for her to fulfill all the three methods to advance!

On the other hand, Cyril had also spent 1 day of his life to ensure from Xagan that this demoness is telling the truth. Aside from her fake name, all the information she provided was true!

Magenta realized from Cyril's tone that he was telling the truth!

"Wait! I really can't serve you with our current situation, benefactor... Even if I told you that I'll serve you, would you just believe me and hand over the Demon Core?" Magenta asked.

"I understand… Then, I have to indeed ask for someone else's help…" Cyril muttered.

The demoness smiled after hearing this and added…

"If you have the skill… Then I wouldn't mind serving you. However, just like I said, I can only serve a higher rank Demon in normal cases. If you have a powerful Artifact to bind me, perhaps that's also an option… but finding wouldn't be so easy…" Magenta answered.

"I get it… We'll go outside for now…"

Cyril said as he triggered his connection with the Arcane World and reappeared inside the Crystals Room.

Then, Cyril placed the lamp on the table as he went silent to communicate with Xagan secretly. Magenta realized that her benefactor was thinking of something so she decided to wait and observe the room she's in.

After several minutes, Cyril just made another deal with Xagan confirming that it could make this Supplicant or soon-to-be Corruptor be his servant for only 5 days of his life!

The price was too cheap because Xagan wouldn't really have to do much and he only has to display a bit of his presence to make this weak demon compliant and offer her soul wisp to him!

Then, Xagan would just have to give the soul to Cyril instead and that's it!

As soon as he finished speaking with Xagan, Cyril noticed that Magenta went quiet and her projection wobbled for a bit. It was as if she's disappearing and planning to return to her lamp!

"Contractor… I already spoke with her… She can only serve you for 20 years. You can now give the Demon Core to her so she can advance…"

"Great! Twenty years is enough…"

Cyril then placed the core on top of the lamp since Magenta's projection couldn't touch anything yet just like Xagan's.


The demon core's glow vanished before it completely disintegrated… On the other hand, he felt a powerful Aura coming from the Lamp!

"Tsk! Will it cause a commotion? I forgot about that…"

Cyril frowned as he slowly felt the changes within the room. Luckily, he had set up a simple array within the room that limit the Aura being emitted outside.

Bonnie might've noticed the burst of Aura but it shouldn't be at an alarming rate yet.

It lasted for a minute and a half before it disappeared completely.

Soon, the lamp's magic circle was erased and a figure came out as the Demoness kneeled in front of Cyril…

"I'm Amaris the Corruptor… I was only using Magenta as my alias. Amaris is my real name." The demoness said as she handed her soul wisp…

Cyril accepted and as Xagan instructed, he allowed it to enter his body and soon, he finally managed to make a connection to Amaris!


While this was all happening, the Awakened Association had officially announced their plans for human experimentation and it created a huge sensation to the public.

Apparently, they are planning to test the suspicious Artifacts to a huge number of Awakened!

The government is even taking part in this telling that it's for the sake of discovering new powers for the Awakened of the future!

"Any ranks can join? I wonder what kind of experiment is this…"

'Who knows? It only says that it is an experiment to improve an Awakened."

"This is probably a good opportunity for me!"

"There has been no S-Rank Awakened in our country, perhaps with this new Artifact, we can actually become one?"

"I hope so… I have never entered an Arcane World, maybe I'll try my luck with this?"

The people started discussing the experiment as it caught everyone's attention.

The payment for those who will be selected is extremely good…

Nevertheless, many of them still showed suspicion about this sudden announcement.

At the moment, only those with little hope to become a powerful Arcane Explorer should be willing to participate in this type of experiment.

At this time, Vanessa Strauss together with a few elites of the Association entered a large building filled with human-size capsules where a person could enter and receive the beads on their bodies…

"Everything is ready…" Vanessa muttered after seeing hundreds of capsules in front of her.

The bead Artifacts that are being found in all High-Rank Awakened can only be used once and it will try to assimilate to the Awakened's body.

The effects weren't completely known since current experiments show that it could either harm or benefit the body of the Awakened.

However, the benefit it could give was too precious so they needed to know how it works!

Apparently, it could actually trigger a second Awakening if you're lucky!

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