|.|At this time, the number of demonic beasts besieging Baishi City has reached tens of thousands. Most of them are concentrated at the main east gate facing the wild forest.

Sensing the majestic demonic power emanating from thousands of demonic beasts outside the city wall, Qin Fengming also felt a surge of fear in his heart. Faced with so many demonic beasts, even an infant-transformation cultivator entered them. Can he escape intact? It's also hard to say.

Looking at the many soldiers arranging their troops in an orderly manner, the tens of thousands of monks present also became quiet.

"Fellow Taoists, this time the monsters are attacking our White Rock City. According to the regulations of White Rock City, as long as they are monks in the city, regardless of their level of cultivation, they must obey the unified dispatch of our White Rock City. If any fellow Taoist does not obey, Please, don’t blame me, the law guard of White Rock City, for enforcing the law on the spot.”

Just as the monks were standing on the second-story wall of White Rock City, an old monk wearing white armor flew above everyone's heads. He held a token in his hand and glanced at the tens of thousands of monks below. He spoke in a deep tone.

"Fellow Daoist Xiahou, we are all people who have lived in Baishi City for decades. At this time, Baishi City is in trouble. We monks will do our best to help. If you have any instructions, please just speak up."

"Yes. We, the monks, all know that if the White Stone City is not protected, when the city is destroyed, it will also be the day when we will fall. Therefore, please rest assured, fellow Taoist Xiahou. We, the monks, will definitely go all out to fight the monsters to the death. .”

Following the words of the monk in white armor, among the tens of thousands of monks present, some people immediately began to speak. The meaning expressed by everyone was extremely unified. They vowed to fight the monster to the death.

Listening to what everyone said, Qin Fengming disagreed in his heart. Although everyone was unanimous at this time, when it came to life and death, most of the tens of thousands of monks present would undoubtedly abandon White Rock City and escape alone.

"Okay. Now that all the Taoist friends have said this, I feel relieved. Next, please invite fellow Taoists of the Chengdan period and fellow Taoists of the Foundation-building period to gather in the square below. Commander Huangfu Qing will personally assign tasks at that time. And those gathered here will Fellow Taoist Qi period, please follow me. We have other arrangements."

Hearing this, everyone present stood up one after another. Qin Fengming and Li Ning followed among the tens of thousands of Alchemy-Building and Foundation-Building monks present and walked towards a square in the city...

Just as Baishi City was busy arranging for monsters to attack the city, Jin Jingzi and the other three had already completed their negotiations. After the three transformed monsters estimated that Master Jin Snake had escaped from a short distance, Jin Jingzi moved. .Let’s shoot towards Baishi City first.

The other two transformed monsters would not stay. Together with the monster aura, a gray light followed behind Jin Jingzi.

"Huangfu Aobo. The time has come. Come out quickly and hand over my son and the murderer. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Following a harsh roar, the minds of all the monks in White Rock City were swayed. Those monks in the Qi Gathering Stage were swaying wildly and could hardly stand still.

If there were no city protection restrictions, just this sound of a beast's roar containing some sonic attack could make the Qi Gathering monks standing on the city wall faint.

"Hahaha. Fellow Taoist Jin Jing, don't be anxious. I'm here, Huangfu Aobo."

Following a soft voice, the sound of roaring beasts that had just rolled in was immediately blocked. Then a figure flashed, and three figures appeared several miles outside Baishi City.

Looking at the three transformed monsters hundreds of feet away, Huangfu Aobo no longer looked panicked at this time.

"Hmph. An hour has passed. How come my son and the murderer still haven't shown up? Could it be that Fellow Taoist Huangfu hasn't captured them yet?"

"Fellow Taoist Jin Jing, I have already searched our Baishi City. There is no trace of Mr. Ling inside. I have never heard of that fellow Taoist capturing Mr. Ling. I want to come, but Mr. Ling must have gone without knowing it. I’m going to play there. I’ll definitely return to the cave safely after some time.”

"I'm speechless. I have verified everything correctly. There is no doubt that my son was plundered into White Rock City by your human monks. And just two hours ago, there was a monk who auctioned my son in the auction house. Such a thing, you Huangfu Aobo actually said that he didn’t know. Hehe, after thinking about it, you must have been involved in this matter."

Listening to the words of the Lord of Baishi City, Jin Jingzi cursed secretly in his heart. Everyone said that the human monks were treacherous, but this was true. It was clear that what had just happened, the other party actually turned against him and refused to admit his guilt.

"Fellow Taoist Jin is wrong. Although my Huangfu family is the guardian of this city, we will never participate in any affairs in the world of immortality. If you don't believe it, I have nothing to say."

At this time, Huangfu Aobo also understood in his heart that the only way out was to fight with all his strength. Begging for mercy would not solve any problem.

"Hmph. It seems that you, Lord of White Rock City, are determined to protect the murderer who captured my son. For my son, I can only use iron and blood to destroy White Rock City and catch the murderer myself."

Jin Jingzi's face was gloomy, but there was a hint of madness in his golden eyes. Before Huangfu Aobo could speak again, as soon as he opened his mouth, an extremely long ape cry suddenly sounded.

Following the sound of his ape cry, bursts of thunder-like roars of beasts suddenly came from all around White Rock City. Then the ground began to tremble violently, like an earthquake.

In just a moment, I saw countless huge monsters running out of the demonic mist in the distance. Although these monsters all seemed to be first, second or third level, there were thousands of them. Under the surge of ten thousand huge monster beasts, a huge impact force that can almost collapse the mountain is clearly revealed. With the roar of the beasts, they rush towards the tall and majestic White Rock City. It can be done with just one blow. The extremely solid White Stone City was smashed into powder.

"Hmph. Are we, the human monks, still afraid of you low-level monsters with no intelligence? But I just want to see who kills you in the end."

Following the cold snort from the Lord of Baishi City, layers of standard weapons were immediately revealed on top of the tall Baishi City. At the same time, a layer of more dazzling multicolored light also flashed out from the tall city wall. A The huge multi-colored light shield immediately covered the entire White Stone City with a radius of dozens of miles.

And with the flash of the multi-colored light shield, there was a flash of brilliance at the tall city gate of Baishi City. Groups of uniformed armored soldiers quickly flew out and stopped five or six hundred feet away from Baishi City. He lowered his figure and formed each formation almost in the blink of an eye.

As the armored men appeared, five to six thousand monks emerged from behind. These monks were wearing various costumes. Although there were only a dozen or so people standing together, compared with the previous armored men, they looked smaller. There is no order or method to the extreme.

As soon as everyone stood still, huge shields flashing with colorful rays of light appeared around the monks. These shields were undoubtedly transformed by the monks using the five elements of spiritual power.

With the shield jointly raised by more than a dozen foundation-building monks, although it cannot withstand the attacks of several level five or above monsters, it is still extremely safe against low-level monsters.

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