Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 7118 Space Treasure

Ren Qin Fengming had long thought that there might be an attack from the palace ban, and was ready to dodge, but he was still too slow. The golden short blade stabbed directly through his protective aura and touched his body.

Several short golden blades covered the key parts of his body. If they were to penetrate, Qin Fengming would not survive. He would definitely die on the spot, with no chance of survival.

Facing the rapid attack of the golden blade, even if Qin Fengming wanted to use the Wenhuang Beast Armor to block, it was no longer possible.

However, he was not killed. Several golden blades struck him and passed through Qin Fengming's body-protecting spiritual light. However, when the spiritual patterns suddenly appeared, they all collapsed in front of Qin Fengming.

"The spirit pattern on the stone tablet is indeed the key to unlocking the hall's ban. I have been able to easily restrain the hall's ban before I fully understand the changes."

Qin Fengming's pale face suddenly turned red.

His original intention was to launch a few attacks, and then activate the sealing spiritual pattern that he understood from the black light of the stone tablet.

Qin Fengming used magic to attack the main hall, which was nearly a hundred feet away from the main hall. At such a distance, for Qin Fengming at this moment, even if he saw the attack coming, he would have enough time to react. At least he could cover his body with the Wearing Giant Beast Armor.

However, the ban in the hall was too terrifying, and the forbidden attack was faster than he imagined. The bright golden light made him blind for an instant, and the attack was already in front of him.

There was no sound and no energy fluctuations from the Five Elements, leaving him no time to react.

Fortunately, although Qin Fengming couldn't see, the drive of the spiritual patterns in his body did not stop, the energy sword energy was unleashed, and the black light spiritual patterns on the stone tablet also appeared in front of him, resisting the attack of the golden blade.

Qin Fengming survived the catastrophe, his heart was pounding and he was terrified.

He had been very careful, but he still fell short. If he had taken out the Sniffing Giant Beast Armor from the beginning, he would not have been in such danger.

Hearing that the mongoose armor was really tough, Qin Fengming studied it for a long time, but there was no way to cut it apart and sacrifice it. If he could refine it into an inner armor, his own safety would be guaranteed. Unfortunately, there is no way to refine it, so it can only be used as a shield.

Qin Fengming, who was still frightened, looked up at the palace, suppressed the pounding in his heart, and walked forward.

At the same time, the giant beast armor appeared in front of him.

This time he did not dare to use the twelve capital formation flags. This restriction was obviously not an ordinary five-element formation.

If the formation flag is damaged, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Spirit patterns shot out one after another, touching the golden light in the main hall, and the extremely sharp hall restrictions suddenly caused ripples.

"Why hasn't the restriction faded away? Do you need a large number of spiritual patterns?" Qin Fengming was surprised. Although the restriction in the hall has changed, it has obviously not been eliminated or its power has been weakened.

Qin Fengming frowned, made a hand seal, and began to exert all his strength on the black light spiritual pattern on the stone tablet that he had not fully understood.

As the spiritual patterns merged into the golden light, the originally rippling golden fluorescence suddenly appeared in an area like water waves. The ripples of light surged, and the hazy main hall door inside slowly became clear.

"Can this open the palace door?" Seeing the palace door fully appearing in front of him, with a thin layer of water rippling above it, Qin Fengming was a little unconvinced.

Qin Fengming did not dare to step forward directly, but waved his hand and sacrificed a puppet. Wrapped in black light spiritual patterns on stone tablets, the puppet stepped forward and quickly approached the door of the main hall. Without hesitation, he stretched out his arms, pushed open the tall and heavy palace door, and stepped inside.

A strange aura swept across, and the puppet's body sank into it, disappearing without a trace.

Qin Fengming gritted his teeth secretly, his body was wrapped in spiritual patterns, and there was a beast armor guard in front of him. He ducked and approached the main hall door.

There was no attack, Qin Fengming passed through the rippling golden waves and entered the main hall door.

However, the moment Qin Fengming entered the hall, he was suddenly stunned by what he saw in front of him.

What was in front of him was not a palace hall, but a land of nothingness, no different from what it looked like outside. The puppet that had just entered was currently suspended in nothingness, looking at a loss.

The puppet has extremely high intelligence. Although it is not controlled by Qin Fengming's separate soul, the spirit used has a strong sense of autonomy and can cope with some dangers.

Now the puppet was stunned, as if he had lost consciousness for a moment.

Standing at the door of the main hall, Qin Fengming did not really step into it. Except for this door, he could not see anything else, as if this was the only portal standing in the void.

Looking at the puppet in front, he sent out his spiritual thoughts, trying to attract the puppet to retreat. However, the puppet ignored him and remained suspended in the void, seemingly not receiving his instructions at all.

Qin Fengming's expression suddenly changed, there was something strange in this hall.

"Is it possible that when you enter the main hall, you will fall into enlightenment?" Suddenly, Qin Fengming's eyes brightened, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

If the puppet is awake, it is impossible to ignore his spiritual control.

This main hall is related to the Wuguang Stone Stele. There is no doubt about this. Since you can use the Wuguang Spirit Pattern to enter the main hall, then the main hall may be the place to comprehend the four scrolls.

Qin Fengming's heart pounded, his eyes flashed, and the spiritual patterns were displayed again. However, the spirit pattern entered the main hall, quickly moved away, and disappeared in the dark void in an instant.

"The void here seems to be much more dangerous than outside the main hall. It seems that I have to ask Jun Yan to see if I can see anything." Qin Fengming couldn't help but murmur to himself with his heart tightening.

"You said that this place of void is a strange treasure space, where some sects in Miluo Realm absorb the special energy of the void and practice special techniques for the monks in the sect? Since it is a void space, why isn't it here? Does the aura of stars exist?”

After waking up Jun Yan, he made a judgment after just a little exploration.

"This is obviously not a strange treasure space that can sense the power of stars. You think that there is only the power of stars in the virtual realm. In fact, the virtual realm is vast and boundless, and the types of laws and powers that exist are far from those in the Miluo Realm. The Miluo Realm is just a place where the power of a part of the laws of the Infinite Void Realm is condensed. And this exotic treasure space is just a place to absorb and comprehend the breath of the Void Realm that is different from the artistic conception of the laws of the Three Realms, but it is not the breath of the power of the stars. The infinite virtual realm is so mysterious that even the top beings in the Milo Realm cannot detect it clearly."

Jun Yan sighed, but his words suddenly gave Qin Fengming a sense of infinite openness. Although it was hazy, he seemed to see a ray of light in the dark night sky.

After calming down the turmoil in his heart, Qin Fengming sent a message: "Since it is the place where the powerful master of Miluo Realm arranges to sense the aura of the virtual realm, there will be no danger. I will step into it to see if I can sense the special aura."

Jun Yan did not answer, but appeared next to Qin Fengming.

Just when Qin Fengming's heart suddenly tightened and he was about to quickly remind Jun Yan that the spirit pattern was needed here, he saw a ball of fluorescent light appearing on Jun Yan's body.

There were no forbidden attacks, and Jun Yan was safe and sound.

"It's okay, I have entered this kind of rare treasure space once, and I know a way to protect myself, and the external restrictions cannot be applied here." Jun Yan said, explaining briefly.

The two stopped talking and stepped into the void together.

As soon as Shi entered, Qin Fengming's mind immediately went blank, as if he suddenly fell into an endless abyss, his body sank rapidly, the mana and soul energy in his body could not operate, all magical powers and spells could not be used, and his whole body was wrapped in a strange force. His hands and feet were bound, unable to move at all. There was no place for his feet to rely on. His body fell rapidly, his mind went blank, and he became dizzy.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Fengming woke up and turned around, only to feel his figure flying through a dark and shiny passage. As his mind cleared, his body suddenly stopped.

As the scene unfolded in front of him, Qin Fengming suddenly realized that he was standing side by side with the puppet and was not far away from the main hall door at all.

Jun Yan stopped beside him and was looking at him with bright eyes.

"Have you ever comprehended some kind of spiritual pattern that enters this kind of secret treasure space? Otherwise, how could you get out of that kind of artistic conception so quickly?" Jun Yan was curious and asked via voice transmission.

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