Record of Chaos

Chapter 976: The sword intent swayed the enemy shadow, and the mirror shadow relatively sought to m

   (976 sword intent swaying the enemy shadow, mirror shadow relative to fill the gap)

   This is her magical power, named "Guanghan Jianyi". As long as she captured the opponent's position within a certain range, she didn't need to do anything, just as she thought, the sword intent would follow.

   The broad cold sword intent means that the cold energy freezes the enemy, and the sword energy crushes it.

   However, these ice foams evaporate into water vapor in the fire, and then re-solidify into water around them. In a short while, another foul came out of another stream.

   But he immediately became the meaning of Nanwan's resignation again, shattered and disappeared while being frozen by ice.

   Nan Wanci stared at all this coldly. The destructive figures appeared one after another from the water and then were killed by her again. Although he never found his true body, it didn't matter to Nan Wanci.

   No matter how many clones you have, I will kill you with a sword! Although smashing a clone does not hurt the body, it will more or less consume the opponent's mana. As long as she has the upper hand in mana, she will win.

   And there is another magical power in her sword intent, which is called "Sword Killing Mark".

   As long as she kills a clone, she will leave a residual sword intent there. If no one passes by, this trace is equivalent to nothing and does not consume any mana.

   But if the target she believes to be killed passes by, it will trigger this sword intent, which is equivalent to being hit by a sword.

   In other words, where she has been with the sword intent, no matter whether she is a real body or a clone, she can no longer set foot.

  The sword intent of Nanwan's resignation is like a rope that is slowly tightened, so there are fewer and fewer places to hide. It seemed to her that this man was nothing more than a grasshopper who hadn't been long in the rope cage.

   In less than ten breaths, she left hundreds of sword intents. The rushing currents in the sky were forced by her to converge into a big lake in the sky. Countless deceptions rose out of the water at the same time strangely.

   This made her smile coldly. Obviously, there is nowhere to hide the shackles, even if there are more clones, there is nowhere to go, so they can only be all in one place.

   Her sleeves were lightly raised, and countless sword intents flashed by waving her hand, and all of those ugly clones were shattered. The entire piece of suspended water has turned into countless ice cubes floating in the air.

   These ice cubes are densely packed, or transmitted or reflected, and under the shining of the fire cloud jacket, it is like a fantasy world of crystals and colors. This is probably the last hiding place for this guy.

   He Zhuo's battle is a positive move. I have nowhere to run, and you can come and kill me. But if you want to kill me, you have to be brave enough to enter my ice formation.

   There was no hesitation when he resigned in the evening of the south, Yufeng broke in as soon as his clothes fluttered.

   She is the Golden Core Sanhua, and she has strength as a backing. As long as you dare to be found by her, you will definitely die. And the space for this person to move and hide is getting smaller and smaller.

   Southern evening resignation finally reached the center of this cloud of broken ice. There was a gloomy blue light. Gouzhu is holding a jade sword, standing in the middle of the blue light. She didn't have any nonsense, and pierced directly with a sword.

   However, at the same time as her sword intent moved, she actually found that the front was empty, and the other party clearly disappeared in front of her!

Not only did the defilement disappear, the turbulent spirits around, the sea of ​​fire and water that constantly mingled and collided, even the Cuiyu Peak under the water and the fire, the night sky above the water and the fire, and the Yin-Yang Zong flying boat fleet that gathered like star clusters in the night sky all disappeared. Gone.

   There is only a dazzling white light before her eyes. After her eyes adjusted slightly, she finally saw that it was a vast expanse of snow.

   Although it is a vast snowfield, it is surrounded by fog, and it can be seen at most a hundred steps away. Farther away, there is a vast expanse of mist like snow-white cotton wool.

   The same is true of the sky. She looks pure white in any direction, as if she is soaked in cream, only the squeaky snow that is stepped on by her feet is real.

   "This kid actually made Sanhua?"

   She was a little surprised. Goblin has only the strength of Golden Core Double Flower. Relying on Yin Dan's cunning, it might work for him to barely cover himself, but it is completely impossible to pull her into the illusion or move to another realm in an instant.

   Unless he also made Sanhua. But this is also impossible. It is even more unlikely that he will not reveal the strength of Sanhua in this series of hands.

   However, in this snowy mist, she was completely unaware of the presence of the enemy, and the deception disappeared, as if he did not exist in this world at all. Is this trapping her?

  The spirits around her are still flowing constantly, converging towards a certain position in front of her.

After a while, it was as if a drop of light ink was tapped on a white paper, and a strand of jet-black hair first flowed out of the whiteness, and then a white and snowy face and a pair of gem-like features were outlined in a few strokes. Bright eyes.

   But what is really moving is the red lips like blood falling on the snow.

   A picture-like person standing in the wind and snow, letting the strong wind blow her long hair and spread it on her forehead, sticking some frost like ornaments. For Nan Wanci, this person is not someone else, but herself, just like looking in a mirror.

   To be precise, it was another self, the part she was missing.

   "It turns out that you made Sanhua."

   Nanwan's resignation suddenly realized. It is true that Gouzhu did not achieve Sanhua, but I don't know what chance ~ He possessed this magic weapon to achieve Sanhua.

   Sanhua Baoling, the magic weapon will be directly promoted to the gods, ignoring the owner's realm, and can directly use the golden core three flowers combat power, no wonder she can be pulled into the illusion of this retention monument.

   The man bowed his hand and smiled lightly: "There is only one side, not a complete Sanhua."

   This is really straight to the heart of Nan Wanci. Her golden core three flowers are indeed "only one side". If the complete Sanhua is a mirror, then she has only one side of the mirror, and the back of the mirror is nothing.

   So in the eyes of others, her Sanhua is perfect. Only she could feel the vacancy on the back. She didn't know how she would achieve such a weird Sanhua.

   Now she understands. It's a rare opportunity to be able to compete with yourself. At that time in Beiming, she had achieved Sanhua with this opportunity.

   But the final battle did not really tell the outcome, that is, it has not ended until now.

   So Sanhua is also achieved by both of them at the same time, but each has only one side. There is no way to remedy this shortcoming except for the integration of the two sides.

   But where did the goblin go?

   He Wuji gave her the task of controlling the swindle under the pretext of Lun Dao, and then used the swindling as a hostage to force Lian Ling to make the dispute bigger. He Wuji then ordered the two cases to go to full-scale war.

   But she immediately forgot about the Dao and Huzhu, and also forgot that there are so many people in the Yin Yang School waiting for the result of her Dao, and even forgot the explanation of Master He Wuji.

   This Baoling is the true master she is looking for. Ending this decisive battle, achieving a perfect Sanhua, and continuing her long life is the only thing she has to do!

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