Record of Chaos

Chapter 983: Nan Guanghan took blood for body test, and even Bi Luo replaced with the key

   Nan Wanci sneered: "Master, what do you think?"

   In fact, as soon as He Wuji said this, all the elders and hall masters around were already shocked beyond words.

   Could it be true that Nanwan's speech has actually been defeated in the theory of Taoism, is this a fake?

   But there are also several golden cores among them, and even golden core three-flower masters.

   Even though the power of divine consciousness is not as good as He Wuji, so many people will definitely not be able to recognize the identity of a fellow of the same realm?

   In their view, the soul breath of Nan Wan's resignation has no signs of flaws except for the enhancement of the perfect Sanhua.

   Even if it is to be faked, it must be far more powerful than Sanhua to be able to fake it.

   But how is it possible? Is it possible that besides the Golden Core monk behind the Jade Palace, there is also the earth fairy who has long been far away from the mortal dust to help out?

   He Wuji's puppet-like face did not move, but there was a voice with a magnificent and sacred tone that was beyond doubt:

"There is nothing wrong with your soul breath. But as far as the master knows, the treasure in the stele was born to capture the shadow of your soul, so it is almost the same as your soul. Whether the soul breath is also the same, this The point is that the teacher is not sure.

   "In other words, whether you are the manifestation of the treasure or the deity of Nanwan's resignation, I have to doubt as a teacher."

   "Heh," Nan Wanci chuckled and said, "How does Master think we can prove the identity of a disciple?"

   He Wuji still said with that ethereal and loud voice that did not know where it came from: "As a teacher, you must take a drop of your blood and send it back to the sect to check whether your body is the main body in front of all the fellow students."

  Generally, monks are identified by the breath of the soul, not the body. Because things like clones, puppets, and robbing houses are not surprising to a monk. Therefore, no matter how important the physical body is, it is only a foreign object to a monk.

   He Wou-ki seems to give up everything, but it is just right here.

   Bao Ling is only Bao Ling after all, even if it reaches the Golden Core Three Flowers, it can only be transformed into a human body with magic weapons, how can it be transformed into a physical body exactly like another person?

   So he only needs to get a drop of Nan Wanci's blood, send it directly from the flying boat back to Zongmen to verify his identity, and then let Zongmen pass the information back, and it takes less than a quarter of an hour to communicate.

   Although Nan Wanci's face was ugly, he did not hesitate. With a flick of her slender finger, the nail of her index finger immediately cut the pad of the thumb.

   A drop of crystal clear blood like red agate was bounced out by her, and flew slowly towards He Wuji in the air.

   He Wuji took out a jade bottle the size of a thumb, and ordered it to the transfer platform. The empty white light passed by like lightning, and the jade bottle immediately disappeared.

   After a while, an old man in white appeared on the jade wall of Transmitting Sound, with a jade bottle in his hand, dripping blood into a jade cauldron. Then another disciple in white took a drop of blood from the sect blood bone hall and put it in.

The white-clothed old man took a look, nodded, and replied to the sound transmission wall: “I’m here with the Sect Master, this drop of blood just sent has been tested, and it’s no different from the blood sample kept by Senior Aunt Guanghan in the Blood Bone Hall. , Undoubtedly belong to the same person."

   The words came, even though He Wuji's face was as rigid as a puppet, there was no change in the face of the Yin and Yang sect. Everyone in the Yin-Yang sect all around them loosened their brows, uttered a sound of "Ye...", and released their hanging heart.

   In case the goddess of Guanghan is no longer the goddess of Guanghan, they will lose a great deal of strength, let alone an enemy of the golden core and three flowers sitting here, no one knows how much wind and waves will be caused!

   Although everyone is relaxed, Nan Wan's brows have not loosened a little. She forced a sullen smile on her face and asked:

   "Master, are you satisfied now?"

   If this is not done, everyone will instead think that this is not Nanwan's resignation. How could she easily accept being questioned about her with such a temper, even if it was Sect Master He Wuji!

   "I have wronged you. Master is just in case."

   He Wuji responded lightly, and then immediately changed the subject.

   "It's time to negotiate with Lian Biluo, who sits on Cuiyu Peak. I can return it to him. But I have to exchange it for Cuiyu Peak in her hands!"

   At this moment, Lian Ling, who was sitting on the main seat of Danyang Pavilion's Council Chamber, happened to be moved in his heart and looked up.

Her gaze penetrated directly through the thin floor and roof of the three-story Danyang Pavilion, through the Cuiyu Peak entangled with inexhaustible silk ribbons and countless vines, and then through the raging fire and dense rain clouds, I saw a sky shining with many stars.

   He Wuji, wearing a gray cloak, a jade crown, and a whisk in his hand, sits on the lotus throne. He emerges from the stars like an idol and looks at the Cuiyu Peak in the sea of ​​fire with expressionless expression.

   "The shackles are in your hands? What do you want?"

   Seeing that this person was silent, Lian Ling didn't have time to be polite with him. Although she knew that Gouzhu was not dead at this time, she was still very anxious to hear from the Yin-Yangzong population that Gouzhu was still alive.

   "Friends of Daoist Biluo, this is not the case."

   He Wuji replied indifferently.

"The elder Gou of Guipai refused to accept this defeat, so that his heart was lost and it was difficult to get rid of it. My Yin-Yang sect monk Guanghan Goddess was compassionate, and did not bear to hurt his life. How can a fellow Taoist say that people used my hands to threat To you?"

   It is not pretending that he insists on saying this.

  Yin-Yang Sect always prides itself on the authenticity of Taoism, and everything should be fair and honest. Otherwise, it would be contrary to the purpose of the entire sect, and it would directly affect the Dao Xin of all Yin Yang Sect disciples.

   "So much nonsense!"

   Although Lian Ling is impatient. But she knows that she is not the only one who is she points to Cuiyu Peak down. The remaining restraining power there, plus the wood that incarnates the tree emperor's body, is frantically blasting against the four old golden core dragons, and loud and dull noises like mountains and cracks are constantly coming.

   "The predecessors have to waste time, when the Cuiyu Peak falls into the hands of these monster dragons, your Yin and Yang Sect will not be able to get anything!"

  He Wuji bowed his hand and said casually:

   "My yin and yang sect is upright, walking the way for the sky, does it mean that the palace owner thinks we are the gangsters?

  "It's that Elder Gou is deeply stuck and unable to extricate himself. To save him, Cuiyufeng must be restrained.

   "Saving a life wins countless merits! If a fellow Daoist borrows the key from the Cuiyu Peak Guardian Array to the old man, the old man will spend fifty years daoxing him."

   Even if Lian Ling knew they had to pretend to be upright, he was really speechless at this time. Obviously you are taking advantage of the danger to provoke and arrest people for extortion, but you want to act like you are compassionate and help others!

   "The array key is here with me."

  Lian Ling's hand flashed with inspiration, revealing a peculiar shape, like a root of a tree, but the material is crystal clear and the body is green, it can be called the best green jade.

   "You immediately release the people, this Cuiyu Peak is yours!"

(No change for a few days, disappointing everyone. But the good news is that my "I can fix all bugs" (originally called "Shenjue"...) has been successfully signed. Except for the starting point Besides, you can see it with Q. I hope you can support it!

   Under the double opening, "Chaos" will be slower. Please understand it temporarily. Only by writing the new book well, can I embark on the path of a real professional writer and write more novels, right? )

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