Record of Chaos

Chapter 146: Wind Dew City

     It is said that the scope of Zhongzhou was once extremely large, and Chongbian Town was not considered a frontier. And now, even Qulian County has fallen. The Tianmou Pass in front of him was already the last barrier of Fenglu City, the main city of Zhongzhou.

   Tianhou Pass is a huge gorge, on each side there is a huge black peak as sharp as a knife. The taller one on the left is called Motian, and the shorter one on the right is called Zhendi.

   There is a faint flow of spiritual energy on the skyscraper peak, which is the station of the Feiyun fleet.

   The two peaks of Motianzhen are as tall as two gateposts, forming a large gate, called Tianhoumen. There is a Xiongguan under Tianmou Gate, which is Tianmou Gate.

   At this time, the red sun is rising, and the blue sky is like washing. A melodious horn slowly blew out from the sky muzzle. Outside Tianmou Pass, countless caravans and refugees waiting to enter the city were a commotion. The flaming sunlight shone on their backs, drawing long shadows in front of them.

   The armor of the closed soldiers was also shining brightly by the first sun, and they began to turn the closed winches. There was a creaking sound, the huge wooden door was slowly pulled up, and the crowd's commotion became more serious.

   "Slow down, slow down, all goods will be queued for inspection!" The door opened wide, and inside was the passage for the branch of people and goods. The checkpoints one by one have been prepared.

   Although Tianmou Pass was placed directly under Motianling, this place was not under the jurisdiction of the Feiyun Army, but was stationed by the Forbidden Army.

   The Feiyun Army guarding the Motianling Mountains is not only the strong support of Fenglucheng, but also a big sword hanging on the head of the emperor. The imperial court could not be defenseless.

   Therefore, the Feiyun Army is strictly confined within the scope of Motianling. Without the commandments of the Privy Council, going out is absolutely forbidden. Even if he is ordered to go out, he can only act within the limits set by the Privy Council.

   Linlong also took advantage of this blockade, and under the name of the Qing Suppression Demon Army, he was full of eyes and ears on the way from Qulian County to Tianhou Pass, and captured all the people of Chongxuanguan. But when they reached the Tianhouguan area, there was nothing they could do.

   At this time, a double-horse-drawn truck creaked and drove into the pass, and the carriage was engraved with the character "Jin" like dragons and phoenixes. .

   "Splendid Square's car? Who is holding the car?" A soldier in black immediately jumped out.

   Jinxiu Square is one of the best silk workshops in Fenglu City. Of course, they will not be embarrassed on purpose. But when this kind of car passes by, there is a little bit of oil and water.

   A tall and burly young man, wearing a plain silk embellishment, wearing a sapphire scarf on his head, and wearing a pair of dark splendid boots, with a handsome appearance and a soft smile, he said: "Song Ruhai at the Fairview Square."

   "What's in the car?"

   "They are all white silk from Beishu."

   "Where is the silk lead into the city?" The soldier stretched out his hand. This man named Song Ruhai had already prepared and handed over two pieces of paper with both hands respectfully. The first piece of silk was quoted, and it said one hundred and sixty-five silks.

   It’s not a day or two for this soldier to check goods at this gate. Like this car silk, he can tell at a glance that there are absolutely no less than three hundred horses, which is completely incompatible with the number contained in this silk car.

   The demon army has been raging recently, and the imperial army has also stepped up investigations to prevent spies from the demon army from entering the city. For example, although most of the people who rebelled against Chongxuan View had been arrested by the Feiyun Army, there was still a man and a woman who didn't know what to do. Like this kind of truck, he had no doubt to strictly investigate.

   But of the two papers that the man handed over, the second one was a two-hundred taels of silver.

   Although it is said that there is a lot of oil and water in this location, it is a big gain to get one or two silver for a truck. This time I got two hundred taels...

   Song Ruhai’s name is also very famous nowadays, there are so many shots, really worthy of the young master of Fairview Square.

   Since he shot so many, he must have carried some private goods worth far more than white silk. If this is a real investigation, nothing can be found out. In case of any real investigation, it will be a hot potato behind.

  The soldier took the silk yin and the silver slip together, shook his hand without changing his face, and shouted: "One hundred and sixty-five white silk has been inspected, let it go!"

   The coachman whispered "Yu!" Two horses and one cart passed the long and narrow gate easily.

   After a while, Song Ruhai opened a small window on the head of the truck and smiled at the people inside:

   "Pig, Xiao Nine, and Huang girl, you can come out and breathe."

   Although the weight on his body is silk and it is not heavy, the Gouzhu has been lying motionless in it. For an hour, he really couldn't stand it all over. This liberation, he immediately stretched out his hand and pressed it down, intending to support it.

   Unexpectedly, Huang Lu immediately yelled: "You are a thief, you really can't help a dog eat shit!" After the chain rang, she slapped it over. At this time, Song Ruhai glanced at it, Huang Lu immediately took her slap back, and said with a smile, "Big Brother Song has worked hard."

   Wood nineteenth also got up from the pile. Everyone opened the curtains of the car, and suddenly in the morning light, a high-rise building almost filled the sky, and the crowd was bustling in the streets of the prosperous big city. With the boiling noise, it was reflected in the eyes of everyone.

   "Such a big city, I'm afraid it is no less than Jinyu City." Gou Zhu said in surprise. He once had an ideal, that is to go to Jinyu City to personally "explore" how rich the people from Jinyu City are.

   It's just that his thief master told him that he must stay on Qingshi Street and never leave until a big opportunity. He has only lived on Bluestone Street for fourteen years.

  The opportunity really came. He was arrested by Chen Xuanfang and died for nine years. He is still on the verge of life and death. Knowing this long ago, he had already gone to see how big the world was.

   "Hmm—" Muko nodded. He was born on the mountain, and the most people he has seen is Qingshi Street. "Even a hundred Qingshi Streets can't compare to this place."

   "Golden Jade City? Bluestone Street? What the hell?" Huang Lu glanced at the hook pig. To her, these people are just some buns. She has never heard of these place names. It must be some unknown place in the corner of the corner. They can actually be compared with the largest city in the third continent. I really don’t know. The sky is high and the earth is thick.

   This is not the first time she has been to Fenglu City. Taking a look outside the car, she sighed: "The demon army is raging outside, and countless lives are unknown. The people here still look drunk and dreamy."

   Song Ruhai said with a smile: "If the demons hit Fengdew City, then all the human races in the third continent will almost die. Anyway, death is the last one, so no one is in a hurry."

   Song Ruhai and Gouzhu are not in a hurry, they are just passing by in the third continent. It's best to get the practice, even if they don't, they just go back where they came from. Everything here is just a phantom.

   But the rich and powerful families in Fenglu City are not as peaceful as Mount Tai on the surface. Especially after the sudden fall of Qulian County, the known indestructible fortress, the entire Fenglu City has long been popular.

   Some big clans secretly negotiated with the demons, hoping that they could still get a place to continue their extravagant lives after the overthrow of the kingdom of Jingli.

   Some people are pursuing the so-called "Tianlu". There has always been a legend in Jingliguo that Human Demon Mountain has a "Tianlu", which can take people away from the third continent and go to heaven.

   It would be great if they could take the wealth of the Wanguan family and leave forever to get rid of this demon clan, which is like a bone gangrene, to a peaceful place outside the sky.

   But throughout the ages, there has never been definite news that people have found the so-called heavenly road on this cloud-like mountain of human beings. Of course, if someone actually went to the outer world, they would just be missing, and it would be impossible to get confirmation.

   "But there will be more people today, because today is the day of assessment of the Royal Academy." Song Ruhai said.

   For this day, they are also preparing for ten days. Song Ruhai is sure that everything is foolproof.

   All the people are gathering in one place, which is in the same direction as the truck of Jinxiufang. And the goal is the most conspicuous place in Fenglu City, Jingli Palace, Human Demon Mountain!

  Kingli Palace is located on a flat hill in the city, surrounded by rivers. The entire palace wall is made of jade-like white stone, and on the top is a large sky-blue glazed tile. The blue and white are like a fairyland under a sunny day.

   But the real conspicuous thing is the Human Demon Mountain above the entire palace.

  Human Demon Mountain is said to be a mountain, but it is actually a huge dark cloud in the shape of an upside-down mountain. The foot of the mountain is between the clouds in the sky, and the mountain peaks are directly inserted into the Jingli Gou Zhu looked up and only felt that the huge cloud was so magnificent, it seemed that it might overwhelmingly overwhelmingly overturn at any time, pressing himself here Under the huge mountain, you will never stand up.

   He looked at the dark clouds carefully, vividly, like a real mountain, with trees, water, rocks and soil, ridges, valleys, and Tianchi waterfalls, just like a quiet ink painting. I really don’t know why such a cloud will stay here for thousands of years, no matter whether it is strong wind or heavy rain, it can’t help it?

   Some people say that this cloud is the foundation of the fortune of the Jingli Dynasty. Therefore, Jingli Palace must be built under this cloud to undertake this magnificent luck.

   Some people also say that this cloud is actually a cloud of devil. Because the magic cloud is indeed lingering. It's just that most people who have seen Demon Cloud have become corpse demons, and naturally there is no way to confirm it.

   In fact, the mountain that the Man Demon Mountain is inverted refers to not the center of Jingli Palace, but the affiliated courtyard of the south gate of Jingli Palace, the Royal Palace. The four-year assessment of the Royal Array is conducted in this place.

   This year's war with the demons can be described as successive defeats. Jing Liguo's heart is unstable, this time the assessment comes at the right time. The emperor is in need of such a polishing that can attract everyone and reinvigorate the military and the people.

   He has announced that the formation division of the team that won the first prize in this assessment will be directly named as the commander of the demon army, in charge of the world formation division and army, and led the army to sweep the world of demons.

   Every visitor thinks that my human race will not perish, because there is always an expert. They surrounded from all directions, forgetting the tragedy outside the city, staring at the human demon mountain.

   The entire assessment battle for a seat in the Royal Array will be played in the phantom of Human Demon Mountain. Everyone is looking for the best position, ready to watch this shocking battle to revive the fortunes of the country.

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