Record of Chaos

Chapter 151: Water mirror refractive array

     The wooden bow is made by the tree monster, Woodfly. Mu Fei's strength is amazing, and he is not at the same level as these foundation-building disciples. However, he was born as a tree demon, and was naturally suppressed by this celestial tree of the power transmission tower. He could only maintain the shape of the bow and could not restore the original shape.

   Even so, the incomparable vitality of the virtual pill realm in his body still surged within the wooden bow. When the wood pulled the bowstring, this terrifying pressure broke out directly.

   This coercive force is like the top of Mount Tai. It is directly crushed, and the boiling aura in the strange formation that suppresses Shuiyuean almost calms down. Then amid the screams of these women, there was a loud bang, and an arrow cut from ordinary bamboo flew out from the wooden bowstring like an explosion.

   The moment the arrow left the string, a sonic boom was already aroused, and a cloud of white mist was exploded. The loud noise almost overturned the five beauty of Shuiyue Temple. Immediately afterwards, the arrow was quickly rubbed and heated, and the entire arrow turned into flames.

   This group of flames expanded rapidly, running like a wild beast, and completely wiped out the five beautiful ecstasy formations of Shuiyuean from the ground.

   The hurricane caused by the violent air cut a huge gully on the ground, and went straight to the deer looking for truth.

   Luming's only fortunate thing is that when the wood loosened the string, he had already avoided sideways.

   After all, the arrow shot by the wood is not a magic weapon. It has no spirituality and can only go straight. But the speed of the arrow is so terrifying, even if he is a millimeter slower, as long as he is hit in the middle by the air mass carried by the arrow, he is undoubtedly broken.

   The gale swept across, just past his left side. Lu Ming was swept up by the strong wind and flew several feet away like the wind blowing leaves. Half of his sleeve was shaved to pieces, and his left hand was dripping with blood. But he kept walking, and immediately flashed into the dense woods.

   What he fears most is that this lunatic draws a bow and shoots, so that he has ten lives and is not enough to die. Of course, the woods could not withstand the fierce arrow wind, but it could block the line of sight and make the opponent lose sight.

   But the hook pig that had been soaring all the way was also killed. He wears a beard, shimmering with pearly light, holding a translucent snow-white long sword, like a cone of ice, with cold eyes, jumping like flying in the dense forest, and piercing towards Luming.

   "Deploy an array!" Liu Muyang ordered in a low voice.

   Seeing that Lu Ming panicked and didn't choose his way, Gouzhu pierced straight with his sword, and he was about to pierce his chest, but he was surprised to see that the tip of this Underworld sword disappeared!

   Although Lu Ming was not dead, his face turned pale with fright. He struggled to turn over and disappeared.

   Gouzhu quickly drew the sword of Minglan. Fortunately, the tip of the sword appeared again, and his spirit sword was not damaged. This weird place is similar to inserting a sword into the water, the tip of the sword is blocked by the reflection of the water surface, and it seems to have disappeared.

   "This is the refraction array of the water mirror for seeking truth!" Huang Lu's voice sounded from Gou Zhu's divine consciousness.

   Gouzhu only discovered that many hidden places on the trees beside him had been nailed with golden shining universe. The formation is activated, and all the one gas nails emit golden light, connected to each other into a line, dividing the space into a staggered shape. These shapes are like prisms, refraction and reflection, fantastic and endless.

   Then all the universe nails disappeared together, leaving only fragmented space!

   Gouzhu has his hair on end.

   Such a complicated strange formation, it is not that he can't comprehend its formation and find a way to break the formation. It's just that Xun Zhenguan a few people are mixed in this formation, and may make a surprise attack at any time. How can he have the time to be patient to break the formation?

   "Just tell me how to break the formation!" He quickly asked Huang Lu's consciousness.

   "This array of space is staggered, and the light and shadow are blurred. If you are trapped by this array, you can never get out of it by ordinary means..."

   "Less nonsense!"

  Duolongguan and Shuiyuean have long since retired. For them, it is better to go to the treasure-like mountain of human beings and find their own good fortune instead of fighting for the two-sided flag and these amazing gangsters.

   And this idiot named Lu Ming who wanted to kill the truth-seeking Lu Ming, let them fight you to death.

   In the eyes of Song Ruhai, Mu Mu, and Huang Lu, all the figures in the surrounding area suddenly disappeared completely. Not only did the disciples of Dulongguan and Shuiyue'an quietly leave, the five black-clothed disciples of Xunzhenguan, plus the hook pig, all disappeared into the jungle when the battle rose.

   This Lin Mang is profound and boundless. The orange sunlight above my head cast mottled shadows of the trees. The thick trunk is covered with green moss. The ground was covered with old weird vines, covered with deep rotting leaves, and there was a rotting breath in the air. Except for the calls of unknown insects, there was almost no sound in the woods.

   "I shoot an arrow to break the formation!" Wood looked around. Even though he was so familiar with the forest, he couldn't see a clue. But if he shoots indiscriminately, maybe he can really shoot.

   "In that case, those trapped in the formation will also die."

   Huang Lu stopped the impulsive wood, and walked carefully in front of her with one foot shallow and deep, allowing the other three to follow behind her.

  Xunzhen’s water mirror refraction array is hidden in the dense woods. Once activated, it is completely impossible to feel its existence from outside. Whether it is light, shadow or inspiration, they are all subtly isolated.

   Huang Lu stopped, she did not dare to walk in the woods. Although the immortal fetters restricted her true energy out of the body, it did not restrict her spiritual consciousness, but she couldn't see where the water mirror was.

   However, a feeling of danger lingered in her heart, because she had just clearly seen the five disciples of Xunzhenguan standing here.

   Randomly, they may also break into the invisible refraction array. Once he broke in, he was trapped inside like a hook pig, unable to get out.

   This is the unique knowledge of seeking truth. Although it is only hidden, without the power of defense and attack, once the enemy breaks into the formation by mistake, the chaotic space and light and shadow in the formation are enough to make it difficult for him to move and become dizzy.

   And the people who deployed this formation can hide in the chaotic space and wait for work, waiting for the opportunity to make a sneak attack, which is completely catching turtles in the urn.

   Outside the formation, it is impossible to see through this formation anyway, even if it is the highest formation master in the world!

   Gouzhu walked in this fragmented tree shadow forest. To him, the space is just like a splicing of pieces. Some fragments are quite small, sharp as a knife, and you will definitely die if you accidentally hit them. Some are wide enough for him to walk around. Some fragments have access to each other, while others are out of reach.

   He went straight through these passages, but he didn't necessarily get there, but appeared in an unbelievable place somehow. At a glance, the woods formed by the fragments were so vast that there was no end in sight.

   "Put down your two-sided Profound Water Banner, Spirit Sword, and Immortal Lotus, and bind yourself. I will save your life and allow you to teleport away."

   This cold voice is exactly what Lu Ming said, he actually only said it once. But this sound reverberated in the chaotic formation, like an echo, repeated into the ears of Gouzhu.

   "If you use Teleportation Jane to escape..." Lu Ming thought to himself triumphantly, "The chaotic space will cause the teleportation to fail, and this person will be cut into pieces by the fragmented space!"

   Gouzhu looked around, but he couldn't see Lu Ming, and the other four people in Xun Zhen Guan. So he did not reply. He couldn't find the opponent's location based on the voice, but the opponent was familiar with this formation, maybe. Maybe you can reply, just exposing your position.

  "You are the master of the formation! Don't you have any "Three Formations Sutra" that contains everything? Find a way to let me go Gouzhu repeatedly shouted Huang Lu in his divine consciousness.

"Huh, do you think I can't see it?" Huang Lu suddenly snorted, "You and the nineteenth mixed into my Chongxuan View. On the surface, it was for the sake of eating, but in fact, it was to steal the "Three Formations". Right?"

   Gouzhu is speechless for a while. Unexpectedly, Huang Lu was a woman with a carefree appearance, but she was coarse and fine. Obviously, he was looking for secrets in their motorcade several times and was spotted by Huang Lu.

   To this young man who looked a little bit sly eyebrows, Huang Lu would rather he came to steal the scriptures. At least it means that he is not a desolate dude who relies on a maid to beg for food.

   Xuanmen stealing scriptures is a taboo, but it can also be done by aspiring and bold people.

   She originally branded Gouzhu's soul breath on her spiritual sense, and imagined that she would find a way to break the formation, let Gouzhu read it, and then let him break the formation.

   But one of them is in the formation and the other is outside, and they cannot communicate with each other. Even if she entered the formation and couldn't find the position of the hook pig, the two could not find the way to break the formation from the same perspective, it was useless.

   In this way, it seemed that he could only teach him a part of the "Three Formations", and he broke the formation himself.

   Knowing this a long time ago, she tied herself and Gouzhu together with a rope, and died without being separated. It was better than teaching him the scriptures!

   "Three Formations Classic" was called by his father the first strange book of the Third Continent Formation. Huang's inheritance comes from this. Without the approval of the three elders of the Presbyterian Church, it must not be spread outside.

   Huang Lu is not a rigid person. If this battle is not victorious, Chongxuan View will cease to exist, her own ending is likely to be pursued by the world, and finally die on the guillotine, what is the use of guarding a scripture.

   She bit her vermilion lips and shouted in her divine consciousness: "Pig, if you can't win this time, I will kill you!"

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