Record of Chaos

Chapter 275: Going into the trap, the tree demon arrives

   The hungry ghost's body touched the real fire of Xuanyin, just like a grass man touched the flame, it burned violently, and after a few breaths, it turned to ashes.

   Goujiu is willing to help the hungry ghosts to get rid of, but he can do nothing. The lives and deaths of the hungry ghosts are different from the humanity. If a person dies, he immediately goes into reincarnation, and is bound by karma, any one of the six realms of rebirth is possible.

   The hungry ghosts of the Hungry Ghost Road, although they die, they go into reincarnation, but if their evil karma is not exhausted, they will still be reincarnated as hungry ghosts in all likelihood. So even if the hungry ghost is dead, it will be transformed into the path of the hungry ghost in a few moments. Life and death mean little to it at all.

   Going out of the cave, the outside is wide. The top of the head is vast, and it is impossible to distinguish the distance between the high and the low, but some bright blue cracks can be seen above the dome, like lightning freezing in the air. The faint blue light that fills here comes from this.

   The four directions are undulating rocks, like a dense forest. The wind of Xuan Yin whizzed over the stone forest. This made Gou Zhuo immediately give up the idea of ​​flying the Phoenix-blooded Kite. He didn't know whether his body could withstand the fierce wind.

   He just walked out of this cave, and immediately heard a rustling sound from outside. Then he saw the strange shadows under the stone forest changed, slowly moving.

   Goujiu's heart tightened, and when he looked around, he couldn't help but yelled: "Yun Tiantang's miscellaneous, if you can get out alive, I will kill you all!"

   His curse does not necessarily have practical significance. It's just that when he was a thief, he used to fight for territory on the street. When he couldn't beat others, he was so angry and vented.

Where he looked, the farther place was swallowed in the darkness, and he couldn't see clearly, but within a hundred steps, he stuck his head out of the cracks in the dense stone forest, like dense bean sprouts, all hungry ghosts, countless. . One by one looked at his body, silly mouth opened, leaving saliva.

   The people of Yun Tian Tian sent them here, not just wanting to be trapped in them, but calculated that they will be eaten clean by various ghosts, and there will be no bone left.


   November 12th early morning. The Wang Clan of Yuntian City was already on the third day of his closure. It is said that this time, it was the old man Wang Canghuang who went out to sit in person, and the whole Wang family was guarded like an iron bucket.

   Wang Canghuang is now more than 150 years old, besides the long queen Shuhua and the eldest son Wang Xingyi, there are seven or eight children under his knees. The son gave birth to grandchildren, and the grandson gave birth to children. Some of these people are too far away, but most of them are in Yuntiantang, Yuntiancheng Prefecture, Jinzhouwei, all counties in the Sifang, and various small sects or cultivating.

   Now most of them have returned. There are two to three hundred people in a family, and the number of handyman slaves has reached five to six hundred people. This king's mansion is suddenly very lively. It was as if he was going to hold a birthday banquet for Mr. Wang.

   But Wang Canghuang has no intention of hosting a birthday banquet. He already knew that the people his precious daughter had taken were the inner disciples of Cuiyu Palace. Once the people from Cuiyu Palace came to the door, he desperately had to carry it for three days, not allowing his daughter and grandson to have trouble.

   As for three days later, he could open the door to welcome guests. At that time, no matter what could be found in the Jade Palace, he would not admit it. He wanted to have the Five Elements Sect, and the other party couldn't help him.

   Fortunately, it is now the third day, and there is still no movement on the side of the Jade Palace. As long as you can survive today, you will be over if you want to come to the Wang Family.

   When watching the red sun rise, the crowd on the street at the entrance of the Wang Family Mansion suddenly found an unexpected surprise. Immediately the news spread throughout the city.

   "Seven men in black appeared at the gate of the Wang's house in the closed mansion!"

   Jinzhou is not more war-torn than Yuzhou, a border land. Yuntian City has been peaceful for a long time, and there are many big players of various kinds, and they are generous in their actions, which breeds many idlers who are full of food and doing nothing all day long. It's rare for a century to see a wealthy family shutting down the house and making a brilliant plan to protect the family. There are countless people who come to watch every day, hoping for some trouble.

   In nominal terms, the Wang family sealed the mansion because his father Wang’s seven-color virtual pill was about to break through, and he might be promoted to the Purple Mansion, so he sealed the mansion’s protection. But this was passed down as a joke. Because everyone knows that Wang Cang and Huang Shouyuan will be exhausted. Breaking through at the end of life is not impossible in Xuanmen, but it is absolutely rare. How could it be the Wang family's turn?

   More rumors are that the Wang family has already feuded with a certain sect, and the other party may hit the door from time to time.

   It's a pity that there was no movement for two days, so naturally some people were disappointed. But on the third day, the good show finally came! How can they not tell each other?

   "Who are these people?"

   "Looking at the figure, this standing posture is at least a Taoist Xudan, right?" In fact, where these mortals can perceive the realm of monks, they are just nonsense.

   The eyes of most good people are on the woman with long green hair. Although the woman is not tall, her proportions are extremely beautiful. He was dressed tightly in black and his face was as bright as a moon. For them, it's too beautiful.

   "It's a pity that my head is green...I'm afraid it's not good to marry home?" Someone whispered. Another said: "Bah! I won't be able to miss you if I want to be green!"

   At this time, Wang Canghuang, who was sitting in the main hall of the Wang family, was puzzled. What should come will always come, and he has no doubts about it. But the other party said that he was not from Cuiyu Palace, so he couldn't figure it out a bit.

   "What do they want?"

   A child of the Wang family handed over a jade slip and said: "They said there is no requirement. As long as we hand over this person, we will leave."

  Wang Canghuang glanced at the jade slip, which revealed a short, sturdy, dull-looking young man in a gray robes at the door of the jade palace. Although he had never seen this person, he knew in his heart that this person must be one of the disciples of the Jade Jade Palace Inner Sect that Wang Shuhua had entered into the crack in the Ming Cave.

   "Where do they claim to come from?"

The young boy replied, "These people are extremely arrogant and unwilling to reveal their identity. They just say that we don’t hand over the people, and they have to slaughter me. But I don’t see any surprises in their cultivation. It’s only foundation building, and all of it is physical training. Let me take a group of foundation building disciples, hold the Shakugan Crane pot, and kill them one by one, leaving their heads hanging at the gate of my house, and no one will dare to make trouble in the safekeeping!"

  The physical training that the Wang family’s children have seen are all those who came out of the Extreme Wuzong and came to Yuntian City to be bodyguards. These brazen men who are not accustomed to the five-element escape technique and rely on physical strength and martial arts alone, they don't care at all.

   Wang Canghuang shook his head repeatedly. The state of physical training is difficult to judge by itself. He wants to take a look in person, and maybe he can even see that the name is coming. The great-grandson Wang Mushan in front of him was a young genius, and he built his own nine-fold foundation, thinking that there was only one line from the virtual pill, and he was arrogant and ignorant. In fact, he is weak. With his ability to look at others, I am afraid that no matter how high he is, he can only regard it as a foundation.

  Since the other party dared to open his mouth and would slaughter him all over the door, it was natural that the person who came was bad. If you can not do it, it is best not to do it.

   It's a pity that the person from the Jade Palace they wanted has now been taken by Wang Shuhua into the Xuanyin Ming acupoint.

  Wang Canghuang just went in to find and couldn't get it back. This Ming acupoint is still the top secret of the family, the prohibition of the Five Elements Sect. Except for his Patriarch, Wang Shuhua and Wang Xingyi's two siblings, no one knew at all. He categorically did not dare to let outsiders go in and search for people. After much deliberation, he had no choice but to take a delay first.

   He did not immediately reply to the people who came outside, but transmitted a voice message to his son-in-law Su Lang for help. But it is strange. This person Su Lang used to be very friendly, even though he was the Master of the Purple Mansion, he was respectful to his father-in-law and had no pretensions. But this time, he transmitted the voice repeatedly, but the other party never responded.

   At this time, Muluo was waiting outside the Wang's house, consciously patience had gradually reached its limit. She is a top-notch existence in the demon world, no matter who you go to, no one dares to give her a closed door. Although this is in the human world, it is inconvenient to reveal her identity, but the royal family has been in for so long, and she has to wait at the door. Naturally, she feels very upset.

   At this moment, the dark door of Wang's house full of copper nails opened. A young Wang Clan stood at the door with an arrogant look in his eyes, and glanced around the few people in black who were reluctant to live or die. But he remembered the grandfather's request again, so he put away the arrogance on his face and turned to humble:

"I’ve never seen the person you showed, let alone in our house. If you don’t believe me, you can come in and search. It’s just that today my grandfather has important things to do at home, and you won’t be able to see the guests. Wait until tomorrow, You can find it inside. If there is such a person hiding in it, you can take it away. My family has no intention of shelter."

The man paused and saw that the other party seemed indifferent and did not respond. He took out a fairy lotus with both hands and said, "My grandfather said, everyone is coming from afar, and you are a guest when you come. There is a pure Yang Danyi here. Thousands of pieces, a thin gift is not a tribute, but for everyone to wash away the dust."

   Muruo's eyes flashed murderously.

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