Record of Chaos

Chapter 490: The love in the dream is illusion, but the ginseng is hard to see

   He Biri has lived with Lin Han for thousands of years in He Heng’s illusion. But after killing He Heng, he managed to refine this memory. Otherwise, in the future, he will always be troubled by the demons caused by this false memory.

   His current memory is natural, still staying at the stage where he hadn't spoken to Lin Han for hundreds of years, and then life and death were separated forever. Lin Han has avoided meeting him for many years. Even if it was necessary to meet, he never responded to any greetings.

   Linhan’s cultivation is the same as ten years ago, and he is still the Zifu Consummation. But the real image is more beautiful than he remembers. This is a feeling that cannot be objectively described, as if the brows that are naturally destined to her will catch his eyes firmly.

   Whether it is the impression of meeting in a dream or a look back hundreds of miles away, to him is as strong as a flash in the dark night. This was originally caused by some kind of evil fate, but it was repeatedly strengthened because he couldn't get it, and finally became what it is now.

   He felt that as long as he looked like Lin Han, he was already amazingly beautiful, let alone her deity appeared? But it may not be the case for others. After all, there are so many beautiful women in the crane tribe.

   He Bi Japan thought that Lin Han would still avoid his gaze as before, and ignored all his speeches. But this time Lin Han took the initiative to cast his gaze, smiled gently and made a blessing, and said, "I have seen His Majesty Crane King."

   When Linhan came here, He Biri was not yet the crane king. But now he was wearing the white feather long feather cloak that only the Crane King was qualified to wear, and the golden crown with the Crane King on his head, she knew that He Bi Ri was already the Crane King.

   Not only that, He Biri also advanced to Jindan's cultivation base. This eased some of the debts in her heart. She once thought that He Biri's refusal to find a Taoist companion and unable to advance to the Golden Core was because of the consequences of her actions.

   They just exchanged a few words. He Buri also got some answers he wanted. But there are some questions, such as why Lin Han is here, and where did the Wannian Demon Ginseng go, Lin Han himself doesn't know, he certainly can't ask.

   Lin Han answered some questions truthfully. The reason why she refused to have any verbal communication with He Biri for hundreds of years was not because of guilt, or because she deliberately wanted to avoid something, but she used a secret technique to forget this and He Bi. Memories between the days.

   If she doesn't do that, this memory will become the demon of the golden core. It would be a trivial matter if the heart demon caused her to fail to advance to the Golden Core. If He Yuyin was hurt, she would not be able to forgive herself. Later facts also confirmed her concerns.

   Any communication with He Biri may result in the failure of the secret technique. But when she was promoted to Jindan later, this memory still came out, indicating that this secret technique had failed. She didn't know the reason, but she could only attribute it to her lack of integrity.

   "Go back with me, you will always be the Queen of Cranes. The entire Taibai Forest is yours. Sooner or later we will be able to fly together." By now, any falsehood or suspicion is a waste. He Biri didn't want to conceal, he expressed his heart.

   Lin Han did not have a trace of expression on his face, nor did he directly answer his words, but pointed to He Yuyin under the cliff and said:

   "If Yuyin can live, I will live with him; if he dies, I will reincarnate with him. No matter how many reincarnations, I will be the same."

   He Biri was speechless for a while. This means that not only will you have no chance in this life, but also in the next life or even eternal life. This made him feel ignorant again. After a while, he said angrily: "Why do you have to obey He Heng's old bastard's arrangements so persistently?"

   Lin Han shook his head and said, "You are wrong. That is not Master's arrangement, it is my own arrangement."

   He Bi Ri was very angry. One is obviously a forced arrangement given by others, but she insists on saying that she made her own decision. Who can make it clear? He wished to get into Lin Han's mind to reverse her thoughts. But this is impossible.

   Anger spreads like a mountain fire, and thick smoke fills the sky and obscures the sunlight. The evil spirit in his body involuntarily surged to the top of his head, and the red crown on his brows turned from red to black.

   "If this is the case, then you will reincarnate together!" He uttered his own curse fiercely, his palms were raging, and he seemed to sacrifice the evil spirits of the world at any time to bury everything in front of him.

   But he did nothing in the end. The anger surged up and then backed down, rising and backing like a tide. He turned around and walked back to the middle of many Jindan cultivators.

   "He Biri, what about your account of the crane clan?" Yuan Rushan asked impatiently. In fact, it is really nonsense to not explain, his only concern is where the Wannian ginseng is, but it is not easy to ask directly on this occasion.

"This woman is the former Crane Queen Lin Han, and the corpse below is the former Crane King He Yuyin." Crane King briefly told the facts he knew, "She doesn't know the details of coming here. It should be our late wife. The arrangement of the upper elder He Heng. It seems that I can only ask him."

   "He Bi Ri!" Yuan Rushan was furious, "You said that the explanation you can give is to push a dead person?"

   "Ten Thousand Years of Participation must not be missing. The Crane King should indeed give a statement on this matter." Even the patriarch of the Bahrain tribe, Zhe Shichao, who has always been hiding behind people, screamed.

   He didn't want to get ahead, he was really anxious. If Wanniancan's whereabouts are unknown, his suppression of the Night King to ask the tribe to stand up will become a dream. If everyone joins forces to force the He Clan to hand over Wanniancan, he is still expected to get a share.

   Originally, the black and white thought Meng Lai would immediately come forward and give a solution, but Meng Lai did not say anything for a long time, so he had to speak by himself:

   "We will capture one person and two cranes in this valley, and let them hand over the demon ginseng. If you can't hand over it and you can't tell whereabouts, search for the gods and then the souls, and you will naturally know the truth.

  Extreme Wuzong elder Mo Pai glanced at the calm crane king on the side:

"You must be sure that these few people took the demon ginseng? It's really not that a certain king guarded himself and stolen it. It was a mystery? The previous Crane King disappeared ten years ago. If this ginseng disappears, I am afraid it will not happen in a day or two. He Biri, you brought these men over here, isn't it a guilty conscience?"

   What he meant was that if you want to search for souls, why bother to find those small ones, so that everyone will join hands to capture the crane king and search for souls, and the answer will naturally be revealed!

   Crane King gave him a sideways look, as if you dare to move, I would try to move, silently. The atmosphere is tense.

   Black and White also have similar ideas to Mo Pi. It's just that he pinched the soft persimmon first, and took the two crane girls and one man Xiu down for trial. He estimated that nine times out of ten he would not be able to ask Wan Nian Shen's whereabouts. To be able to ask, King Crane had already asked when he went up to talk to the woman.

   But once these three people have been searched for souls and there is no answer, the people here will point their fingers at the crane king without him speaking in the next step. But Mo Pi didn't have the city government as much as him, so he immediately asked He Biri to trouble him.

   Black and white immediately communicated with Mo Pi Chuanyin, and both agreed to join hands to take the Crane King. Of course, he will not stop at two people joining hands. The two of them also contacted other Jindan monks at the same place.

   Wen Chuxiao and the demon fox An Ruoqing readily agreed, and Yuan Rushan and Zhe Shichao had nothing to say, and they took the initiative to transmit their voices to participate in this matter.

   The black-and-white man is determined to believe that he will support them. Menglu's attitude is unknown, and he didn't give them any reply. This dream raccoon's own strength is vague, and he controls a Guanghan goddess who has perfect golden core double flowers. If he makes trouble by then, it will be really a trouble.

   There is another person, Elder Soul Sect Fireworks Rain, an old woman who is squatting on her staff. Due to her severe hunchback, she is only half the height of an ordinary person. At this critical moment, she also remained silent, letting the black and white child confused her intentions.

   Black and white quickly thought about it. If he, Wen Chuxiao, An Ruoqing, Yuan Rushan, Mo Pi, and Zhe Shichao were to deal with King Crane and his first three purple palaces, plus the previous generation Crane Hou Lin Han, of course there would be nothing. problem.

   But in the worst case, the other party can still add three golden cores: Mengluo, Guanghan Goddess, and Fireworks Rain. The situation is too difficult to predict. They are undoubtedly still dominant, but the consequences of the Jindan war are unpredictable.

   Six golden cores dealt with four golden cores, and the opponent also had four purple mansion monks. Maybe the world will be broken, and they won't be able to catch anything except one injury.

   Black and white can't make up his mind after thinking about it, so he can only wait and wait until Mengluo and Yanhuayu have made clear their attitudes before considering doing it.

   As expected, Elder Hunzong Fireworks Rain's eyes flickered, and Meng Lai seemed to be lost in thought. Others obviously put a lot of pressure on them. In the end Menglu broke the silence.

   He waved his hand, a ghastly mana shrouded everyone in. Everyone's mind flashed, and everyone was in a magical illusion. There is no difference between this fantasy and the real Ten Thousand Gorges The crane girl is still standing a hundred steps away, but without the sense of agility, she becomes motionless like a stone statue.

   They communicate in divine will, so that it is not easy to be detected by the outside world.

   "This matter really has nothing to do with the King Crane, you don't have to worry about it. The Wannian Ginseng is still here, but..." In fact, Meng Lai did not think of the situation in front of him. The reason why I was so reluctant to speak was to wait for an opportunity to swallow it.

   But one has the same firework rain that sees through the truth, and the second has six golden cores who refuse to give up. And if you really want to eat this thing, it is very likely that you must rely on the common will of everyone.

  After pondering over and over again, he finally decided to split up with you Jindan according to the original plan. This way he can get at least part of it, so as not to go back empty-handed.

   "Menglai, what do you mean?" Yuan Rushan tapped the stick in his hand on the ground, making a muffled sound. As if to say that if you don't say it clearly, I will knock on your head.

   "If I'm not wrong, He Heng should have found a passage to enter here a long time ago. But under the siege of the big formation, he couldn't move the Wannian ginseng. So he devised a way to steal the day.

"The demon spirit ginseng is not only the best soul container, if it reaches the ten thousand years stage, and there is a spirit in it, you can transform it at will. If a remnant soul enters the ten thousand year ginseng, it will just combine with the ten thousand years earth soul to form a soul If it is, it will become what she was like before her death.

   "If I hadn't studied the spirit with Elder Yan for many years, I would not see the strangeness. Everyone would naturally think that this Wannian ginseng is no longer there."

   Everyone couldn't help but looked at the crane fairy standing still on the top of the mountain. Meng Lei quietly raised a finger and transmitted to everyone: "Wan Nian Shen is this woman's body now!"

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