Record of Chaos

Chapter 67: Black Wind Sword

   The nineteenth is now a sweet dream for him. This dream has already begun, and he can't wake up immediately.


   "It's just that we are stronger than you, and much stronger. Retreat with a little knowledge of yourself, or I will beat you to a serious injury and quit, the result will be the same anyway."

   Song Ruhai was speechless for a while. He had seen arrogant people but it was really rare to be so straightforward. Tang Su is very arrogant, but he also got an excuse first before coming to find fault. The uncle didn't even use excuses. Because I am better than you, so you have to do whatever I want, no discussion. In this way, the transaction is completely impossible to negotiate.

   "So, have you thought about it?" Long Wu put his hand on the hilt and asked again. For him, this is the last time. He hoped that the men on the other side would recognize each other and enter the yard obediently after leaving the nineteenth. In this way, these people would fight the battle for the spirit seed, and the dreams between him and this green-eyed girl would no longer matter.

   "Well, we are done." Before Song Ruhai could speak, Gouzhu smiled and said to them, "We refuse."

   Actually, he doesn't need to think about it. The nineteenth, like Fat Cow, is now his junior. Who wants to move her unless he dies.

"As for leaving our junior sister," Gouzhu smiled weirdly. "It's okay, as long as the five eldest brothers show some sincerity, they will castrate themselves as eunuchs. At that time, the junior sisters will hand it over to you. Take care, my brother, I am absolutely relieved!"

The phrase    Gouzhu points out the evil thoughts of this group of people, and they can't help but chuckle like a wood.

   Although these four-level Wu Yuan disciples are strong, they also have a lot of cards. Whether it's his Underworld Orchid, Song Ruhai's Shenhuo Cauldron, and the innate tree body of wood, it is enough for the other party to drink a pot.

   He wants to see, what the **** dare to do with this incredible fourth-level Wuyuan? If he is pressed into a hurry, he doesn't care about letting the two sides play together.

   Moreover, he has been carefully watching the changes of the dozens of guiding stars in the sky.

   There are not only two Wuyuans here. Is every Wu Yuan looking for an opportunity to seize the other's spirit seed?

   Hearing Gouzhu's provocation, Long Wu instantly furious, blood rushed to the top of his head, blue veins on his forehead violently, his eyes were as round as longan eyes. He seldom sees a first-level college who dares to reply to himself like this. Especially on the second floor of the power transmission tower, such a place like a black hole that is unattended and will lose memory when going out.

   "Boy, you angered me, you're done!" Longwu pulled out his sword completely from its sheath. His sword is still the same style as the saber made in the outer courtyard of the Jade Palace, but it is completely black, as if it had been dyed with ink. The sword was surrounded by sharp sword aura, like a rushing wind in the forest, blowing on the face, like a sharp blade hung in secret.

   "I will teach you how to respect your elder brother."

   "A spirit sword!" Song Ruhai was secretly surprised. They know very little about spirit swords. He only knew that the spirit swords of the Jade Palace were all magic weapons made by the mysterious iron wood sword fusion with spirit seeds. The spirit seeds grow on the sword and fit into the sword body. Generally only inner disciples can have it.

   Although the four-layer foundation can begin to merge spirit seeds, most of the outer disciples in the Jade Palace have used the simplest black iron wooden sword for their entire lives. In this regard, many disciples from the outer sects have never reached the fourth level of foundation building. On the other hand, it is not easy to obtain the spirit seed. The cheapest one is also several thousand pure Yang Dan. Most of the outer disciples didn't even pay the daily offerings required by the Jade Palace, and couldn't save money to buy spiritual seeds by themselves.

   It’s not that I have never seen a good spirit seed hook pig. In the Xuanshi of Qingyang Town, the thunder-xuan wood species that Lian Ling saw was the best among the spirit seeds. The invincible young man in Jinyi took out a high price of 10,000 Pure Yang Pill on the spot, and that was still in the case that the value of this thing had not been said. There is no market for such things. If it's a missed meeting, you won't be able to buy a million pure Yang Pill.

   So when you arrive at this level of the Kungfu Pagoda, everyone will fight desperately for spiritual seeds, the more the better. It is the easiest way to take action while others are fusing spirit seeds.

   Gouzhu suddenly thought, if you use that Thunder Profound wood seed to fuse the spirit sword, you can make a stunning spirit sword? In a blink of an eye, his inexplicable anger against the young man in Jinyi who snatched the Lei Xuanmu came to his heart.

   "Son of the thief, what a good thing was snatched from my hand! If you don't get touched by my uncle, if you want to touch it, you have to spit it out!"

   At that time, he neither knew the method of fusion, nor had he seen the power of the spirit sword. If not for this personal experience, he would never know the value of the spirit sword.

   After Longwu's spirit sword was unsheathed, the sword's body was immediately blurred and turned into a black smoke in a flash. This black smoke seemed to be spiritual, like a small black dragon, flying around him.

   He turned his whole body in real air, pinched the tactics with both hands, and suddenly changed into palms, pushed both palms out together, and shouted:

   "Black Wind Sword, Black Dragon Attack!"

   The black dragon surrounding him immediately roared and flew out. But his goal is not to hook the pig, but to stand by and patiently try to negotiate with them a "deal" acceptable to both parties, Song Ruhai.

   Gouzhu is annoying to him, but standing in front of this person is the pretty girl like a doll that he covets. With the black wind sword in his hand, the black dragon struck out, and the monks below the sixth level of foundation were either killed or injured. Of course he was reluctant to hurt this woman, but he was rude to the other men in the Wuyuan. Although it was Song Ruhai who attacked first, he would not let the other people go.

   After all, the strength of the monk of the profound sect is respected. If he can defeat all of these people, this woman loses her Wuyuan, will she find her backer and empathize with herself? Especially the lean guy. Although it is impossible to completely kill him at this level, we must try to break his meridians. From then on, he couldn't practice, and it became a burden for this woman, so sooner or later he would be dumped.

   Of course, in this level, things can't help her voluntarily or involuntarily. Whether forced or voluntary, he will have this beautiful woman in these days.

   Before Song Ruhai had time to pinch the tactics to call out the Shenhuo Ding, the black dragon had already rushed to his eyes. Fortunately, there was a giant tree surrounded by three people just in front of him. His figure flashed, just behind the giant tree. The direction of the black dragon did not change at all, and was hitting the tree trunk. With a bang, the tree shook, the branches and leaves of the whole tree rustle, and the dead leaves of the tree fell like rain. The black air hit the tree trunk but did not stop, but went straight through, and a sound of cracking wood cracking came from the tree trunk. In the stunned eyes of everyone, this black dragon has been transformed into a three-foot long sword. The blade is nailed into the trunk like a spike. The tip of the sword has directly penetrated the trunk, revealing a chilling three-inch length. Heimang was facing Song Ruhai's apple behind the tree.

At the time when Song Ruhai was almost shocked, the Black Wind Sword turned into black energy again, slowly withdrew from the hole where the sword entered, and then sank to the ground, from an extremely tricky angle Feigou pig!

   Long Wuqi's attack on Song Ruhai was originally a deterrent, he just wanted to take advantage of the moment when the other group of people were frightened and attacked the pig. After all, this guy who speaks badly to him and is on the side of the beauty is what he hates most. It's just that he didn't expect that the beauty of the green pupil flashed, and he had already switched directions, blocking the black wind sword and the hook pig.

Long Wu couldn't help yelling: "Idiot, your triple strength of foundation building will undoubtedly die if you take this black dragon attack directly!" Although he does not want to kill this rare beauty, this black wind sword is extremely powerful. He couldn't send and receive freely at all. He just wanted to take it back and it was impossible. He could only be cruel and prepared to see the beautiful green-eyed beauty being pierced.

   But the black air is still ten steps away from the other party, and suddenly the air blows with a fragrant breeze. A piece of blue silk fell from the sky, blocking the edge of this black wind. Immediately, the two colors of black and blue collided together, and a burst of cracking sound came through the air. Although this blue silk was far more fragile than the fierce black sword aura, it was wrapped in layers and endlessly, like a spider web that entangled the extremely fast black dragon Sisi.

   The black dragon was still advancing, but was dragged by the entangled silk and slowed down a lot. The green-eyed girl made a decisive action, holding the strange magic weapon in front of her with her right hand, pushing the Gouzhu backward with her left hand, and performing light work under her feet. The two immediately retreated ten steps, and finally escaped the black dragon attack.

  Long Wu has five fingers, and the black energy instantly returned to his hand. From the hilt to the tip of the sword, a dark spirit sword condensed like this. There was nothing unusual about this sword when it was shot, but it had become extremely cold when it was shot. He just felt a burst of cold piercing his palm like a needle. He hurriedly resisted. Fortunately, his strength was one weight higher than the opponent after all, and he was not hit.

   "Han Shuang Ling!"

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