Record of Chaos

Chapter 732: The fantasy world is like a mirror, and the old man is like a shadow

   (732 fantasy world is like a mirror, old man is like a shadow)

   Just when the tree tribe and the ancient tribe were fighting on the five-named stone island, the explosion of the crescent moon warship constituted the most spectacular scene in the night sky. Even in Jinyu City hundreds of miles away, a flash of light could be seen from the northeast sky.

   At least half of the disciples of the Five Elements School died in the explosion. Fortunately, those disciples who were able to fly evacuated from the bow earlier, about three or four breaths earlier than the explosion. And Taiyangfeng's prohibition blocked most of the power of the explosion, so most of them survived.

   Zhou Ta flew away in the final stage of the explosion. Of course, it is impossible for him to be injured by the explosion with his golden core cultivation. But the time he made to escape really made Kong Du, Chen Ang, Xue You and others sweating.

   Regardless of whether or not a Golden Core monk, if you don't run in such an explosion, you will definitely die. The problem is that Zhou Ta hasn't run yet, and they dare not run first. They are all people who want to achieve great things, and no one wants to appear timid than others.

   In the end, they all felt the shock wave of the explosion. Only then did Zhou Ta flash his figure and flew out to Taiyang Peak not far in front of him. The others quickly evacuated.

   At the moment of evacuation, Zhou Ta gave an order: "After dispersing, there is no need to gather. You can search freely and hunt Lian Ping, Huo Yun, and Mu Jia!"

   The flames and fragments of the explosion shot through the sky. Although most of the hull is still outside the prohibition, the aftermath of this part of the explosion will not rush into the prohibition, but one-third of the hull has already entered the Taiyang Peak prohibition. There are many powerful weapons in this part, which were detonated at the same time in the explosion, and the movement was not small.

   Everyone can no longer move freely in the air, so they can only fly in the same direction with the strong shock wave and the flying debris to reduce the possibility of being injured by the impact. In such a chaotic situation, the battle plan they had originally determined has obviously become a display.

   Zhou Ta gave them the order to directly discard the plan, lest they get in the way after entering Taiyang Peak.

   After all, the opponent does not have a Golden Core monk. On their side, there are two Jindan cultivators, if you count Gu Xuanzhong and Chen Ang, who have Jindan combat power, there are four. With such a huge disparity in strength, no matter whether there is a battle plan or not, they will only be slaughtered by them.

   So at this time, Zhou didn't really care about how to act. Anyway, the destruction of Danyang Pavilion was only a matter of time. He has only one idea right now, which is to capture the Danyang Pavilion disciple named Gou Zhu. In the future, if he wants to seize the position of the Sovereign of the Five Elements Sect, he needs a planner who can help him plan everything and expect the enemy to be the first opportunity.

   This person does not need to be very high, but he has a strong spiritual sense and is good at calculating. Of course he would never trust such people. But he can extract his spirits to refine magical tools like the "Universal Treasure Plate", which is foolproof.

   The Huichunyuan flying boat controlled by the Danyang Pavilion forces has been the first to anchor on the berth on the top of Taiyang Peak. After Zhou Ta flew several miles into the air, the shock wave had already ceased.

  He stared closely at the dim yellow lights near the moored flying boat from far away. It looked like the sleeping behemoth of Taiyangfeng opened a somewhat hazy eye.

   "They were the first to reach Taiyang Peak." Zhou Ta sighed, feeling upset. They have all spotted the time, and they must arrive at Taiyang Peak on time when preparing. If someone arrives first, it is very likely that some arrangement will be made on the mountain in advance, which is obviously detrimental to the other party.

   But a series of changes on the road slowed them down. However, the other party specially prepared means to seize the opportunity, and made them disgraced all the way.

   "But so what?" Zhou Ta asked to himself. No matter how many wonderful strategies the opponent has, and no matter what traps they lay, the final outcome still depends on the outcome of the duel between the monks. From this perspective, what those people did was nothing more than a futile struggle before failure.

   His mind moved a little, and he teleported to the ship. But in the process, he felt as if he had crossed some invisible barrier, and then the world became quiet.

   This silence is not because the voice has become weaker. The sound of the wind and the waves were still there, but the fluctuations and breaths of the consciousness of all creatures and creatures that his consciousness had felt almost disappeared completely. The sky was vast, as if suddenly he was left alone.

   Zhou Ta stopped, and stepped in the void, spreading his spiritual consciousness and understanding up and down, letting the wind blow his black Taoist robe in the air like a flag. This world is indeed different from before.

   "A fantasy world mirror shadow?"

   Zhou Ta has a lot of knowledge, and of course he has heard of this empty escape method from the Yin Yang school. This kind of magic can duplicate the ruthless world and overlap each other. The victim will fall into a "mirror shadow". Their hands will be in different mirrors, they can't help each other, and they are easily broken by each.

  In other words, he is the only one left to face the enemy in this world. That's why it seemed so quiet. However, there is a weakness in the phantom mirror image, that is, the person who controls this technique can be found in the mirror image. As long as he can find and kill this person and interrupt the spell, the Phantom Mirror will collapse.

   Of course, the other party will not sit and wait for death, and will definitely send people to stop him, or directly defeat him. He is not afraid of this. No matter who comes, kill it.

   Everything in his eyes has not changed at all. Even in the air, the fragments and embers from the explosion of the Crescent Moon Boat were still falling like a silver rain.

But he suddenly discovered that the bow of the Feizhou in the Rejuvenation Courtyard, where there was no one, stood a woman wearing a white silk skirt with blood-colored lines and a moon-white dress, her whole body exuding like The cold smoke is like mist. The eyes shot, as if a pair of icy swords also pierced over.

   He was taken aback again. He imagined that the other party would dispatch Lian Ping and Huo Yunduo to intercept him. He also imagined that Biluo Saint Lady Lian Ling, who had been missing for many years, reappeared, and even imagined that the other party hired those shameless masters. But he didn't expect at all that he would see a Shuanghua elder from the Yin Yang school here?

   "Guanghan goddess resigns to the south?"

   After he knew that this person had disappeared in the Demon Realm for many years, he re-emerged and returned to the Yin Yang School. But the weird thing is, why is this person here? More importantly, why is she with the people in Danyang Pavilion of Jade Palace? Could it be... Many possibilities emerged in his heart. Could it be that Danyang Pavilion has already taken refuge in Yin and Yang Sect behind the scenes?

   If this is the case, it would be really troublesome. The strength of Yin Yang Sect has always steadily overwhelmed the Five Elements Sect. If Danyang Pavilion brought the entire Jade Jade Palace over, then this balance might never be able to pull it over again.

   He was entangled for a while, do you want to do it here? Nanwan's resignation had already spent a hundred years ago, and he was a veteran master. Even if the realm is similar, their combat experience may be better than their own. But to make matters worse, is he here to represent the Five Elements Sect to fight against Yin Yang Sect?

   The other party did not answer, but just stared at him coldly. The eyes of the woman in white clothes were so cold that the gas he exhaled had turned into white mist, and snow fell silently around him. He had to stand his temper and said:

   "I met Elder Nan during the week at Jindeyuan of the Lower Five Elements Zong."

If Han Beizi copied Nan Wanci's personality, she would not respond to this sentence, but would reply directly: "Poor Dao is not Nan Wan Ci, poor Dao Han Beizi!" But she is under the control of If Xunzhu does not let her say, she will not say anything.

   is precisely this effect. Use the cold stele to pretend to be the Nanwan speech, and use the Yin Yang Sect to scare Zhou Ta out of the picture.

   Of course he does not know how to escape from the yin and yang sects like the "mirror shadow". But it is not difficult for Huang Lu to arrange a similar formation. Especially in Caimu City, Huang Lu was once trapped by the Mirror Shadow of the Bronze Head Corpse.

  The only trouble here is that it needs to be arranged in advance. Fortunately, although they could not enter Taiyang Peak before Zishi, the topography and Fengshui information of Taiyang Peak were recorded in detail in Qin Zunyang's notes.

   Huang Lu arranged the formation on the flying boat of the Huichunyuan according to the terrain of Taiyang Peak. As long as their flying boat can be the first to reach Taiyang Peak and park in the correct position, this "mirror and shadow array" will be set up successfully.

  In the phantom mirror, the enemies are isolated one by one. In this way, Goblin can easily arrange superior forces to intercept and kill opponents.

   But he couldn't send all of them to kill the same enemy. Because every individual enemy is isolated in a mirror shadow, in order to maintain the existence of this mirror shadow, Huang Lu must garrison the base in an area where all the mirror shadows overlap. And this area is the flying boat in the Huichunyuan.

   With the strength of Huang Lu Zifu. Any one of these six enemies can kill her on the flying boat. Therefore, every enemy has to send people to resist, at least delay it.

   Gouzhu didn't want to kill Zhou Ta. They don't have to fight endlessly with the Five Elements Sect. As long as Gui Xuanyin died, these big brothers of the Five Elements Sect were unprofitable and would naturally retreat.

   asked Han Beizi to pretend to be Nanwan's resignation here, so that Zhou Ta did not dare to move. Then they hit the firepower to kill the ghost Xuanyin, and you're done!

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