Record of Chaos

Chapter 775: Spring and autumn is infinitely good, but leisure is hard to last

   (775 Spring and Autumn is infinitely good, but leisure is hard to last)

   The autumn night in the Cuiyu Palace is not just as cool as water. The icy mountain air in the valleys stained with ink rose, and the autumn wind howled, it was a bit cold like winter.

   But Danyang Pavilion was lit up and steaming hot. To punish them on the long table in the elders' council on the first floor, a pot of copper hot pot was burned in the middle.

   The source of the main dish boiled in boiling water in the pot is a real spirit pig that has reached the level of a spirit beast. This is a precious hunt that has not been seen in Cuiyu Peak for hundreds of years.

   When Song Ruhai ran to Jinyu City to find the Song family ancestors for a deal, Gou Zhu was all over the mountain with Wood and the others to hunt wild boars.

   After all, he has determined the strategy to deal with the Song family's affairs. Song Ruhai went to Jinyucheng to trade with Song Ruqing with a shadow bead. There would be no danger, and he did not take it seriously.

   Sure enough, Song Ruhai returned to the Jade Palace in the evening, but his face was not that pretty.

   Eating in the Chamber of Commerce began in the time of Qin Zunyang, not their first. Therefore, the long table used for discussion is always shiny.

   When I arrived at the Biluo line, there were too many people living in Danyang Pavilion, so I decided to use the Council Chamber as a dining hall.

   Now this big table is not only a dining table, but also a chopping board. On the other side of the desk was a large piece of pig meat. It was Murong Qing wearing an apron who was cutting the meat with a kitchen knife.

   If you completely ignore the identity of the monk, Murong Qing's chubby figure plus a **** apron, and a bright kitchen knife in his hand, looks really a standard butcher.

   She was actually very resistant to doing this. But helplessly, she was the only one who had the fastest and most stable knife, and the pieces of meat cut with each knife were as thin as paper.

   squeezed the meat slices, and just blanched them in boiling water, and immediately dissipated all the **** smell, leaving only the fragrance of vitality contained in the vitality of the spirit pig.

   Others are eating and drinking, only the nineteenth is honestly laying hands on Murong Qing.

The hot pot area is the same as the dinner at Danyang Pavilion in the past. In addition to the two "cutters", there are also Lian Ling, Gou Zhu, Lian Ping, Mu Luo, Muluo, Lin Meier, Huang Lu, Song Ruhai, and Song Lan. .

   They all belong to the Bi Luo family, and they usually live in Danyang Pavilion. Others such as Mu Fei, Miao Qizhong, Tong Yao, etc. are all regarded as Keqing elders, each with their own mountain peak cave mansion practice.

   There is also a fat cat licking a bone on the ground. Although it couldn't get on the table and looked resentful, it narrowed its eyes with an intoxicated expression every time it licked it.

   Lin Meier and Huang Lu were sitting far away from the "cutting board", guarding against the **** Moer sticking to their clean and flawless skirts, even though they were the cultivators of the Purple Mansion, they would not get dirty at all.

   Lian Ling was wearing a light cyan coat and sitting beside the hook. She likes vegetarian food but doesn't avoid fishy. But she does not drink. If you drink alcohol, you are usually beaten, but this farewell dinner tonight can be an exception.

   Mu Luo, Muluo and Lin Meier and Huang Lu are all good wine greedy glasses, and Mu Luo has a huge amount of alcohol. So relying on her to discipline wood is impossible.

   Lianping and Muluo sat opposite. Song Ruhai and Song Lan were sitting not far away, with Huang Lu between them. But the mood of the two people surnamed Song is obviously much lower than that of the others.

   No matter who changed it, knowing that his ancestor was a demon, and the lives of everyone in the family were hanging on this demon, it would not be so easy.

   Goujiu believed that they couldn't keep Song Ruhai and his father locked up until death, nor could they let Song Ruhai and Song Lan stay in the Jade Palace forever. So they must take the initiative.

   To put it simply, use Song Lan as a bait to catch the demon behind him and wipe it out in one fell swoop.

   But judging from the news of Song Ruhai's return, this matter is not so simple. Since the demon is dead, all members of the Song clan will die, so he can only try to deceive the demon and make him think that he has acquired Song Lan, and then transfer the blood soul root to Song Ruhai.

   Although this matter is complicated, it is not infeasible. There are so many talents here, there is always a way to think of. It's just that everyone doesn't know how Xiaoyao will fight now, so they can't predict in advance, and they can only take one step at a time.

   This hot pot is not only an ordinary dinner in Danyang Pavilion, but also a farewell banquet. Because the next day, Gouzhu, Song Ruhai and others will set off to Houtu City, Guizhou, to participate in the Unfettered Fighting Conference hosted by Emperor Kun Yuan.

   Gouzhu is actually unwilling to fight and kill. He would rather be at ease in the blessed land of Cuiyu Peak every day, and live exactly the same life every day.

   But no matter what blessings are, they are not static. For example, when there used to be fierce and insidious people like Ghost Xuanyin and Chen Xuanfang in the Jade Palace, they were not as comfortable as they are now. The same is not permanent now.

   If the northern battlefield collapses, the thick soil dynasty is destroyed, the world is in chaos, and the lives are overwhelmed, Cuiyu Peak will no longer be able to maintain a paradise scene.

   Even if the Hou Tu dynasty is immortal, but it declines day by day, this country will inevitably demolish the western wall and block the eastern wall.

  The imperial court will definitely increase the collection and taxation of the Xuanmen sect. At that time, no matter whether it was obedience or resistance, the good days of Cuiyu Palace had come to an end.

   There is another one, only a few people such as Lian Ling and Gou Zhu know. That is, the chaos and the tribulation are approaching day by day, and no one knows how many years they will be free.

   Judging from the increasingly urgent prompts given by Qin Zunyang, they can only give them more clues as soon as possible to improve their strength to the heaven realm, and tell them how to survive the chaos and heaven.

   The sly "Xuanming Nine Death Yin Cultivation" as long as it is promoted will inevitably trigger a catastrophe, causing countless deaths and injuries. He has nothing to say about such a cultivation technique.

   When he formed the pill, the catastrophe was given to the crane clan, and a group of golden pill cultivators died. Dixian Linhan lost an arm for this. He upgraded the Purple Mansion during his return to the world. The catastrophe was basically borne by the Shura Heavenly Kingdom of the tree clan that was destroyed by the sky.

   He is now going to be promoted to Golden Core, and he doesn't know what trouble he is going to cause.

   Judging from the Xiaoyao Fighting Fa meeting, the royal family gave a top-quality golden core foreign medicine. It seems that his real golden core catastrophe is going to be sent north to the Hao family royal family.

   This is better than staying at Cuiyu Peak and breaking through and ruining Cuiyu Palace.

   Song Ruhai must go north. He must take this opportunity to solve the evil curse left by the ancestors of the Song family to their entire clan, and for the same reason Song Lan has to go north.

   Not only wanted to win power in the Xiaoyao Immortal League, so that Gou Xian could be promoted to the Golden Core smoothly, but also to keep Song Lan safe. After repeated consideration, they finally decided to send a super lineup to participate in the Immaculate Fighting Conference.

   In addition to Gou Zhu and Song Ruhai, Lian Ling will also go there personally, and Gou Zhu also carries a cold tablet with golden core double flowers. Lin Meier and Huang Lu will also go along.

  In order to cope with the spirit of the Song family ancestors, Lian Ling decided to bring the former soul sect elder Miu among them. The two fierce beasts, the white tiger killing and the demon bandit, will also travel with each other.

  Miao Zhong, Sha Cha, Tu Liu Xi and others did not know the Song family's affiliation, nor did they know that Song Lan had mind reading skills. They were just taken to act as thugs.

   Murong Qing who owns the Thunder Profound Sword will also go with him. Because she heard that apart from Chen Ang, who is known as the number one flying sword master, the real masters of swordsmanship are all in the Yin Yang Sect in Hou Tu City. She wants to take this opportunity to ask for swordsmanship.

   The nineteenth had just broken through the Purple Mansion, and she was also taken by Lian Ling. Lian Ling liked this well-behaved maid very much.

   Although it is said that Lian Ling has taken away a lot of combat power from the Jade Palace this time, she is not worried that someone will attack the Jade Palace by taking advantage of it.

   The power she left behind is still not to be underestimated. Especially for Muluo, the Golden Core Sanhua, few people can carry it head-on.

Coupled with the wood of Jindanchuhua, the perfect Mu Fei of the Purple Mansion, and the large formation that Lian Ping controls the Cuiyu Peak, and Huo Yun, Mu Jia, Tong Yao, Zhu Liuhe and others to assist in the station, the strength is still extremely impressive. of.

   But this also means that this is a farewell banquet for them. Gouzhu and Mumu should be separated temporarily for a period of time. He has to bid farewell to his daily leisurely travels in the mountains and water, and I don’t know how long it After a group of people feasting, drunk and full, except for Murong Qing, the nineteenth and Song Lanliu Apart from cleaning up the mess, the others sneaked back to their rooms to sleep in a low-key manner. Even the white cat disappeared and disappeared.

   The lights of Danyang Pavilion gradually went out and gradually disappeared into the night. Hearing the ghostly howling wind outside the window, she stroked her long silky hair on the pillow.

   "You said that if every day is the same as today, forever, and we don't need to go anywhere, how good would it be?" Gouzhu said.

   Lian Ling's originally quiet eyes suddenly turned, glanced at him, and said, "If this happens every day, you will be completely abandoned."

   Gouzhu also smiled and said, "I would rather scrap it."

   "You can choose.

   "You don't need to go to the Xiaoyao Meeting. If you don't go, I won't go. I will spend my day with you on this mountain every day. You don't need to practice your golden core, so as not to detonate.

  "Hundreds of years later, in the chaos and tribulations, you and I have no strength to protect themselves, and can only watch each other and die.

  "You can also choose. After the golden core is achieved, you will double spend, again spend, and then Yuan Ying, and then ascend. After ascending, see the ancestor and ask if you have survived the chaos and heaven.

  "This road is harder and harder than ever, and more dangerous than ever. Maybe you will die before you get to the next step. Maybe you get there, it's just a little more life than living in leisure.

"But thousands of years, thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years, no matter how hard it is, you and I will have the end of your life, and those who should die will still be able to die. You and I will also have the fate, and we should forget the reincarnation. After all, I still forget about reincarnation.

   "How do you choose?"

"I go."

   Goujiu said these two words without hesitation, and stopped talking.

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