Record of Chaos

Chapter 806: Life and death on the front line are exhausted, and the plague in the back ends

(806  life and death on the front line are exhausted, and the plague at the rear ends the way back)

   These few people are all in awe. Their badly wounded bodies are not much stronger than mortals. The temperature outside the array can be described as dripping into ice, and when they blow on the wooden kite, they will die immediately.

   They all thought, would these Xuan Tiewei deliberately wait until they only had the last breath before coming over? If the other party intends to do this, it is useless to think of any other methods.

  'S heart was crossed, they successively pulled down the "fire-melted gold body" on the token and swallowed them into their belly. The only way to activate this thing is to swallow it.

   After half an hour, the five monks finally came to a warm place. They also didn't expect that the one passing by was actually a huge flying boat, and the decoration was quite luxurious, it was no ordinary war boat at first glance.

   Although it is extremely cold outside, it is warm as spring on the flying boat. This flying boat has undergone a special transformation, with many hot copper pipes installed everywhere, transmitting heat to each cabin. The main cabin is covered with thick white bear fur carpets.

   Of course it will cost more money. Not to mention the large amount of pure Yang Dan used to maintain the heating, just the bear skin on the floor of this room, I don't know how many white bear furs are pieced together.

   But this is the characteristic of Haojia. No matter where you are, you must enjoy a refined life in any environment. This kind of enjoyment itself is second, and more importantly, without these, the special status of the family cannot be demonstrated.

The owner of    Feizhou is the eldest prince Haotong. He sat in front of the case, staring intently at the phantom from the jade slip. One of the literary officials said to him:

   "His Royal Highness Qi, the five Xian Xuan have already signed the Dark Guard Body Contract."

   Dark Guard Body Deed is a kind of document of Xuan Tiewei, just sign the name. This thing does not restrict the divine consciousness like the Profound Blood Deed. However, after signing the Dark Guard body contract, he became a "Dark Guard" of Xuan Tiewei.

   The so-called dark guard is a person who does not obey orders from Xuan Tiewei’s yamen on the face, but secretly receives Xuan Tiewei’s salary and rewards, and works for Xuan Tiewei.

   became a "secret guard", naturally, he would secretly take orders from Xuan Tiewei. If he refuses to order, Fu Zhensi can take out this deed to punish directly. Unless the emperor made the imperial decree, no one can shelter.

   These Xian Xuan's physical bodies have been fused with the "Fire Melting Gold Body" and are completely under the control of Hao Tong himself. With a little warning and persuasion, they will naturally sign a contract to become a hidden guard.

   The eldest prince came to northern Xinjiang in order to get these Xian Xuan people in his pocket.

   But the situation is not as smooth as he expected. Although fighting hard all the way, there are not many Xian Xuan who have been deeply in desperation to activate the molten gold body, so far there are only a hundred people.

   There are five more, and Hao Tong nodded in approval. The scene disappeared, replaced by Song Ruqing and a Xijia man in a black hooded robe.

   They first set up a formation in the room, and then a gray-clothed servant took over a blue and white jade box with an extremely complex structure from the Sijia people.

   walked into the formation and placed the jade box on the case.

There is already an ordinary copper box on the    case. After opening it, there are several pills in it.

   Open the jade box, inside is a small crystal bottle with a light blue liquid in it. Hui Yipu carefully took out the crystal bottle and dripped the liquid on the pill in the copper box.

   After all this was done, he sealed the two boxes again. But he didn't get out of the formation immediately, but looked back at Song Ruqing, waiting for the next order.

   Song Ruqing held the formation in his hand, and a thought was poured into it, and a red flame spread across the surface, and the formation was ablaze. But the flame is completely controlled within the formation.

  After the flame burned, the jade box and copper box were still there, but the gray clothes servant and the wooden case were all burned to a pile of ashes.

   This gray-clothed servant was originally a puppet controlled by Song Ruqing, so even if he was scorched by the fire, he did not show any unusual behavior, and was obediently burned to ashes.

   Immediately another gray-clothed servant entered, and after cleaning the ashes on the ground, he picked up the jade box that had been burnt by the fire and returned it to the Xijia in black robe. He took the copper box and left.

   The eldest prince doesn't do everything personally, but he is used to watching everything behind the scenes. The more the person who really manages things lets him see the more details, the more relieved he will be.

   For example, in the blue and white jade box, there is an "episode" obtained from the Sijia people. He has to stare carefully enough not to allow the foci to contaminate his ship.

   These contaminated pills will be distributed as necessary supplies to the secret guards who have just entered. Then the new dark guards will soon return to King Yun's camp.

   These "episodes" will cause terrible plagues, but they are not effective against monks who have merged with molten gold.

  Although it is ineffective, if these dark guards take the pill, they will still carry the plague and miasma, and it will spread to other people silently.

   For ordinary monks, because their own blood is strong enough, they will stay in bed for a few days after being infected. If they can rest, they will be able to recover after all.

   The unlucky ones will be the mortals who make up the majority of King Yun's army. To catch this disease is basically to die.

   The five monks carrying these pills will be sent back to the nearest camp by them. As for when they will take these pills, it is a matter for the future.

   Soon, a plague will spread silently in the camp, and at first everyone will have no symptoms.

  The camps along the road of King Yun are constantly transported with military supplies, and mutual infection is almost inevitable.

  According to his estimation, the entire supply line will collapse completely after at most half a month. This period of time was just enough for King Yun to erect the Zhenyuan Tower.

   Although the monks will not die of illness, they will also fall into a huge crisis without the supply line that mortals rely on. At that time, more people will swallow the molten gold to save their lives.

   The matter itself is actually quite strange.

As the second prince of the Houchu Dynasty, King Yun was ordered by the Privy Council, leading an army and a gang of Xian Xuan to stop the Hanchen Mitch.

   And he, as the eldest prince of the Houchou Dynasty and the first heir to the throne, directly obeyed the emperor, but behind his back, he destroyed the supply line of the King of Cloud, and instead helped the rise of the maiden of cold dust.

   The key reason is that the goals of the Privy Council formed by Emperor Kun Yuan himself and the group of old scholars are not always the same.

   Confucian scholars always take the peace of the world as their mission. Once something happened that might trigger a war that would spread to the entire Thick Tu Dynasty, they would always try their best to stop it. Their attitude towards Beijiang is exactly the same.

   Of course, Emperor Kun Yuan had to be consistent with them on the surface, but the idea behind it could only be realized by him, a trustworthy prince, and the Xuan Tiewei under his control.

  What he has to do is to make King Yun, a **** with undefeated mythology, fall into ruin in Northern Xinjiang, and most of Xian Xuan will be returned to Xuan Tiewei's command, and at the same time take advantage of the momentum to regain the power of the two states of gold and jade.

   In this way, the aspiration power gathered in the piece of chaotic yuan beginning jade in Emperor Kun Yuan's hand will be greatly enhanced!

   After the rise of the dust clan, it is bound to go south to capture Guizhou. Such a battle will not lead to separation of people's hearts. On the contrary, when the entire dynasty enters the war, everything will be the first war, and the emperor will be able to gather people's hearts.

   As for the witches, will the maiden seize the Fortress? That is impossible! With the power of the Hou Tu Dynasty to unify the eight states, the battlefield is in Middle Earth. They have the advantage of the home court, and the Chen people have no chance.

   Instead of laboring on an expedition, but to lure the enemy into deep, annihilate the main force of the Chen people directly in Guizhou, and then go north to rule the entire northern Xinjiang. This is the perfect strategy of Emperor Kun Yuan.

   At that time, Northern Xinjiang would also erect the Hao Family’s Tiandi Temple, to root out all the beliefs in the Abnormal Gods in Northern The aspiration of the Hunyuan First Jade in the hands of Emperor Kun Yuan could go even further, even close to completion.

   Obviously, the losses caused by such a war are huge. The main battlefield is in Guizhou, which is densely populated and thriving in agriculture. After the war, I am afraid that it will be hungry and thousands of miles away. But what does it matter?

   As long as the hearts of the people gather and the aspirations are gathered, what is the relationship between the destruction of the city and the farmland? Those prosperity are superficial things, and sooner or later they can be rebuilt.

   But there is the most important point here, and that is that these things he commanded Xuan Tiewei did secretly, absolutely will not leak the wind, and even have anything to do with Emperor Kun Yuan.

   Once the reputation is ruined and the hearts of the people are separated, then everything will be meaningless.

   Therefore, he must not contact the Xijia people to purchase the "epidemic", nor use Xuan Tiewei to do this. Just let the Song family and the chamber of commerce of the Xijia people close to the Song family do everything.

   Even if someone finds a handle in the future, the handle is also on the Song family.

   The story is that unknowingly Xuan Tiewei bought the contaminated pill from the Song family, and the pill was distributed to the dark guards in Xuan Tiewei.

  Who knew that these profiteers who reselled arms colluded with Xijia and Chen people for business, spread the plague behind their backs, and even led the bandits into the city? No matter how you scrutinize this story, it is impeccable.

   After a while, the hatch was pushed open with a creak, Song Ruqing walked in with a smile, bowed to Hao Tong, and said with a smile, "Your Highness, everything is done."

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