Record of Chaos

Chapter 832: True and false goddess fight each other, and meet again

(832 true and false goddess are fighting each other, and their enemies meet again)

The situation was not as she expected. On the contrary, the iceberg forest below the cliff was broken faster than she thought.

It was as if her Yuzhu sword sword aura had doubled, and they collided with each other. The entire ice forest within a radius of several miles was completely destroyed almost instantly, shattering into pieces ranging from the size of a fist to the size of dust.

Not only that, not all the fragments were controlled by her sword aura, at least half of the fragments flew madly in her direction from bottom to top.

It is another broad-cold sword aura that is almost exactly the same as hers. It bursts out of the broken ice without inferiority. It is intertwined with her sword aura and opposes each other in countless places in the space. The entire space is like densely packed. The lightning is enveloped!

"Interesting, can imitate my sword spirit?"

The sage of Guanghan raised her eyebrows slightly. She had concluded that the other party had used some kind of magic that could reflect magical powers. But he didn't expect that under the broken ice, a person would fly into the wind.

The person's body is surrounded by the same Guanghan mana as her. Even the coercion of Jindan Shuanghua and her own breath are almost indistinguishable from her!

The woman wore a snow-white skirt, elegantly dressed, with long hair tied behind her head, no accessories, and even her tastes were similar.

It's just that there are faint blood-stained lines on her snow-white dress.

What's amazing is that this woman raised her head, her face looks exactly like her looking in a mirror!

What kind of magic is this, not only can imitate her sword aura, even she can imitate it?

However, she was lining the white skirt at this time, and she was wearing the silver round-neck brocade robe of the Tongtian Bureau high-ranking monk, which was very different from the other party's dress.

If the other party just "copied" her with some kind of weird magic technique, there is no reason why the dress is so different.

She asked with a sneer: "Who does it respect? Why do you imitate your old body? Where do you come from?"

Han Beizi sincerely respected the deity who used the "mold" to transform himself. She was polite and made a wish, saying: "The little girl's cold tablet is Baoling. A few years ago, when I saw the fairy face of my predecessor, my heart moved and I transformed myself."

Han Beizi's words are concise, but the goddess Guanghan is too lazy to ask.

Although she does not remember when she "saw" such a magic weapon, she knew that she was "seen" by this magic weapon without knowing it. She took her image together with her breath and magic power into it and "copy" it. One out.

The only thing that interests her is what grade does this magic weapon that can replicate her reach? This is by no means a general magic weapon.

If it can, the Five Elements Sect is best at creating magic weapons. Isn't it easy to "copy" all the gold cores in the world, and the world is invincible?

Of course she could not think of it. In order to "copy" her Guanghan Goddess, not only was it an ancient treasure that was close to the "divine product", it also cost 200,000 taels of blood spirit stones. The price is definitely not small. !

"Haha, yes, yes, I like you." Goddess Guanghan laughed freely, "Since you have transformed into my appearance, you have followed a little boy from the Jade Palace? Sad and shameful! Come follow me, you are qualified ."

Han Beizi leaned over and said: "The magic weapon is with the master. If the master driver can win a game, the concubine body will naturally be the master driver."

After speaking, the two of them stopped talking nonsense, and each made a sword. On the ice field surrounded by mountains, the sword aura, the raging wind and the screams of the intersection of the sword light filled the world, and there was no gap!

At this time, Gou Zhu had already crossed the huge iceberg that was like a barrier in front of him, and saw the faint red light on the horizon of the dark ice sheet ahead.

King Yun’s camp was about a few dozen miles ahead. Although the distance is not far, it's a pity that the sky is full of sword aura, and he still dare not fly away within these few miles. It is much safer to walk on the back of the mountain against the ground.

According to his plan, the strong will always bully the weak. Of course he would not let Han Beizi deal with the goddess Guanghan alone. His original idea was that he, together with Lian Ling and Han Beizi, rushed forward to solve the Guanghan goddess first.

But beyond his expectation, Han Beizi begged the owner to let her stay alone and fight against Goddess Guanghan.

She is referring to the incarnation of the goddess Guanghan. If she can't defeat the deity, then her path to advancement will be blocked, and she will never be promoted to the magic weapon of the gods.

So encountering this deity is a rare opportunity for her. If she can defeat this deity, she will break through the prototype she referred to, and she will truly find the way to continue climbing the upper realm.

If Gou Zhu and Lian Ling intervened, it would ruin her chance instead.

There was an accident at the beginning of the plan, and she was tangled in her heart. What he was really worried about was that Hanbeizi failed to advance, but instead lost.

After all, no matter how wonderful this magic weapon is, in theory the copy should be inferior to the deity. Even if it is similar, the uncertainty of a battle between two gold cores is inherently great.

"Then what if she loses?"

Gouzhu regretted that he had followed Han Beizi's wishes and left her alone, muttering to Lian Ling.

"If you lose, either the magic weapon will be damaged, and the monument will turn into a pile of broken jade. Or the soul breath you left on the magic weapon will be erased, and the magic weapon will change to others."

"This..." Gouzhu only felt heartache. I really don't know if it is the heartache in the cold stele or the two hundred thousand taels of blood spirit stone. "Should we go back and stare and see what happens?"

Lian Ling smiled and said: "It depends on what you think. Do you treat her as a private property, and you are in your control and arrangement, or when she is an independent spirit of seeking to find the top of the world? the road?"

There was a chuckle in his heart, and he didn't say anything, just thinking to himself, how is this like sending a proposition? If so, it would be wrong if he went back to peek.

After all, he and Lian Ling are staring at the side, even if they don't take action, it will have a certain impact on the psychology of both parties in the fight. Whether this effect is good or bad, it is equivalent to ruining the chance of Han Beizi.

King Yun's camp was dozens of miles ahead, still within the sensing range of his spiritual sense. Within this range, Han Beizi really wanted to return to the remaining monument, as long as a thought came back.

"Okay." He had to turn his back. No matter how fierce the fighting behind it is, it can only depend on the chance of Han Beizi.

After all, according to Lian Ling's statement, he didn't regard Hanbeizi as a personal belonging, but a fellow Taoist who was looking for the road. In this case, if she wants to face the fate that only she can face, she should rest assured that she will go.

But when he turned around, he noticed a person suddenly appeared on the snowy ground ahead.

Although his back was facing the dim red light, this person was burning with flames, as bright as a bonfire, and also illuminated his somewhat familiar face.

Almost the whole of his right arm is flaming red, like a red iron ingot just taken out of a carbon fire. The shape is still changing, slowly and hardly deforming, getting closer and closer to that of a real human arm. shape.

As soon as this person saw the shackles, his mouth opened a little sluggishly, and even if flames kept coming out of his mouth, he did not close his mouth together.

After a while, he reacted, his right cheek twitched, and the corner of his right mouth was tilted up, half of his face was like a tightened towel:

"It turned out to be you! This king didn't expect that the person I'm waiting here will be you!"

He is no longer king. But when he was excited, he still called himself the king. Moreover, officials of all sizes in the imperial court still called him King Haoqi was in a hurry when he set out, and he was not as well prepared as Nanwan's resignation. Don't know much about the task itself, let alone know who the opponent is.

When Han Beizi appeared, Nan Wanci had already realized that he must have a hard fight. She didn't expect to meet another herself here.

If she is entangled by "self", but the other party ran to send Heyu to King Yun, her plan would naturally fail. So she immediately asked Haoqi to intercept the goblin.

When Hao Qi saw this person, even though his appearance and temperament had changed a lot, he immediately recognized it. Because this man is truly his "catastrophe", the messenger of his turning point, and the culprit of his downfall to this day!

He clearly felt the arrangement of fate in the dark.

He met this person many years ago, and a series of grievances ended up in prosperity and decline.

Now he finally had the opportunity to stand up again, but fate once again sent this man in front of him. Only by killing this person can he breathe out his sulking anger for more than ten years and retake the path of ascension that he had not completed in the past!

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