Record of Chaos

Chapter 834: Forever sealed the Ming Canglang, buried deep in the hometown

(834 Forever sealed Ming Canglang, buried deep in the old city)

When I walked to the end of the mountains, I saw an almost endless plain. Of course it wasn't a plain, it was just a sea frozen because of the cold. That is the vastness of Ming Cang.

Rumor has it that there is a pole in Ming Cang. As long as it reaches the extreme point, the purple star, which was always pointing north, will be located above the head. The four directions of east, west and north will disappear, and all directions will become south.

It's just that very few people arrive there, and even if someone has arrived, it's not known to the world.

There is a huge "bay" surrounded by icebergs on the edge of Mingcang, which is where the legendary snow nationality was founded.

The pure sun formation there is like an inverted big bowl protecting the entire area, it is it that emits bursts of red light in the fierce cold wind.

At the center of the large inverted bowl is a huge tower more than ten meters high. It just looks like it is not so much like a tower as it is a strangely shaped rockery. This is Zhenyuan Tower.

Almost the entire tower is made up of materials containing inspiration that can affect the formation.

These things are like a huge amount of blood spirit stones that are difficult to load and transport with the immortal lotus. I really don't know how much manpower it took Yunwang to transport these materials to the northern underworld that ordinary people can't reach.

No wonder he has to mobilize an army of tens of thousands to come to Beiming.

You can see that it spreads countless lines of inspiration, which are connected with the direction of the whole world.

Its shape is accurately calculated, and it fits with the geomantic trend of the mountains and rivers and geomorphology of the entire Snow Country relics.

Just like a lock, when its formation is activated, without consuming any external energy, the world will enter a state of "self-locking" isolation.

But this isolation is not the kind of strict isolation in all directions, but like a pot cover, covering the snow country relics within a hundred miles.

In theory, there is a thick layer of ice under the cover, and under the ice layer is the water of Ming Cang. Is it possible to pass through a thick layer of ice hundreds of miles away and enter the remains of the frozen Snow Country?

Moreover, it is said that the four seas are all connected to each other. Is it possible to go from the East China Sea, the Troubled Sea, or even the Nanming, through the connected sea water into the Beiming's ice layer, and then enter the remains of the Snow Country?

This is not impossible. It's just too incredible. Hundreds of years ago, Zhenyuan Tower suppressed this place until now, everything is safe, which proves that this is indeed effective.

And what exactly is sealed in the remains of the Snow Country, except for a few high-level members of the Hou Tu Dynasty, no one knows.

It is rumored that what was sealed in this was the hatred of the exterminated Snow Kingdom towards the Houtu Dynasty. Once released, it will affect the luck of the dynasty and eventually lead to national subjugation.

The reason why Yunwang's protective array emits a red light is because it is under constant attack. Although the dust attack was fierce, it was not a full-scale attack, but concentrated somewhere in the northwest.

They understand that it doesn't really matter how big the defense is. As long as it can break through a gap and break into the ruins, it is obviously impossible for King Yun to continue his construction.

Similarly, King Yun’s Golden State Army could not watch the opponent attack and wait for death, so a large number of soldiers and the monks who participated in the Xiaoyao Fighting Society were fighting fiercely with the dust people at a location in the northwest. .

Of course, Xunzhu would not participate in the battlefield in the north, but chose the relatively quiet south, and passed it through the jade slips first, and someone in the camp immediately came out to greet them with the formation key.

Suddenly he felt something in his heart, as if there was something more, he knew that Han Beizi had returned.

From inside, at the junction between his eyebrows and the hidden space of the retention monument, he clearly saw the original intact bloodstain retention monument. With the crisp and dense cracking sound, one after another spreads on it. crack.

The cracks kept increasing, and the whole jade stele seemed to be broken at any time. Fortunately, after a while, the crackling sound gradually became thinner and finally stopped. Although the body of the stele was on the verge of complete disintegration, the cracks did not continue to increase.

At this time, Gou Zhu absolutely dare not call out this monument to have a look. It's okay for her to continue to place it in her own hidden space, no external force will impact her. If there is a turmoil in this world, the jade will be broken immediately.

Baoling had apparently returned to the monument, but had not been realized. Gouzhu can feel that she still exists, but her breath is rather dim.

In this situation, any external force will only destroy her immediately, so what happens next depends only on her own good fortune.

At the same time, under the snowfields and icebergs that no one knows about, there are long red blood stains on the white snow.

The brocade robe of the Tongtian General Administration that the goddess of Guanghan puts on the white undergarment is actually a very powerful defensive magic weapon, and ordinary attacks are simply impenetrable. But at this time, it was covered with wounds cut by sword qi.

That's because the ice cold of the opponent's wide cold sword aura "frozen" part of the defensive power of Jin Robe, and finally penetrated in and injured her body.

There are at least four large wounds on her body, and the blood is flowing like a puff. When she walks through the snow, she drags a bright red silk that grows endlessly.

If she had her original ability, she could easily freeze to stop the bleeding. Not now. She used all the remaining mana to resist the damage of Bei Ming's cold air to her body.

Bei Ming's squally wind whizzed past, making her feel cold in her body for the first time, and her whole body was cold. In this state, her vitality is like a candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time. She must find a place without wind.

Although it was less than half a mile away, she finally reached under the iceberg after a difficult trek. The iceberg in front of her was like a huge gate that could not be looked up high, standing in front of her.

She drew her sword with difficulty and pierced the iceberg with a sword. A wave of sword aura shot out from the blade, hovering in the air to form a spiral shape. The iceberg issued a sharp call, and countless ice chips spun out.

After a while, a triangular cave less than half a person high appeared on the ice wall.

Nan Wanci bowed and walked in. Enter ten steps, and then sit down cross-legged. Then with a bang, under her sword aura, the ice at the top of the cave entrance collapsed and sealed the cave entrance.

She is going to retreat here. Either the road perishes, or climbs up again!

Gouzhu, dozens of miles away, did not know the fate of Nan Wanci. He only sighed for Han Beizi, and then under the guidance of a sergeant of the Golden State Army, he walked to Zhenyuan Tower with Lian Ling. King Yun has been waiting under the tower for a long time.

When it came to the front, the tower, which was more than ten feet tall, seemed taller than expected. At least hundreds of craftsmen are still carving on the tower. Many array divisions are doing calculations, drawing patterns to guide the craftsmen in construction.

As many as three or four days, as few as one or two days, the tower will finally be completed. After completion, the entrance to the ruins will be completely sealed again.

During this period, the attacks of the dust tribe from the north became more and more fierce. They were obviously looking forward to breaking through the defenses and destroying the tower before completion.

But Golden State Guard is not vegetarian. On the almost flat ice surface to the north, corpses piled up like mountains and blood flowed into rivers, but they were all frozen.

Under the Zhenyuan Tower, there is indeed a huge entrance, and it is not there since ancient times, but after the original Zhenyuan Tower was overthrown by the dust people, I don’t know what kind of powerful force penetrated the thick ice city from the bottom up. .

Going down from the entrance, this is a huge shaft with a diameter of ten feet. Going down, there is no bottom in the darkness, and steep ice walls are all around.

King Yun ordered people to hang a rope ladder on the cave wall, and found that after reaching a depth of one hundred feet, he arrived at the remains of a city, that is, the remains of Snow Capital.

Xuedu was not originally built in such a deep place. Otherwise, it would have been buried by ice and snow.

I don’t know if it was the shocking force that caused the entire city to sink in the war of annihilation back or what happened to the terrain over the centuries that caused it to sink. In short, it is now deep under the ice, almost close to it. Ming Cang sea water.

"Can you see Ming Cang Hai Hai below?" Gou Zhu asked expectantly.

He wants to reach the Beimingyou Cave to achieve the Golden Core. Another serious problem is how to penetrate the ice layer without knowing how thick it is to reach the Ming Cang Sea?

No one knows the thickness of Beiming's ice layer is a hundred feet, a thousand feet or even ten thousand feet thick.

When the Snow Kingdom was destroyed, it is said that the bodies of Xuan Ming and Bai Hu sank to the bottom of Ming Cang. It must have penetrated the ice. But this kind of war waged by the power of the country is by no means comparable to the abilities of several monks.

"The following is the remains of Xuedu," King Yun replied, "I have sent people down. The remains are about a hundred meters deep. Some of the bans in the city are still there, but they are not completely buried. The teleportation array is there. Our people are underneath. Repair. I don't know if I can see the sea."

"Hey, let me come out!" With a squirm in his arms, a fat white cat came out, "I feel it! Feel it! Let's get down!"

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