Record of Chaos

Chapter 844: Persevering to ask the root cause, benevolent to forgive the remaining sin

   (844 persistently ask the root cause, benevolent to forgive the remnants)

   He did not test the practice of Taoism, nor did he issue a tangled proposition. Instead, he let you ask questions casually, but after asking him, he does not guarantee that his answer is true?

   seems meaningless, but the murderous intent is hidden.

   It is the easiest way for people to ask questions according to their own minds to reveal the mind of the questioner. The greedy seeks the method of making money, the good name seeks the shortcut to become famous. The ascetics naturally seek longevity.

   As long as you ask, for a creature like Xuan Ming that is incredibly powerful in divine consciousness, it is equivalent to opening the door and exposing everything!

   There must be smart people who ask questions by guessing the other person’s intentions and preferences. But this must not escape Xuan Ming's detection.

   If you don’t ask questions according to your own heart, you will violate the “must” in the first half of the sentence, and Xuan Ming will inevitably judge that the test has failed!

Although    Gouzhu is here to seek the Longevity Road, it is the biggest trap to raise this question.

   Everyone has said that even if the answer is not true, if he tells a series of paradoxical and paradoxical ways of practice, then what will you do?

   If you accept it as a sacred book, people have already said that I do not guarantee that my answer is true. What if there are fakes in it?

   Even if his answer is true, with this suspicion in it, it will inevitably lead to demons at critical breakthrough moments in the future.

   If you assume that his answer is completely false, reject it all, but you have heard it. In the future, if you encounter any situation related to what he said in the future, you can't help but think about it again. This interference is simply a magic obstacle.

   Unless you can completely remove these from memory. But things that were spoken out by Xuanming and imprinted on your divine consciousness by the ancient powers like Xuan Ming are probably not so easy to eradicate.

   Inheritance itself is the longevity road. If you haven't passed the test, just ask for it, which is arrogant. Any punishment given to you by the other party is natural.

   You must follow your own heart, but find a question that has nothing to do with yourself, but you really want to ask. Moreover, no matter whether Xuan Ming's answer was true or false, it would have nothing to do with herself.

   Gouzhu suddenly woke up. In fact, when he came here, he already had a question. This is exactly the question he wants to ask, which is his heart.

   On the contrary, when he tried his best to think about how to pass Xuan Ming's test, he was lost in his heart and forgot about it.

   If he didn't come here to ask for inheritance, but stumbled into the remains of the snow country full of corpses, then there is actually only one question he wants to ask.

   That is why these people are dying?

   Most of these Snow Country people are mortals, and most of them have no blood relationship with Xuan Ming. Only those with a bitter cold and poisonous mother are descendants of Xuanming, and only a minority of them.

   Even if the Hao Family wants to punish all the descendants of Xuan Ming, it is enough to kill all the monks who have the bitter cold and poisonous mother. There is no point in killing so many mortals.

   If the Hou Tu Dynasty wanted to rule Beiming, there would be no reason to kill all these people.

  Only by using these monks as the backbone, using the supernatural power of the mortal grass, and the mortal life, can mankind gain a firm foothold in this extremely cold place and build a city.

   Even if the Xue Clan refuses to accept it and kills most of the monks headed by it, there will always be some of the remaining monks willing to surrender. Mortals don't really care who accepts the rule.

   Such a territories of the thick earth dynasty can reach the ice field directly, and maybe it can also stabilize the rule of the entire northern border. This is also stronger than killing everyone in Xuedu, letting this genocide, the city in ruins, and being sealed under the ice.

   Everything cannot be reversed, he just wants to ask the Hou Tu Dynasty for a reason for those who died in vain!

   He couldn't ask the emperor. But since Xuan Ming said that you can ask questions according to your heart, he naturally asked.

   Why are these people going to die? Is there no other choice?

   "Since this is what you are asking," Xuan Ming smiled contemptuously on his face, as if he had asked about something trivial, "I can tell you. Do you know what the beginning of the chaotic yuan is jade?"

   Gouzhu suddenly shook, and there seemed to be many things in his mind. He couldn't tell whether these things were in his mind, but he just forgot to remember them now, or Xuan Ming was telling them?

   Xuan Ming originally held a piece of Chaotic Origin Jade. It is the piece held by Emperor Kun Yuan of the Hou Tu Dynasty. One hundred thousand years ago, the purpose of the Heavenly Court's destruction of the Zhenwu Heavenly Kingdom was precisely to capture this piece of Chaotic Origin Jade.

   However, the real martial arts fell, the souls collapsed, and they were drawn by the force of catastrophe. They gathered in the northern borders of Shenzhou and evolved into the snow race. This Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade also disappeared.

   Searching all the worlds is not available, but when the chaos of the chaos is gradually approaching to tens of thousands of years, the lord of the heavenly court, Hao Family, finally noticed the eye of the storm where the forces of the East Sheng Divine Continent gathered.

   The Hao family specially dispatched a line of lower realms, established the Hou Tu Dynasty, and began to search for the first jade of the Hunyuan Yuan left here.

  Tens of thousands of years of searching, the real meritorious deeds depended on the destruction of the Snow Country by Emperor Tianrong more than 500 years ago.

   But no one knows whose hands the Chaotic Yuan Shiyu is in. If the owner does not call it out, no one will see it, and it is useless to search it anyway.

   The unowned Chaunyuan Shiyu will take the initiative to manifest itself. So there is a simple way, and that is to change the master to no master, and you can find it. Therefore, killing the master of Hunyuan Shiyu is the easiest way.

   Since I don’t know who the master of Hunyuan Shiyu is, then all the snow people will be killed until Hunyuan Shiyu appears!

   Hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children in the Snow Country, including the dying old man and the infants, were ordered to be killed.

   Xuanming smiled coldly, and suddenly his whole body collapsed, revealing a sea of ​​corpse mountains and blood, which was exactly the scene when the Xue Clan was slaughtered. Countless unseen wraith spirits linger in the air like smoke and mist, slowly gathering into clouds in the air.

   At this moment, the red sun rose in the east, and a huge golden car appeared in the sky in the golden glow. Eight dragons were pulling the car. The golden scales all over the body resembled the golden light rippling out from the sea by the sun.

   Tian Rongdi Haojie sat in the car, his eyes swept across this messy city. The smell of blood floating in the air made him uncomfortable. But the circle of golden radiance that came up with his heart repelled all the fishy wind.

   With patience, he cast his eyes on this messy hellish dirt, like a Buddha who pityed all beings. At this moment, his eyes flickered, and then he stretched out his hand to grab it in the void.

   There is an irregularly shaped stone in his hand. It was stained with flesh and blood. These flesh and blood fell into his impeccable, radiant light, and immediately dissolved and floated like paint in the water and finally disappeared.

   No matter what the people below do, they cannot understand the existence of Chaotic Yuan Shiyu. Even if you personally tell them about the existence of Hunyuan Shiyu and describe its shape, it will be naturally filtered out by their ears and brains.

   But his gaze swept across the city in an instant, "seeing" the stone hidden in the corpse of a baby. This gave him a hint of joy in his hardly fluctuating mood.

   Their team has been in the lower realms for tens of thousands of difficult task finally has a good start in his hands. After ascending, he will surely receive a major award from the family.

   But he didn’t show anything, he just packed his things, then glanced at this filthy ice field, and the deep resentment that can’t even be exposed to sunlight in the sky, and said:

   "Don't kill the rest of you. My thick earth royal is the Lord of Mercy."

   So although the Snow Clan were almost killed, it was not completely that no one survived. Someone in the line of Lan Ruoshuang survived, otherwise there would be no Lan Ruoshuang.

   At this time, Emperor Tianrong suddenly felt a gloomy wind blowing on his forehead, and when he looked up, he found that the resentment in the air had condensed into a huge black cloud, almost like a substantial mountain pressing on top of his head.

   The temperature of Bei Ming, which was already extremely cold, dropped again. The ground seemed to be cracked, with countless black cracks appearing. These cracks opened, and all the doors of the underworld were open.

   The surging Profound Yin Qi violently intersects with the attracted pure Yang Qi, roaring in the air, and the sky and the earth are instantly filled with lightning like a sharp sword. Countless soldiers were torn to pieces.

   Tian Rongdi snorted coldly: "Do you still want to resurrect the true body through the grievances of these unjust souls?"

   He immediately ordered all the artillery fire to turn around and aim it here. But it has been to no avail. The spirit of resentment and the aura of Xuanyin condensed into a huge cloud, which almost blocked the sunlight, and how much artillery fire fell on it would not damage it.

   "It's really troublesome..." He frowned slightly, threw a fat white cat in his arms into the air and said, "It's useless anyway, just let you go!"


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