Record of Chaos

Chapter 858: Ao Xi coerced over the mountains, deceived and boasted about his wives and concubines

   (858 Ao Xi coerced over the mountains and smashed the mountains, and bragged about his wives and concubines)

   detonate? Can Xuanming grave detonate? Ao Su was startled, this incident was completely beyond his expectation, and it surpassed everyone's imagination.

   With the strength of these two Zifu Consummation cultivators, even if there were two corpses of divine beasts in front of them, they would definitely not detonate.

   But did Xuan Ming leave any means before he died?

   For example, he originally intended to explode, but he failed to explode successfully, but left the means to trigger the explosion until now. And controlled by these two Xuanming descendants?

   This is not completely impossible.

   What's terrible is that the prohibition blocked the divine consciousness, causing them to know nothing about what is in the Xuanming tomb under the mud. But if these two Xuanming descendants can ignore the restriction, they will obviously control more things than them.

   Maybe there is no such thing at all, this is what this cunning man is bluffing. But as long as this possibility exists, he has to weigh the consequences.

   The power of a golden core monk's self-destruction is enough to flatten the Valley of Gods' Corpses, right? If two beasts blew themselves up, how amazing is the power? I am afraid they will only know if they want to be a ghost.

   He estimated that even if he retreated hundreds of miles away, he might not be safe. I'm afraid it will take a thousand miles before he dare to say insurance. But they retreat thousands of miles away, isn't this Xuanming Taoist system belonged to these two people? This is probably the purpose of this person's cultivation.

   He was sure that even if this person could detonate, he would never detonate. The ants still cherish their lives, not to mention their crazy pursuit of longevity. They committed suicide by detonating Xuan Ming tomb. But if you rush them, it's hard to say.

   There is a strange thing here. Whether he wants to die or he doesn't want to die, why does he have to pull the Dragon King of the East Sea and several great elders? To be honest, it is impossible for Ao Mian to come in person.

   Not to mention that Ao Mian didn't deal with Ao Xi in the first place. Even if he fully supported this matter, he couldn't come in person.

   Everyone can see that this old dragon has not many Shouyuan, so he has closed himself in the Dragon Palace for hundreds of years and has not gone out. It is impossible for Xuan Ming, something like this to help his longevity, to come all the way and spend his life to make others cheaper.

   "It's not impossible to make your Majesty. But you can talk about your requirements first. Maybe I, the elder of the East China Sea, can do it. How much trouble has been saved?"

   Ao Su's attitude turned soft, he didn't want to die, and planned to stabilize this uncontrollable human first.

"Okay." Gou Zhu said with a smile, "I want the Dragon King of East China Sea to appear here and swear in public to share my royal blood, and then decree to marry her daughter Ao Yao to me and make me the Prince of Beiming. Zhenbei Ming!"

   As soon as he said this, even Lan Ruoshuang half-opened his eyes, wondering if this guy really wanted wealth and beauty to sell her?

   Even in the sea of ​​knowledge, Lian Ling, who has been sitting calmly on the straw mat in the hut, is practicing concentration, and there is a trace of anger on his face involuntarily.

   Wen Shou stared, thinking this guy would bargain better than me. I just married a princess Du Xihai and I was overjoyed. Does someone directly call the East China Sea No. 1 Meilong Aoyao?

   This is a shocking stunner who is known to be the only one who has never seen the East Victory Sea Territory, who was so close when he asked to marry him.

   It is said that the reason why Ao Mian refuses to marry her is that in the future, the Heavenly Court will award Feng Xianchi directly to ascend, and he will still be able to negotiate with the Heavenly Court for some benefits.

   Ao Su looked at this man with admiration. Yes, only in this way can you keep yourself wealthy and worry-free in the future. An idiot like Wen Shou can never make such a request.

   No matter what terms you exchange, you must not only ensure the success of the exchange, but also ensure that your interests will not be easily swallowed by the other party after the exchange.

   Like Wen Shou, but with a marriage certificate in hand. Ao Shan is alive, maybe the Duxi Dragon Clan will try to keep him alive for the sake of face.

   Now Ao Shen and Ao Shan are both dead. He doesn't even have the blood of the Dragon Clan, and he guards the God Corpse Valley with a steady stream of earth energy resources. Isn't it a piece of fat for people to divide?

  If the Dragon King of the East China Sea arrives, divides the blood, releases the Donggong edict, and issues the Four Seas, then this person's position will be stable. Hu Zhe Beiming, and Ao Mian's son-in-law, also sits on beautiful women, Ao Yao will do her best to assist this husband for her own benefit.

   It's him, so he has to make the same conditions. In exchange for Xuanming Taoist lineage and two corpses, this business is worthwhile for both parties!

   The only pity is that this person Xiu didn't know that Ao Mianshouyuan ended up. If he cannot be rejuvenated, he would not agree to marry Ao Yao.

   Not long after the sound of the gouzhuo voice fell, another burst of stronger divine consciousness coerced like water. The already incomparably strong water pressure in the deep ocean seemed to be tougher again, as if to flatten the forested mountains.

   "You are right, it is not qualified to let him talk about it. How about the old man coming to talk to you about the deal?"

   This mighty divine thought is like an undercurrent, which almost fills the entire space under the ice sheet, and turns into countless threads, as if it has penetrated every pore of everyone's body, straight into the mind.

   The words echoed directly in my mind, their voices were sharp, like nails scratching the surface of some kind of fine-grained rock, making people feel crazy, but unable to avoid it.

   Jin Dan Sanhua's power of consciousness!

   Ao Xi had a pair of bare hands behind his back, no armour on his body, wearing an ordinary gray preaching gown, a tattered cloth belt wrapped around his waist, and a khaki turban on his head, revealing an old face full of gully.

   This dress surprised the always low-key hook. This Sanhua expert is inferior to a mortal in his outfit. He blurted out: "Who are you?"

   "The old man is under the Dragon Throne of the East Palace, one of the five elders, Elder Zhang Chao, Ao Xi, is he qualified to talk to you? Elder Cuiyu Gonggou! Only,"

   His gaze suddenly pointed to Lan Ruoshuang next to the hook, and the weird and maddening mental pressure also moved over. He acted cautiously. Before he left, he had already found out who he was going to deal with.

   "From the perspective of the old man, the true descendant of Xuanming should be this cold maiden! If I talk to you, don't know what the maiden thinks? The great maiden of the dust clan is coming here, my dragon clan is not well received!"

   He coughed twice, bent his body slightly, and barely made a fist-crowded posture.

  Theoretically, the dust tribe entrenched in the northern borders is also a big power, and it is not exactly equal to the dragon tribe in the sea, but it is also an existence that can barely talk to.

   And the witch of the cold dust is As the elder of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, if he completely ignores it, it seems that the dragon clan is rude.

   But his divine sense coercion did not relax at all, just want to see if the supreme maiden of the dust clan had enough energy to reply to him.

   He is not afraid of a maiden whose cultivation is only the Purple Mansion, but this person can rule the Chen Clan, and he is worried about what the other side is relying on.

   Lan Ruoshuang remained expressionless, closed his eyes and meditated, and did not respond to him at all. It seems that this woman is at least not surprising in her spiritual sense, and has been suppressed by him completely unable to respond.

   Hooked up and coughed coldly, did nothing but relentlessly, and said brazenly: "You don't care about it. In my house, I have the final say. There is no woman who speaks."

   When he said this, many old dragons were so startled that they almost sprayed out the sea water in their mouths.

   These old dragons in the East China Sea have been coveting Cuiyu Peak for hundreds of years, and they have naturally been staring at the situation of Cuiyu Palace.

   Gou Zhu, a disciple of a small hair thief who has risen up over the years, somehow married Bi Luo Goddess as a Taoist couple, and also stood on the position of the elder of the true biography of the Academy. Of course, several elders know these things.

   But the thief just occupied the Jade Jade Palace. How could the Cold Dust Witch, who unified the dust clan, also fall under its control?

   Then this man's clutches reached Ao Yao, the daughter of the Dragon King of the East China Sea! Who is this? Love saint or beast? Conquer the world by conquering women?

   Even his face was stiff like a piece of old wood, his mouth opened slightly and he forgot to close it.

Of course, what he didn't know was that in the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge, surrounded by countless sword-like Shurolan leaves erected and trembling, a woman snorted coldly and said, "Is that right, no woman speaks." For the sake of it?"

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