Record of Chaos

Chapter 864: 1 The water barrier takes the lead, and half a cold monument seeks to break the jade

   (864 a water barrier takes the lead, half of a cold monument seeks to break the jade)

   And at this time, the shame is actually losing the sense of everything below and far away.

   Not only the divine consciousness and the purple glass mirror have not been able to detect any divine consciousness fluctuations in the distance, even the scope of vision and hearing has shrunk sharply to a distance of hundreds of steps away. A little further, there is a lifeless and false void.

   He just experienced this scene not long ago. When Ao Xi first appeared, he appeared alone. His 30,000 aquatic elites are all hidden behind an invisible curtain.

   That invisible curtain is actually a magic weapon, called "One Water Barriers Heart". It is shaped like a drop of water when closed, and an invisible "membrane" that no one can notice when unfolded.

   If someone is isolated by this membrane, then all the person's feelings about the sentient beings on the other side of the membrane will disappear, whether it is eye consciousness, ear consciousness or spiritual consciousness.

   This is because it does not actually hinder the transmission of any physical information, it hinders the "heart". Everything that the eyes and ears feel and the sense of God needs to be interpreted by the heart. If the heart is blinded by this thing, naturally it will not feel anything.

   Speaking of this water barrier heart is so powerful, that Ao Xi directly wrapped it on his body, wouldn't anyone be able to find him, he would be invincible in the world? Of course there is no such good thing in the world.

   A water barrier, the unfolding diaphragm must be within a hundred steps to be effective. If it is too far away, there will be no impact.

   It does not distinguish between us. Ao Xi wrapped herself with a water barrier, which was equivalent to shielding all her senses. And others can easily find him a hundred steps away. Isn't this just looking for death?

   So this thing is used to wrap the enemy, not to wrap yourself. But the size of this thing is limited. It's easy to wrap a person. If the opponent is more than one person and deliberately separated, it is inconvenient.

   Ao Xi has long unfolded a water barrier in this huge "shaft", like a snare. He himself was under this "net", waiting quietly dozens of miles away.

   If the hook comes down from above, it is very likely to fall into this "net". At that time, Gou could not find him, but he could easily find Gou, and he could kill the person easily.

   There is only one problem with his plan, that is, he must be far enough away from this barrier. Otherwise, the hook has not been within a hundred steps of the diaphragm, and has not been affected, you can see him directly.

   The disadvantage of being far away is the inconvenience of attacking. Although he is a golden core, this distance can be reached in an instant, but in this kind of battle, the instant can determine life and death.

   But as long as the shackles are not noticed after being wrapped in a water barrier, he will have enough time to rush over. In theory, it is impossible for a person wrapped in this film to detect it.

   He didn't expect to be so cautious about the shackles. The first thing that sank was not himself, but a golden core puppet, shaved beetle!

   The shaved beetle sinks very fast, approaching extremely fast and quickly passes through a water barrier. Ao Xi, who had originally wanted to kill him immediately, had to move a little bit farther laterally in order to avoid being frightened.

   But what he didn't even expect was that as soon as he fell into the trap, he noticed the existence of a water barrier heart!

   At this time, it was too late for him to attack again, so he could only hit it directly with a "water bullet" dozens of miles away.

   Gouzhu never fights unprepared battles. The reason why he first dropped the shaved beetle and then called the purple glass mirror was to deal with the weird sense shielding technique of the great elder that could hide tens of thousands of water races.

   When Lan Ruoshuang disappeared from his vision, he realized that he had fallen into the trap of Ao Xi. At this time, it is the right way to change direction and get out.

Although    Ao Xi’s "Water Flow Bullet" offensive was fierce, it was blocked by a shaved beetle after all. The hole that the shaved beetle was penetrated was not for nothing. Not only has the speed of the water jet dropped a lot, but its direction has also changed slightly.

   finally shook his body to one side, and the stream of fire roared past him.

   At this time, the shaved beetle has been hit, and it truly feels the enemy's strength and hostility. As soon as the triangular head turned, the two huge compound eyes, which resembled glazed jade carvings, immediately turned to the direction of the current bullet.

   Ao Xi no longer hesitated, controlling a water barrier to seduce him, and no longer worried that he would be discovered by the shaved beetle, and directly rushed over. No matter what you throw, I just kill it!

Although    Gouzhu was very detailed, he also miscalculated a step. He didn't expect that Ao Xi was not the only one to intercept him.

   Lan Ruoshuang has already handed over to Ao Su in the other direction, so the plan to stab Ao Su in the back is bankrupt.

   Ao Xisha rushed over, and the shaved beetle rushed forward. One of them stared at the enemy and would never let go, while the other did not evade, so naturally they ran into it immediately.

   The two big knives of the shaved beetle stirred up fierce screams in the water, as if to directly tear apart the seabed that was under extreme pressure!

   It is impossible to block Ao Xi by shaved beetles. The moment they were fighting, it was also the only time Guji could think about how to fight the enemy.

How to do? How to do? His mind turned frantically.

   In the sea of ​​his knowledge, a breeze came slowly, surrounded by lush branches and leaves, Lian Ling appeared as graceful as a poplar, and a misty appearance like a willow appeared in front of him.

   "If you send my invisible body out of this barrier that shields the five senses, I should be able to hit him hard with a sneak attack.

   "As long as he is severely injured, his barrier should not be able to be used. At that time, we can still fight him head-on with two enemies and one."

   Even Ling's Shu Luolan invisible body can make the other party's five senses insensible, as if they have disappeared. But that was only when she was resting.

   Once she moves forward in the sea or uses magic power to do anything, she will be noticed by the opponent's divine sense.

   Of course I have thought about this trick, but even if I did this, with the keen consciousness of this old demon of three flowers, the probability of Ling's attack was not even 30%.

   Without the cooperation of the two, it would be impossible for Lian Ling to succeed with a high probability.

   But they were wrapped in a water barrier, and at most one could only break the barrier, and the other could not break the barrier while blindfolded. Unless they have three more!

   If it weren't for Akameya's summoning stone to be broken, UU reading summon Akameya and Lianling to cooperate, it would barely be able to fight.

   "It's better to let the concubine go out and face the attack, and the lady can seize the opportunity to attack."

   A killing chill came quietly, growing tall and cold, and the frosty cold stele appeared in the biting wind. But her appearance is very different from the human body seen before.

   There is no human skin on her face at this time, but a real jade sculpture. The clothes on his body are also like white jade carvings. It's just that this jade sculpture is full of cracks, and there is real blood dripping from the cracks.

   She didn't have a real body originally, the body she saw before, including the magic weapon in her hand, was transformed by a jade tablet.

   After she was hit hard in the battle with Nan Wanci, her mana was damaged, and now she can no longer maintain the human form that makes people difficult to distinguish between true and false.

   Gouzhu rejected this idea at first glance. He spent more than two hundred thousand taels of blood on this monument. It's all like this, won't it be broken if you hit it again?

   "Are you going out like this to die?"

Han Beizi clasped his fists in both hands, and said calmly: "The concubine has a secret method that can be protected from death. After I go straight out, I will leave half of the broken monument. If I fight and die, the spirit will return to the broken monument. As long as the master keeps the broken monument I will not die anymore."


   Such a cold monument may indeed not die. But this monument was broken into only half. Needless to say, Golden Core Double Flower, I'm afraid it's difficult to transform, the more than 200,000 taels of blood spirit stone is trash.

"The concubine body is the best measure of the opponent's strength. From my point of view, if this is not used, both the master and the wife will die. If the concubine body is not enlightened, it will be fine. Now that it is enlightened, it is impossible to serve others. Jade broken road perishes!"

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