Record of Chaos

Chapter 881: Seeing the memory of the cannibal, Liu Yan gave up his life to protect the way

   (881 Ming sees the food and recalls the swallowing people, Liu Yan sacrifices his life to protect the way)

   In just one or two breaths, Haoming saw that he had already walked twice. He realized the weirdness.

   The beautiful red hill like flames in front of me is like a rainbow on the water. No matter how he walked, the rainbow was always not far in front of him, and the distance did not decrease at all.


   There are also formations in the heavens. But in the celestial realm, the minds of celestial beings are directly connected with the outside world they are in. As long as his mind changes, then the heaven and the earth will change accordingly.

   But here, things are different. There seems to be a strong barrier between the sky and the people. His changes in consciousness cannot touch the reality of the outside world.

   So when he tried to use his mind to change the formation to find a breakthrough method, he found that the whole formation did not follow his consciousness at all.

   Only a steady stream of mana moved with his consciousness. His current mana is completely chaotic, he has not yet understood how to apply it, so it is impossible to crack such a delicate formation.

When    passed by again, he glanced at the restaurant that appeared repeatedly on the left side of the road.

   He found that no matter which direction he went, he would always wander around this restaurant, which shows that this place is likely to be problematic, at least it has a certain relationship with the formation.

  He walked over to this restaurant. A smiling young man in grey clothes immediately greeted him.

   "Guest officer, go to Yun'ai Temple to have incense? Then you can only enter female pilgrims. It's all here, why don't you come to a small shop for a drink..."

   Before he finished speaking, Xiao Si's neck was strangled by an invisible force, making him unable to say anything.

   His feet left the ground, thumping in vain. Then came the sound of his neck bone being completely broken.

   Hao clearly discovered that after his thought power was transformed into mana in the human world, although these mana powers were not as capable of manipulating nature as they wanted in the heavens, they could be used as limbs.

   These magical powers fluttered out invisibly, as if his hand had been extended, so that he grabbed the lower realm mortal by his neck. Just a slight pinch, the man's neck broke.

   A familiar smell floated out. He grabbed it with this magic power, and immediately caught a struggling foreign object in the dark. That is actually a spirit. After the physical death, the soul is about to reincarnate.

   Seeing in his consciousness, this is a person, who still retains the appearance of the second person in the shop. He was caught in his hands and kept begging for mercy.

   He didn't think much, threw the man into his mouth and chewed. The man kept begging for mercy and screaming, but there would be no sound in reality.

   These screams of begging for mercy are nothing but thoughts conveyed by the horrified divine consciousness, only the monk’s divine consciousness can detect it.

   His chewing destroyed the structure of the soul, and the consciousness and the three souls and seven souls were gradually shattered. A kind of red but invisible liquid overflowed from his lips and teeth.

   This is his usual spell in the heavens, called "Chewing God's Food Memory". He does not swallow the soul, which is not the same as the "swallowing of the soul" commonly used by the human world soul repair.

   He only chewed up the souls of others, and absorbed the memories bit by bit. The rest is like chewed bagasse, and he will still spit it out. In this way he can absorb all the memories of this person.

   The way of absorbing memory and searching soul is different. After absorbing, these memories are the same as those he owns, and at the same time he can completely keep his heart undisturbed.

   Since it is concluded that the weirdness of the formation is in this restaurant, as long as he swallows everyone's memories in this restaurant, he will have a high probability of finding the secret of the formation. Then he can solve the formation.

   He did this, everyone here would die. But he would not care about this. He is a celestial being, and the opponent is just a maggot in a cesspit. Does trampling a few maggots need hesitation?

   He has continuously devoured the memories of many people. There are men and women, old and young. These swallowed memories made him a little disappointed. He has experienced a lot of ordinary life memories. Although very interesting, it was not what he wanted at all.

   "Who are you, why kill people casually!"

   Ming saw Shengjun suddenly heard an angry shout from the maggot in his eyes.

   Liu Yan was already in the line, and could leave at any time. But just before the start of the array transmission and departure, he "heard" the screams from the restaurant.

   This is the kind of thought that erupts from the soul, and it can only make a screaming scream after experiencing great pain. This made him hesitate.

   The task he took in the Xiaoyao League is to open the formation and promptly warn. He has done both of these things. Now he can get two hundred merit points by leaving, and he doesn't need to stay to face an unfathomable enemy to die.

   But his way of cultivating is not allowed to see these mortals who have been with him for almost three months die one by one while he leaves.

   "The Lower Realm repairs?"

   Hao Ming saw a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He finally saw a monk. Swallowing this person's memory will not only have a high probability of obtaining a way to cancel this formation, but also allow him to learn how to control the mana of this body.

   He can learn all the experience of the opponent, including magical powers and occult techniques.

   may even give him some unique experience in Taoism, and he will achieve more achievements after returning to the Heavenly Faith Hall.

   As soon as the mana surged, he grabbed the man. But this time the distance was too far, and his mana reached the and there were still two or three steps away from the opponent.

   Is there a distance limit for using mana as a limb in the human world?

   He remembered the wind blade that he had encountered right after the lower realm. So he had an idea, and his mana-powered hand snapped his fingers, rubbing out a rapidly rotating wind blade, and rushing towards the opponent's neck.

   This wind blade screamed in the air, forming a thin film of snow white like fog, and the reflection rapidly expanded in Liu Yan's pupils. It is impossible for him to dodge at this speed!

   Purple light works on him. A purple shield bead burst open, forming a purple light shield in front of him. When the wind blade cut across the light shield, it only froze slightly.

   But this finally gave him a chance to escape. His figure exploded rapidly. And after the wind blade was weakened by the shield beads, it still roared across his side, giving him a violent shock!

   His body rolled to one side, like a large stone thrown directly through the wooden wall of the restaurant, and penetrated into the restaurant lobby.

   can't stop even the purple escape beads, this person is at least the Zifu Consummation, and maybe even the cultivation base of the golden core!

   Although the world of Xuanxiu may not be reasonable, the Hou Tu Dynasty still has rules. There are mysterious bandits who kill people like hemp, as well as real masters, but most of them occupy the deep mountains and old forests, and they definitely don't dare to walk in broad daylight.

   How could he not think that a monk with such a profound knowledge would directly kill a group of mortals and just let him meet?

   Although it was said that the warning signal to the Xiaoyao League had been sent out, the support in the League was definitely on the way, but it was not possible to arrive in an instant.

   "You have worked hard for decades, is this the end of this journey?" Liu Yan suddenly felt cold, and a sense of despair came to his heart.

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