Record of Chaos

Chapter 885: The sword rushes out of the blue wind, and the needle passes through

   (885 sword surges out of the blue wind, the needle passes through the soul)

   "Go, go, it doesn't matter if you can't beat it, there's me, don't worry." Huang Lu smiled and urged. Song Ruhai forgot her gratefully.

   Gouzhu also nodded and said: "You can try, let Huang Lu control the formation to cooperate. But you two must not force it, and come back if you can't beat it."

   Even though Song Ruhai only has the Purple Mansion, he will undoubtedly be defeated by the monster, but Huang Lu has been successfully stuck in the Purple Mansion for many years, and he has mastered the formation. If the two cooperate properly, there is no weakness to compare with this monster.

   What's more, there are Gouzhu and the nineteenth staring at the side, and the situation is not right, they can help at any time.

   Haomin scolded in his heart, while racing in the air. It turned out that these guys actually regarded themselves as targets for practice!

   Since he was born in the heaven, no one has dared to humiliate him like this. Unexpectedly, this humble lower realm was used as a sharpening stone. He was really vomiting blood with anger.

   But the geniuses will not be dazzled by their own anger. In fact, with his strength, if he could transform into a better physical body, it would be nothing to deal with even two half-step golden cores of the four purple palaces.

   It happened that the materials he could find that could metamorphose were either the dust of the mortal world or the half-dust like Liu Yan. In this situation, there are so many other people, he can only be beaten.

   So he never dared to fall in love with the battle, he just flew around frantically, trying to find loopholes in this formation and slip away as soon as possible.

   But this kind of human world formation he has never seen before, his soul and this world are separated by that weird "world membrane", how easy is it for him to find loopholes in such a short time?

   Even though he was flying through the air like the wind, he always walked around the village restaurant that had been razed to the ground. Gouzhu and others didn't even chase a step, looking at him like a mouse running infinitely in a roller.

Song Ruqing Yufeng stood in the air with a green long sword like a dragon coming out of the water. As soon as it was out of its sheath, a knife-like wind rushed out with the dragon's Yin, whistling towards the fake Liu Yan. .

   This wind is not just violent and sharp, but it contains countless cyan fine needles. The spirit seed that Song Ruhai condensed in the transmission tower is a "green tide pine nut", and the achievement spirit sword is called "green tide sword".

   Once the Green Tide Sword was deployed, the wind was raging, and there were countless small pine needles in the wind. Needle weapons do not hurt much, but they are the most troublesome to deal with. It is small and difficult to prevent, and it is pervasive, and it is easy to penetrate the mana of the body.

   And under such a violent gale, it would be useless for the opponent to use Fire Cloud Technique. You set fire to the wind, you can only burn yourself hard. This is one thing falling one thing.

   "Do you want to deal with me with this drizzle?"

   Seeing Song Ruhai's move, Ming Shengjun had a different idea. This overwhelming rain of needles is indeed useful to deal with mortals who depend on flesh and blood, but it may not be necessary to deal with him.

   His body is a metamorphosis body, even if the whole body is pierced with blue needles and the structure is damaged and unable to move, he has a big deal to give up this body and condense one more.

   On the contrary, this Song Ruhai only has the purple mansion. As long as he gathers enough mana and slaps it with a big mana, he can slap this person to the ground like a fly. This technique is ugly, but it is the best method he can easily use.

   For this, he allowed the green needles to penetrate his body while pretending to be injured, falling from the air, deliberately falling in the direction of Song Ruhai.

   "As soon as he relaxed his vigilance, he slapped him into meatloaf with one palm!"

   Hao clearly sees that while condensing mana, he secretly makes up his mind. Although the opponent was crowded, he first captured this person's body in the Purple Mansion, and his mana would increase a lot. Continuing to break through each one, he still has a chance to destroy all these people.

   But what he didn't expect was that at the moment when he was squatting on the ground and preparing to do it, he suddenly felt a sharp pain like a needle stick from the depths of his soul.

   "It turned out to be spiritism?"

   At this time, purple light flashed slightly in the eyes. After achieving the Golden Core, he doesn't need to call out the purple glass mirror, he can also use his eyes to borrow part of the purple glass mirror's power to see the flow of divine consciousness.

   What he saw was far more spectacular than a gust of wind. Behind each of Song Ruhai's green needles, there was a faint and almost imperceptible psychic thread, and spiritual thoughts flowed continuously on this psychic thread.

   In the light of the purple glass mirror, countless invisible divine thoughts flowed in the air to form a huge mess.

   This is actually a puppet technique used by the ancestors of the Song family to control the Song family. It's just that the old ancestor can only use this spell on his family members who have blood connections.

   And Song Ruhai couldn't deal with his family members all day, so he borrowed the soul fixation technique of former soul sect elder Miao Qi, combined with improvements, and transplanted it to "Qingfeng Chaoyong".

   Song ancestor dealt with the Song family that he had planted the seeds in his soul, and the inside and the outside were combined, so he could control it with one face.

   And if he wants to use this trick on outsiders, he must first break through the opponent's body and touch the opponent's soul. And those green needles flying in the wind were his best weapon to break through the opponent's body.

   In theory, as long as one of these countless green needles is hit, the other party will become his But the theory is only theory. This kind of spirit control technique is illegal and not irresistible. At the end of the fight, after all, it depends on whose spirit is strong enough.

   Haomin felt his whole body numb when he saw it, and a divine thought pierced all the joints of his soul like a needle. But how strong is his soul. Even if many weak points were stabbed by the opponent, there was no soul that could easily be controlled by others.

   After the initial horror passed, this holy monarch was immediately full of energy, and the spirit of the soul was tumbling, and a powerful thought force surged out!

   The monks in the human world call it the power of divine consciousness, but when it comes to the heavens, this is the most common power of mind.

   In the heavenly realm, he can use his mind to touch whether it is natural or spiritual consciousness. When he arrived in the human world with a boundary membrane, his thought power could not change the nature of the world, but it was still effective for the soul.

  Since the opponent tried to control him, he could instead take advantage of the momentum to control the opponent.

   Song Ruhai's expression changed. He noticed that after the power of his divine consciousness passed along the line of puppets, he did not find any "joints" and then controlled them, but like a clay cow entering the sea, disappearing without a trace.

   Conversely, an incomparable power of divine consciousness surged over like a tide!

   At this time, if he immediately cuts these puppet lines on his own, the opponent will only have pure thought power, and there is absolutely no way to rely on him.

   It happened that this was his first battle in the Purple Mansion, and this "green needle puppet thread" was his original and proud supernatural power. If the first shot was taken, he would have to chop himself, and this gas was really hard to swallow.

   So he surged his whole body mana, stimulated the sea of ​​consciousness to churn, and raised the power of divine consciousness to the extreme, forcibly to the countless lines of puppets, and collided with the opponent's surging thought power!

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