Record of Chaos

: Slow down the update speed in the short term

  In the short term, I will update from the current six times a week (closed every Friday) to three times a week (update every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday). There are two reasons:

   Recently, I feel very rushed in the idea, which may cause confusion in the future plot. So I want to temporarily slow down the update speed so that I can think about it.

   The other is that this book has not received any more comments from this chapter recently, that is, apart from the comments at the end of the book, it is basically impossible for me to receive feedback from readers. So I plan to revise some content based on the feedback of previous readers, and try to revise some unsatisfactory chapters to the satisfaction of most people.

   It’s not clear how long it lasts, but during this time I can definitely save some manuscripts, and once I have the manuscripts, I will resume the daily update.

  Some readers may care about update speed, but I don't care about update speed. For me, no matter whether the income is changed ten times a day or one change ten days, the income is the same as zero. Rather than write something in a hurry to keep up to date, it is better to work slowly and create a boutique.

   In addition, I used to make bold words to fight for the top of the popularity list. This is obviously not possible. At least the popularity value has a lot to do with what this chapter says. Now it requires a fan value of 200 to publish this chapter, and this book cannot get fan value, so it is equivalent to not having a popularity value.

   But it doesn’t really matter, because the real popularity is not a number, but an intangible influence. As long as I haven't given up, there is no failure.

  Because I want to rewrite part of the past plot, I really need readers’ suggestions. This chapter says it cannot be posted, please post it in the final book review. If your suggestion is very negative, it may cause readers to refuse to fall into the pit. I suggest you send it to me directly. You can add my QQ number 3595227223.

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