Record of Chaos

: Book organization plan

   First of all, I was pleasantly surprised to find that this chapter can be posted again. In the future, everyone is welcome to continue to speak freely, haha.

   But my plan that I only update three times a week for the time being will not change. But you can rest assured, it won't be long. It is estimated that at most one or two weeks will be fine.

   I intend to clean up the serious poisonous spots that readers have reported. Currently, there are the following:

   (1) After Qingyang Town, he was arrested at Guaofeng. The protagonist was so miserable that many people said it was too cruel. (Considering revision)

   (2) After returning to the Cuiyu Palace, Tang Su was suspected and tracked down, and Cha Fei was framed and was too abused. (Partially modified)

   (3) At the Chuan Gong Pagoda, take the initiative to rescue Lady Lan Ruoshuang. (I don't plan to modify it temporarily)

   (4) Lan Ruoshuang calculated that he fell off the bridge too much. (Partially modified)

  (5) Being on the big silver cedar tree was so miserable by Lu Wei, even if he succeeded in counter-killing, he would not be happy. (It has been modified)

   (6) After being rescued by Wen Ruxue on the silver fir tree, it was too poisonous to ask for a reward. (Under revision)

   (7) The ambiguity between Yin Fir Tree and Lan Ruoshuang is offensive. (Under revision)

   (8) After leaving the Pagoda, he was ambushed by the hidden treasure disciples of the Xuanyin Pill of the Dragon Skeleton, and was attacked by Gu Wentian again, too torturous. (I haven't figured out how to change it yet)

   (9) When he was buying amber in Yuntian City, he was ambushed by the Su family. Huang Lu was captured and was too abused. (I haven't figured out how to change it yet)

   At present, there are only nine poison spots above. All readers who have read here have read the entire text. It is strongly recommended that you leave me a message on the poisonous spots you encounter, and I will modify them one by one. Although it is of no use to you, it will be of great use to future readers.

   If you have any good ideas about the above areas that are being revised, you can also leave a message directly to me.

   I will modify the old content for the days I don’t update. After the change is over, it will resume every Saturday. Today I finished changing the above (5), involving 085, 086, 087. I feel very fulfilled.

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