Record of Chaos

Chapter 894: Honghu hidden arrogant girl, Yunhaiyou Kunpeng

   (894 Honghu Qianjiao Girl, Yunhai You Kunpeng)

   At the same time, as if taking a bath in clothes, Su Long, who was thoroughly soaked, got out of the muddy lakeside reeds, and the nineteenth took her to the shore with his hands.

   She glanced at the scolding voice with her back to them, and immediately spit out a mouthful of water to curse: "The surname is Gou, you have a good plan, and you dare to push the palace into the lake!"

   This group of female cultivators, including the nineteenth and Huang Lu, are all drenched, and their silk dresses are tightly attached to their bodies, showing their graceful appearance, which is not much different from wearing them.

   Goujiu certainly didn't dare to peep, he was facing three female sisters behind the reeds a little further away.

   Ignoring the threat of the empress, he coughed coldly and reminded: "It's far enough now, you can use your force to dry your clothes a little bit."

   Before the sailors began to search for the ship, he didn't want to cause too much trouble. He decisively asked the three women to jump into the lake, one by one, and one water drop. Su Long didn't want to jump into the lake. The nineteenth and Huang Lu pushed her into the water together.

   Nineteenth, Huang Lu and Su Long are both female cultivators from the Purple Mansion. Their body protection mana naturally repels all filth and contamination. Even if they jump into the lake without getting their clothes wet, it is a simple matter.

   But when they try not to use their force, trouble comes.

   It's not that Su Long has never soaked in a bath, but she has never soaked in clothes in this wild lake. This is the beginning of winter again, cold, dirty, disgusting, and not allowed to use any force... This empress has suffered.

  Actually, the water of Hongrun Lake is much clearer than that of the Grand Canal.

   Gouzhu is sure that although the other monk will definitely not report to the police, since there are monks in Hongrun Lake, it means that the intercepting army has arrived. A fierce battle is indispensable.

   Of course he will not stop in the fleet waiting for the enemy to come. The most important thing is to send Su Long to a safe place first.

   Hongrun Lake is so big that it is impossible for the other party to surround it. As long as they escape a certain distance in any direction, those who hunt them will temporarily lose their way.

   But any mana they use to fly away will attract the attention of the enemy. Under the cover of his Yin Dan, everyone will use the mana to reduce the extreme, diving underwater.

   Song Ruhai stayed behind in the fleet. On the one hand, he dealt with the investigation of the sailors, on the other hand, he paid attention to the movements of the other monks.

   "Nineteenth, you take your empress like this."

   Gouzhu looked at the huge black mountain like a beast in the middle of the night, and sent a map to the nineteenth through divine reading, which marked the route.

   even where you can travel quickly, where you can fly, and where you can hide, all are clearly marked on this map.

   He had already figured out the terrain on this route before he set off, and he had prepared a lot of alternate routes.

   "Okay, brother."

   The nineteenth was a little obsessed with the answer. Although she looks a little stupid on the surface, as long as she gives her clear instructions, she will execute it without compromise, and even make it more accurate than wood.

   This time Su Long did not express any objections. Just after her body protection mana swept away, the lake and filth on her body had been completely rejected, and she had returned to a clean and dry state again, which made her feel a lot restored.

   She is not so good at hooking, but she loves the nineteenth and trusts her very much. So seeing these two people disappear into the night together, there is nothing to worry about.

   "Okay, let's set up now."

   Gouzhu glanced around and said to Huang Lu. There is no moon in the sky, and the night is as silent as a pool of stagnant water. He raised his hand, the aura flickered, and a vivid paper figure walked out of his fairy lotus.

   This is the dummies made by Defei Empress Su Long when she was waiting by the Grand Canal a few days ago.

   If the monks of the imperial court were all out to chase and intercept them, even if they could run for a while, they would never get out of Guizhou.

   There is only one way right now, that is, he and Song Ruhai and Huang Lu stayed behind to hold down the opponent's high-level combat power and fight here!

   At this moment, a violent spatial fluctuation spread all over the place, attracting all the obscure eyes. It's just that even if that was within the range of his divine consciousness, he only saw thick clouds.

   Just in the dense clouds high in the sky, a big fish with white bottom and black top suddenly flashed out. The thick cloud is like a wave pushed away when the big fish swims by.

   This is a flying mysterious weapon of the Onmyoji School, named Yunhai Kunzhou. Its size is similar to that of a horizontal fireship, but its material and shape are different.

   Hengtian Fireboat is a wooden ship built with a lot of wood combined with dragon wood. This strange ship does not have a trace of wood, the whole body is as smooth as jade, and as soft as a real creature.

   It also has no deck, and its body is streamlined, shaped like a whale swimming extremely fast in a sea of ​​clouds.

  The Profound Artifacts of the Five Elements Sect are most commonly seen, especially the Hengtian Fireship, which is already the absolute main battle weapon in the army of the Hou Tu Dynasty, and the art of refining the Five Elements Sect is also famous all over the world.

  The large-scale profound artifacts refined by the Yin-Yang Sect are stronger than the products of the Five Elements Sect.

  The problem is that all the refining artifacts of Onmyoji Sect are made with countless treasures, and each one is a unique product. It is already difficult to refining this kind of thing, let alone mass production.

   A Taoist sits on the top of the main seat in the cabin of the Yunhai Kunzhou. Although his beard and hair are snow-white, he looks like a young man with red cheeks, slightly fat, and divine This person is no one else but the Sanhua monk who is known as the most powerful mana in the Hou Tu Dynasty. Emperor of the Imperial Dynasty, Sect Master of Yin and Yang He Wuji!

  He Wuji is a contemporary of Qin Zunyang, who has achieved Jindan Sanhua for 500 years. No one knows what realm he really is.

   In theory, people like him should have already become Nascent Souls, and have transcended the mundane, and are ready to ascend as they retreat to practice. Even if you are really not interested in Feisheng, you should cultivate the immortal.

   But he did the opposite. Over the past hundreds of years, he has been trapped in the mundane world, and he was willing to be driven by the two generations of Emperors of the Earth.

   Some people say that Heavenly Court has already assigned him a quota for ascension, so he doesn't need to practice Immortal Body by himself. But in that way, even ascending is just a pseudo-immortal, would he be willing?

   Some people say that he is actually a Confucian believer. Everything he learned in Xuanmen was to realize the Confucian dream of peace in the world. In other words, joining the world to help the world is his way.

   So he was trapped in the mortal world and it didn't hinder his ascent. On the contrary, this was exactly the way he pursued.

   No matter what, in his capacity, unless the country is in danger, there is no need for him to appear in person. Especially when the Emperor Kun Yuan was awkward with his wife and son, he shouldn't work on his own.

   But the emperor personally made an order with an unprecedented stern attitude, he also had to say something. So even though his body did not come, he still came with a courageous clone.

   Under his seat, many disciples of the Onmyoji Sect came and almost filled the cabin, with a total of forty or fifty people. Among them, there are masters of Jindan, Zifu and Xudan, all of them are proud disciples of different veins.

   There is only one purpose for so many people to come, to intercept Defei Su Long, to pass an decree to her, and "respectfully invite" this empress back to the palace!

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