Record of Chaos

Chapter 896: The icy goddess seeks to make up for the deficiencies, and the fat in the forest repai

   (896 ice cold goddess begs to fill the gap, the fat in the forest repairs the rabbits)

   A long and graceful figure appeared behind the curtain, and then moved in. At the same time, the temperature in the cabin dropped sharply, and many monks with advanced cultivation levels shivered.

   This hall is not an expert without cold veins. It's just that all powerful cultivators will generally try to curb their cultivation level, otherwise they will hurt the mortals around them accidentally.

   But this Guanghan goddess who had disappeared in the demon world for many years and returned is arrogant by nature. The current effect is the result of her reluctance to restrain her mana in the face of Sect Master He Wuji.

   Nan Wanci was hit hard in the Battle of Beiming. But she herself dug an ice cave in the lifeless ice sheet to heal her wounds, and she miraculously survived.

   not only survived, she also made the golden core three flowers, becoming a real top monk in the human world.

   She has a very unsocial personality. So even though He Wuji had brought her here, she was not called at all on such occasions where everyone was meeting.

   But if she was going to catch this person, she would be very happy. Not only is she happy, she is going to go very urgently.

   Although in the eyes of others, she has achieved Jindan Sanhua, but only she knows that her Sanhua is incomplete.

   Goujiao has a strange treasure in her hand, a copy of herself. It was the fierce battle with the replica that made her reach the threshold of climbing the upper realm while being hit hard.

   It’s just that this battle is not over, so her three flowers are also incomplete, as if one is missing.

   Although she doesn't know how to complete it yet, she knows that the answer lies in the treasure spirit who copied herself.

   As long as she can imprint that treasure spirit with her soul breath and become her magic weapon, she will definitely find a way to complement herself.

   The opportunity to "catch" the deceit is just around the corner, how could she let it go?

   On the other side, the cultivators of the Yin-Yang sect flew across the night sky and caused the sky full of shining light.

   At least hundreds of monks flew away in all directions. Of course, hundreds of people cannot all be masters of Yin and Yang School. Every genius disciple of Yin Yang Sect sent to bring some disciples and fellow disciples to make up the number, so that the number of people is large.

   There is a benefit to more people. Even if most people are weak, once a war starts, mana fluctuations will spread to the Quartet, allowing more masters to find the position of the opponent.

   Gouzhuo is not surprised that someone is chasing, but surprised where these people are going. It can be seen that these people are laying a big net, just covering the more than ten miles where he is, a real net of heaven and earth.

   This shows that the other party knows where they are going, but they don't know the specific location. Gouzhu thought that the direction of his escape was impossible for these chasers to know.

   He asked Huang Lu to set up an array, which could confuse the spirit fluctuations within a certain range. And the nineteenth with Su Long can take advantage of this time to go swiftly and escape from the land.

   But now that the encirclement of the army is lowered earlier than he expected, he is a little uncertain. Has the nineteenth and Su Long escaped the encirclement?

   If you use TRANSSION Yujian to contact, it will be easier to reveal your position.

   Fortunately, he has agreed with the nineteenth in advance that he will transmit the voice immediately if the situation is urgent, and keep silent if everything goes well. So no news is the best news.

   "Notify Song Ruhai to come over and start changing things." Gou Zhuo said to Huang Lu. She was sitting on the ground, and she kept adjusting and moving the position of hundreds of dragon wood spikes that were inserted on the ground to form weird patterns.

   "Good!" Song Ruhai could come over at the first hearing, and Huang Lu suddenly regained his spirit.

   After they left the fleet, Song Ruhai stayed behind in the fleet. It's not necessary now. The monk falling in the sky shows that the opponent's focus is not on that team's boat at all.

   After Huang Lu's transformation, he and Huang Lu, as well as Su Long's substitute paper man's breath and spiritual knowledge will "inadvertently" leak some of them. It's like a ray of light revealed in a dark gap trying to hide.

   If the enemy came to Su Long, he would definitely be attracted by them. In this way, the pressure on the nineteenth and the real Su Long will definitely be greatly reduced.

After a while, Song Ruhai, dressed as a merchant in a plain blue round-neck silk shirt and boots, holding a turquoise sword, swept over the lake like skating and walked into Huang Lu’s. In the formation.

   He glanced at the paper figure of Concubine De Fei, who was still looking very smart next to him, and asked, "Where is the empress and the nineteenth?"

   Goujiu smiled and said, "I'm leaving early. Let's go here, let them chase us, and go after us." After he said that, he followed his finger in a direction.

  He refers to the north.

   They are on the west bank of Hongrun Lake. The Qingxiao Mountain Range is hundreds of miles away in the south of Hongrun Hunan, and the boundary of Jinzhou is only after the Qingxiao Mountain Range. If they are going back to Golden State, they should go south.

   But the so-called imaginary is real, and the real is imaginary. If you clearly want to go south, it is also a common tactic to flee north. Anyway, as long as I escape, it will not be impossible to detour to the south in the future.

   Gouzhu is a virtual reality, but the reality is real. Nineteenth, they really fled south. On the contrary, their suspects went north to attract firepower from the opponent.

   Gouzhu and Song Ruhai opened the way one left and the other right, and Huang Lu served the "Niang Niang" closely behind.

   The formation she laid is a ground formation, only a few dragon dowels can be left to maintain it, and she doesn't need to stare at that time. The only pity is that the farther they leave this formation, the smaller the masking effect of the formation will be.

   The four are like a group of deer running briskly. The dense reeds beside the lake and the trees on the gloomy mountains retreat quickly almost turned into a dark line.

   At the same time, Goujiu also used his own consciousness to capture the movement of the surrounding enemies.

  His strategy is effective. Most of the opponents were attracted by him and changed directions, and began to outflank his area. This also shows that the nineteenth women are very safe.

   And his Yin Dan and Huang Lu's confusion array are constantly confounding the spirit.

   For the enemy, their position is very erratic. Always here for a while, and then there again. In addition to using the human sea tactics to search through the net, there is no better way for people like Yin and Yang.

   But as long as they have enough people, there is always a chance to bump into it.

  Sure enough, after a few moments of rushing around, they realized that a bright moon suddenly appeared above their heads. It was an unknown powerful light source, emitting a dazzling white light, shining brightly where they were, making them unable to open their eyes.

   And this thing is really like a bright moon in the sky, no matter how fast they move, it will always be suspended in the same position above their heads.

   At the same time, a ray of divine thought came over from this snow-white light source, and he asked respectfully: "Dare to ask, but the wife of De Fei Feng drives?"

   A few miles away, deep in the dense forest, there are two fat and thin yin and yang sect monks in hazel robes, silver light armor and pure yang towels, sitting on a big tree.

  The fat Xiu smiled and said: "I'm right? There is no need to rush and kill like them. We are here to wait for the rabbits, and in the end we still have to do some work."

The skinny Taoist snorted and said, "You are just too lucky, the blind cat ran into the dead mouse. And the guards of Defei are too bad, right? Only the highest level can build the eightfold cultivation base. I will go alone. Cook them all!"

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