For creatures with the will to move freely, rain is always a disappointment because it adds a burden to free movement. So after Zac re-discovered the red wine from the’General’, he relaxed, and he didn’t have to go out.

But such pride did not last long. Maddison from the Mill called.

“You mean today, now?” Zach held the receiver and frowned, looking helpless.

“En.” Maddison on the receiver’s voice was calm, “The prison said that everything is business as usual. I don’t know what’business as usual’ is. When I asked, they answered looking for you, so I am looking for you. .”

Zac’s eyebrows tightened a little further, and he wanted to completely push it away, letting Maddison’s mind to deal with it be dispelled. Maddisons calm gave Zach a sense of guilt of’I’m sorry for this employee who is only dedicated to doing a good job’, “Well, then I will go with you, and you will pick me up.”

” “After complied, the other party hung up.

Zack pulls at the corner of his mouth, and Benjamin doesn’t want to escape.

On the back porch of the Grand House, a row of people sat in a daze at the gray and gray outside world. Even Jin, who rarely shows up at this time, is lying on the edge of the corridor. The Great Dane’s tail leaned beyond the eaves of the corridor, quickly sweeping the dripping drops of water. If Jin’s expression is more cheerful, you can think he is playing very happy.

Zac pushed Benjamin’s shoulder. Alpha was leaning against the wall, tilting his head, his eyes lost and he didn’t know what he was thinking. Pushed by Zach, Benjamin tilted to one side, his sturdy body hit the wooden floor, lying on his side against the wall, a pair of brown eyes horizontal vampire. This is usually Alpha’s silent look at Zac when he is in a bad mood, the kind of look that makes vampires feel that he is food inexplicably.

Zac frowned, “What is work? Maddison called, and some poor guy in the prison hung up.”

“This is Maddison’s job. “Benjamin didn’t even have the thought to sit back, his eyes drifted away.

Zac reluctantly pulled Benjamin’s arm, “This is Maddison’s first time, we have to take him at least this time.” Benjamin is very heavy, especially in the case of deliberate non-cooperation.

Zach pursed his mouth. If it weren’t for Matthew to take up his sleep, Benjamin would not allow his body to be twisted and twisted by the vampire. Zach worked hard for a while, waved his hand, and gave up, “Okay! You don’t need to go, just lie here and think about what’it’ is thinking, good luck.”

Zach turned to Going back, Benjamin followed after a while, but his eyes were still a little lost. Obviously, although he recognized Zac’s words and felt that it was meaningless to think about the wolf body, he couldn’t ignore it. People with split personalities are all like this. Benjamin’s ability to listen only shows that he is not too sick.

The two began to make the necessary preparations, because after all, they were dragging a corpse back, and dragging from a place like a prison, the scene will not be too beautiful, they are ready to prepare everything as possible Complete, teach Maddison all at once, then you won’t need to follow them next time.

It didn’t take too long, the sound of the engine came from the east amidst the rustling rain and occasional thunder, and Madison’s car came. Not surprisingly, that nervous demon Leon sat in the co-pilot, and Crowley would obviously not let go of this rare opportunity to go to the prison for fieldwork.

Leon feels very good about himself and greeted Grandes two brothers. After the wiper, his blurred face flashed by. Then, despite the pouring rain, Madisons car didnt stop, right The side car door was pushed open, and a silhouette rammed into Benjamin’s arms, recreating the way it was when he first saw Zach.

But he seemed more excited, lying on Benjamin like an octopus, desperately sniffing the breath of the werewolf, yelling incessantly, “God, my goodness! A living werewolf! An Alpha!!! What a perfect creation! I missed such a wonderful creature!!”

Leon didn’t care about revealing his age.

Until he was caught by the brown fluffy palms, thrown away, rolled a few times in the rain and landed on the road wet by the rain. He just shook his twisted neck and said smartly, “I know! The brother of the Grande House, I don’t like others being too close to you! I promise it won’t happen again!”

Madison’s car is also a local Herman truck in Barton City, but it doesn’t have the firmness it once had, and it’s more practical. Maddison did not get out of the car, but simply signaled to the two of them, even the fire was not extinguished, sitting in the driver’s seat and waiting.

Zac’s guilt made him sigh silently. Holding the umbrella, he opened the back compartment, looked at the coffin inside, and smiled helplessly. Maddison is indeed a very careful and conscientious person. Even though the contract with Barton Prison has reduced the price to the point of loss, he still prepared a complete item.

Unfortunately, the reality is that he still brought the wrong thing. What he needs is not a coffin for the deceased to give the deceased one last stabilization, but a black plastic bag.

But after seeing Maddison’s plain appearance, Zach couldn’t bear to correct anything. He and Benjamin threw the prepared things into the trunk and sat in the back seat of the truck together. Because no one wants to sit with Leon who is still on Joe’s chin.

The truck’s hand brake was retracted, and the hum of the engine gradually disappeared in the sound of rain. It didn’t take long for the truck that Maddison was driving to disappear in the intensive rain just west of the Grand House.

“How are you doing?” The silence in the car made Zach a little uncomfortable, especially when a guy with a crooked chin kept turning his head and smirking at them.

No one responded, Zach frowned. “Madison, how are you doing?” Zach raised his voice.

“Oh, are you talking to me?” Maddison’s eyes scanned in the rearview mirror. Although there was no reflection of Zac in the mirror, his expression was still calm, “Just like that. Normal.”

“Ah” Leon stretched his voice, and his crooked jaw finally returned to its original position with a click, “Don’t worry about him, he was hit.”

“Shut up!” Maddison turned his head and gave Leon a visibly angry look.

As you all know, peoples emotions always fluctuate sharply when they are touched by something they truly care about. Maddison was obviously in this situation. Zach raised his eyebrows, with a hint of curiosity on his face, “What’s wrong?”


Madison’s hands Grasping the steering wheel and turning rapidly, the truck in the rain suddenly swayed on the road. The harsh tire friction did not spread too far, but was drowned out in the rain by the monotonous clatter.

“Oh! Ouch! Pain!”

Leon hugged his head that had just hit the window of the car, and Zac and Benjamin straightened out the clothes that were wrinkled by the seat belt . The two looked at each other, shrugged, and decided not to ask. The truck resumed driving in a straight line, and silence in the car returned.

Well, everyone knows that Madison is me. If you are a little bit curious, I can give a clue.

Madison, I, participated in a writing instruction class. Teacher commented on my first assignment like this.

“A person who lives on blood, have you done any research? Can the nutrients in the blood support a person’s survival? How much blood does he need a day? Where does he get it? Such a life How long does he last?…Have you done any research? If not, why dont you write fairy tales! Fairy tales dont need logic, dont need reason! How to say, my Teacher is a happy one people.

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