James instinctively wanted to rub his eyes, but his hand seemed to be tied behind his back because of the impossible to move. The sharp pain in the nose was the first feeling that made him want to curl up unconsciously, making him want to curse!

But immediately, his mind was taken over by other things. The body that had just moved fell into the air, James fell face down into the small space, his nose collided with the ground again, and James’ eye sockets began to flush.

No, the ground? It was obviously not the ground, and the smell of dust and oil hit James’s slanted nose. His body was shaking slightly, and James soon discovered that he was in a moving car. Soon, James discovered that his wrists and ankles were tied up, and even his mouth was stuck. Soon, James found out again, he was stuck between the back seats, unable to get up.

“He is awake.” A voice that seemed to have been heard came from somewhere. James raised his head with difficulty in the small space and saw a pale and bruised face on his side. , Looking down at myself.

The opponent’s hand stretched out from the backrest, and the whole body had been lifted from the co-pilot, arched his waist, pulled the fallen James, and pulled him up.

The pungent odor seems to be a mixture of medicine. The opponent’s strength is surprisingly strong, and he doesn’t lift James up gently and pushes him to the back seat, “Don’t move, sit down, Chapman won’t let me hurt you.”

James opened his eyes wide and was reminded that he began to overlap the guy in front of him with the Chapman in the photo.

“Shut up!” The man driving the car yelled at the person with Chapman’s face sideways.

James has seen the hollow in his open mouth with half of his front teeth missing!

“Do you want to scare him!” The man yelled fiercely, “You are Chapman now!” Then the man seemed to slap the steering wheel angrily, “Damn it! Damn it!”

James’ gaze quickly looked towards the black car windows on both sides, he couldn’t see outside!

“He should be frightened.”‘Chapman’ said aggrievedly, “We kidnapped him.”

“Shut up!” The man with half of his front teeth He slapped the horn violently, James’ eyes quickly moved forward. He wanted to judge where he was from the road ahead!

“Shut up! Stop saying we kidnapped him! I didn’t! You tied him!” the man yelled, “I just said take him! Otherwise, what am I going to do? Take a comatose policeman The detective is outside my house?! Damn it!”

“Relax, Walter…”

“You! Shut up! Mouth!” Man, oh no, James has listened When it was his name, Walter squirmed excitedly in the car, “Who asked you to call my name! Damn! Damn!”

“Ah, sorry, Walter…”

“Close…” Walter gave up, and angrily patted the steering wheel twice, “You! James Lance! Right!” Walter did not turn his head, but stared at the eyes opened in the rearview mirror. wide, James whose mouth is taped, “I read your business card, Detective Lance, I am right!”

James sat stiffly in the back seat, except His eyes widened, he didn’t know what else to do.

“I want you to listen to me!” Walter’s gaze switched between the rearview mirror and the road ahead. “This would be ridiculous! But I want you to know! No one wants to hurt you! Me! Guarantee!”

James was nodded, his hands on his back turned vigorously, and he was disappointed to find that he could not move at all.

“He wants to break free.”‘Chapman’ turned his body to his side, looking at James with harmless eyes, “We should keep him in a coma.”

“Stop using’us’! There is no’us’ here!” Walter exclaimed excitedly, “Only you! Detective Lance! Without’us’, he knocked you out! He tied you up! You! It’s all him! I have nothing to do with him!”

‘You are driving. ‘James can only think about this in his heart, and he released a little voice!

“Listen!” Walter stopped the car on the side of the road and pulled out the key. Turned his body and looked towards James seriously, “I know it sounds incredible!” His hand waved in front of him excitedly, as if to emphasize, and then pointed to’Chapman’, “This person! The person you are looking for this afternoon! He is not the guy you knew before! He is another person! He is dangerous and evil!”

“Hey!” Walter took James into a struggling body Hold down, pinch James’ chin with one hand, and push to yourself! “Listen! Listen well! I’m not kidding!”

James knows, he knows it all, it’s a shadowman named Wander! He wants to tell each other! ‘I know it all! You don’t need to tie me up! ‘But, say, this is an impossible action now!

“hehehe!” Walter’s face wrinkled irritably, “Listen to me! Every word I say is the truth! This guy is dangerous! You better listen carefully! Otherwise he will kill you I promise!”

James has frowns tightly, and his shoulders are already cramping due to excessive force. He had no choice but to express that he listened.

“Okay! Remember! I’m not kidding!” Walter looked at each other nodded, as if sighed in relief, “I’m going to get off the car soon, I’m going to buy something! You’ll be in this car with This guy is alone! So what I said is very important! Dont do anything that makes this guy suspicious! Also, no matter what he says or does, dont listen! Wait quietly for me to come back!” Walter pressed Jamess shoulder seriously emphasized: “Can you do it?”

James is nodded again.

“Okay!” Walter was nodded, but he didn’t seem very convinced by his appearance. He turned to Chapman, “Wander! Don’t do anything you regret! It’s interesting to help you this time! Don’t make me regret it! I can easily inform the bird man in the church!”

Confirmed, it is Wander!

Wandels head lit quickly, and then innocently said, “What if he wants to run? Then I can do something, he looks very strong, better than the current Chapman A lot…”

Walter closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then turned to James, “Remember! I said he is dangerous and evil is not a joke! Don’t try to escape! You will die! And will be Very painful process!”

James was nodded, he remembered it. Because he thought about it, Zach didnt say anything because of his arrogance, but James himself, who is caught in this bad luck situation, is now’sudden enlightenment’. If he is attacked to a state of dying, he will be under the shadow man. A container!

And Wander seems to have this plan indeed! Damn it!

Walter glared at Wander last and pushed open the car door.

Walter’s silhouette disappeared by the front window, and Wander turned his body, his face was innocent, but his bruise face was uncomfortable. In the police station, the serious and calm Chapman is not suitable for this innocent expression, “Hi! James! Let’s chat! I will tear off the tape from your mouth, don’t call it!”

James looked at the hand extended and began to dodge. But is it useful? The tearing sound sounded, James’ lips were pulled up by the tape, and he had already seen his red lips in the rearview mirror.

Silence, this unpleasant car is shrouded in silence.

“Why don’t you call? James?” Wandell came with a gloomy face, “If you don’t call, I have no reason to beat you. If there is no reason to beat you, I can only be trapped In this body. I can only be trapped in this body, so I have to cooperate with this Chapman. He is really a troublesome guy.”

Wander’s face twisted and his whole body began to be inexplicable. Shaking up, his jaw trembled up and down, “Lan, Si! Don’t talk to him, I!”

The distortion disappeared, and Wander’s body returned to calm. He frowned, looking aggrieved, “Look. When it gets there, he always looks for opportunities to come out to disrupt my actions. He is a bad container.”

James closed his mouth tightly, his brows squeezed tightly. Chapman is still inside!

“Ah! Look at me!” Wander shook his head, “I said something about unfathomable mystery! Container, do you know what the container means?” Wander smiled and looked at James “You can talk, really, dont care about him, Chapman, this is his name. He is just a police officer, you are a detective, you dont need to listen to him.”

James The scholar was even more convinced that he could not speak.

“Oh, did I make you wonder?” Wander seemed to notice the incomprehensible part of his words, smiled and began to gesture, he pointed to his chest, which was obviously not fit Inside the jacket, the white gauze showed blood red, “Chapman is here, and the person you are looking for is here.”

“Hey! I’m talking to you!” James’ face was covered. He slapped his hands heavily, and the eyes that had just begun to observe the street in front of him stared at Wandell with anger!

“You are rude! I’m talking to you, you have to listen carefully, don’t get lost!” Wandell pouted slightly. As I said before, his expression is not suitable for Chapman, maybe it should be corrected, his expression is not suitable for men.

James tilted his neck, and James held back the hotness on half of his cheeks and the dull pain on the bridge of his nose with a soft click.

“I occupy his body.” Wandell’s face turned innocent again. “Now we are tied together. If I don’t meet his wish, he will not cooperate. Really. Trouble.”

James closed his mouth tightly. He is not going to take anything from this guy! He knew that this shadow man was deliberately seduce-lure him. Saying these confusing words deliberately makes myself question. This may be useful to others, but to James who knows the identity of the other party, it has no effect.

What James has to do is to follow everything Walt said, and then wait for the other party to come back, Walt has a way to control this out of control guy! That’birdman’ obviously refers to Crowley! That is to say, Walter is now helping the filmmaker escape Crowley’s position, but he does not agree with the filmmaker’s behavior, and gives James advice that is inexplicably mixed in.

James began to think about how to get rid of the current situation, but inexplicably, staring at the innocent look of Wander, his heart became irritable, and he began to be uncontrollable and distracted!

‘Zach, where is it now? ! ‘

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