Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 111: Love that dare not chase, chase it!

     Heartbeat SMS Moment——

   Zhou Huayu’s cell phone vibrated, and he took out his cell phone to check the text message, with a smile on his face.

   Tang Su is not surprised at this. Given the current progress of Zhou Huayu and Zhao Xiaowen's relationship, it would be strange if they did not receive the text message.

   glanced at Liu Xinjie, only to find that Liu Xinjie had already put down his phone to wash, ready to rest.

   This child...has already recognized the reality and knew that there would be no female guests to send messages to himself, so he didn't bother to wait at all. It's better to leave ‘chily’ to avoid embarrassment in front of Zhou Huayu and Tang Su.

   Tang Suan sits quietly on the single-person sofa, playing with his mobile phone at will. There is not much nervousness. Compared with the uncertainty of the previous two days, he is now much calmer.

   I don’t know if Li Shuya’s text messages can be received, but Su Tang’s should be fine. After all, Su Tang has not been in contact with other male guests under his ‘protection’.


   Yes, the male guest mentioned here mainly refers to Liu Xinjie.

   Zhou Huayu is not interested in little girls like Su Tang. He prefers those who are gentle and virtuous, who can communicate in thought and life, such as Zhao Xiaowen.

Similarly, Su Tang has no interest in this kind of middle-aged uncle who doesn’t understand romance, games, two dimensions, and can’t accompany her to buy snacks. Apart from daily exchanges, the two sides really share a common topic. No.

But Liu Xinjie is different. He has sent text messages to Su Tang and Li Shuyao. So far, Tang Su can’t figure out who he is more fond of. Let’s see how low-key he is with the invisible man all day long. 'Similarly, Tang Su felt confused.

   But anyway, I can’t relax, so——

Tang Su has been paying attention to the interaction between Su Tang and Liu Xinjie in the past two days. He has more free time to go to and from get off work. He goes out at about the same time as Su Tang in the morning, and is the first to come back in the afternoon. The time spent with Su Tang is longer than Liu Xinjie. It was much more, and Tang Su could clearly perceive that whenever he appeared, Su Tang's attention was on him, and Liu Xinjie, who became silent because of this, would be completely forgotten by her.

  According to the rules of the game when you are in school, as long as you keep diligent and do not regress, the people behind will not be able to catch up...

The premise is that you can’t float, if you feel that you are stable, and then float, lose the enthusiasm and enthusiasm at the beginning, once the other party sees the opportunity... it can still bring some variables, after all, girls in the'heartbeat period', The mind is the most sensitive.

   This is not a math problem. The math problem is wrong, and the teacher tells you what is going on. There is a mistake in emotional matters, but no one will teach you how to fix it.


   Just when Tang Sufu was thinking about it, the phone vibrated and opened the text message:

   "The communication with you is still very happy, the future is still unknown, but at least for the moment, I still stick to the original choice. Looking forward to tomorrow, good night."

  This text message...

   Tang Su thoughtfully.

   There is no doubt that this must have been sent by Li Shuyao, Zhao Xiaowen could not send him a text message, Su Tang's style is always full of cuteness and arrogance.

   Tang Su is not thinking about the person who sent the text message, but the information brought by the text message.

'Senior Sister Shuya must have noticed that the relationship between me and Su Tang has been getting closer, and the interaction with her has decreased a lot. In addition, we still know too little about each other, so... her interest in me has also weakened accordingly. , Not as high as the previous two days, maybe she is also a little confused. As for "looking forward to tomorrow"..."

"Looking forward to tomorrow" naturally refers to an interview scheduled. In addition to the interview, there should be other activities, such as eating together. I am afraid that there will be no time. After all, tomorrow Wednesday, Sister Shuyao will have Those who go to work will never ask for leave for this.

   And ‘at least for now, I still stick to the original choice. "Should refer to the ‘soul mate’.

Senior Sister Shuya did not give up, but after a day's transition, the emotions of both parties were somewhat cooled. After calming down, her attitude was not as firm as it was then, perhaps because there was too little communication, perhaps because he and Su Tang It's because of getting closer and closer, or maybe because...

   There are too many possible reasons to list them all.

   But for some reason, Tang Su didn't feel sorry in his heart when thinking that Senior Sister Shuya paid less attention to him, but he was relieved.

When the two female guests Li Shuyao and Su Tang stretched out an olive branch at the same time, Tang Su was really excited at the beginning. After all, the two female guests are very good, and they can get the favor and goodwill of these two at the same time. More or less airy.

   But soon, he calmed down.

   Tang Su quickly realized that this kind of thinking was wrong. If he couldn't adjust his mentality correctly, how popular he is now, he may be hated in the future, he doesn't want to be the kind of person he hates.


   When Tang Su calmed down and clarified his thoughts, he felt that his favor with Su Tang was better than Li Shuyao.

As mentioned before, if you change to the previous life and work alone in society, when planning for the future, he may be more inclined to Li Shuya who can fight with himself, understand and motivate each other. , Girls who can bring themselves a sense of security and fulfillment.

   But that is not the most desired emotion in my heart, but ‘appropriate’.

It is difficult for adults to think about feelings from the perspective of "preferences", because adults often have experienced many "realistic" things. After being polished by reality for a long time, the angle of thinking about problems will inevitably deviate from reality. To make it clear, the weight of “appropriate” is better than “like”.

Tang Su, in his previous life, had a very difficult life in big cities. He worked diligently and worked overtime. In order to save money, he did not dare to rent a more convenient and better-quality house. I can’t even order takeout, because the money for a takeout meal can be replaced by buying meat and vegetables by can make three or four sumptuous lunches. In order to order part-time full attendance (writing novels), the power goes out. In the rain, I went to the Internet cafe all night to code words... As a result, after a year of exhausting work, the money saved was far from keeping up with the rapidly rising housing prices...

  He is not alone. Like him, thousands of young people are struggling to survive in society.

In this environment, it is difficult for Tang Su to view his future marriage from the perspective of'liking'. His only desire for marriage is to be able to take up the pressure of life with him, to be able to endure hardships without seeking prosperity. Expensive, I don’t want to be famous, I just want to live a better life, so that my parents can worry less...

   This is why he obviously "dislikes" a girl like Li Shuya, but he can't help but feel good about her.

   In a previous life, Sister Shuya might be the perfect partner in his "ideal"?


  He is reborn, has a god-level start, millions of deposits, a studio that can make a lot of money a year, and a system king who seems to be doing charity...

Although Tang Su still had difficulty changing his mentality in a short period of time, he felt that in his life, he should be different from his previous life. He couldn't have such a good start, and after such a powerful innate advantage, he still cowered. Ordinary people?


   Things you can't think of, think about it.

   Things that I dare not do, do.

   There must be ambitions that I dare not have.

   Love that dare not chase, go chasing.

   The past ‘will be’ and ‘appropriate’ have to be replaced by likes.

   is like a certain optimistic girl who laughs and laughs every day, only doing what she likes and what she thinks is meaningful.

No compromise!

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