Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 198: Tang Su gave a small flower

June 12th, the 12th day when I came to the hut, Thursday.

   Tang Su and Su Tang had another fun day together.

   The hug in the morning, the lunch appointment at noon, and the wood carving in the afternoon. At the same time, after five o'clock, I went to pick up Sutang and get off work.

  Unconsciously, Tang Su has completely replaced the role of a full-time driver.

   On the way to pick up Su Tang, Tang Su caught a glimpse of the flower shop on the roadside, hesitated for half a minute, got off the car and bought a bunch of roses.

   When he got back in the car, he put the bouquet of roses on the co-pilot, thought about it, picked it up and put it in the back row, thinking that he would be more sincere when he gave it to the other party.

   Forget it, let her take it herself.

   Tang Su himself felt a little weird. If he changed his previous words, he would definitely not be able to do such a thing.

   As a pragmatist (poor critic), he is more willing to spend money on places of practical value, rather than this fleeting beauty.

In addition, he has always felt that buying flowers for girls is not suitable for him. He always feels a little... I can’t say it, probably a bit embarrassed, and if the two people are not sure about the relationship, he is worried that he is affectionate. , And then... very shameless.

   But now, he didn't hesitate long before he took the initiative to do such a thing.

   He is still a standard pragmatist, but this concept has changed a bit compared to the past.

  What is practical?

   It is not that only materially useful things are called practical. If you or the person you like are happy, even if you buy something with no material value, it is also of practical significance, such as this bouquet of roses.

   Of course, there is a more important reason.

   He knew that although Su Tang was sometimes arrogant and sometimes savage, she was different from those reserved girls. She dared to face her heart and emotions, and would respond to herself in a very enthusiastic way and give her affirmation.

   Feelings are always the best way to go in both directions.


   arrived in the parking area under the office building ahead of time, checked the time, and it was almost half past five.

  He is not in a hurry, he has even begun to look forward to what he will eat tonight...Wait a moment, shouldn't this be what Su Tang is looking forward to?

   Sure enough, staying with a fool for a long time will become stupid, and staying with food for a long time will also become infected with the essence of food.

   Thinking about Su Tang’s expectation of “giving high hopes” to him, Tang Su thinks... it is very likely that he will not be able to escape the fate of being a chef.

   Being in the car was a bit boring, Tang Su got out of the car, and then... he felt as if he was in a fire.

   Beijing in June is also quite hot.

   He did not contact Su Tang. On the one hand, there was no contact information. On the other hand, he also felt that there was no need to contact him.

   But soon, Su Tang went downstairs, took a brisk pace, and ran towards him.

   Tang Su subconsciously looked at the shoes she was wearing, well, a pair of very casual white sandals.

   The little girl doesn't seem to like wearing high heels. She has stayed in "Heartbeat" for twelve days and only wore them two or three times. Most of the time, she was in sports shoes or whiteboard shoes, or small sandals.

  Think about it, too, how can a girl like her who pursue a comfortable quality of life like high heels?

   Especially, she is still so energetic and likes all kinds of sports...very serious kind.

   "Hi~ Good afternoon."

   Su Tang trot over, with a bright smile on his face.

   "Get in the car, it's a bit hot outside."

   Tang Su waved, and then helped her open the car door, put her right hand on top of her head, and escorted her into the car, lest the little girl rashly hit the roof of the car.

  唔...... With his understanding of the little girl, it is not difficult for such a thing to happen.


   After getting in the car.

   Tang Su drove, and then quietly asked her what she did in the afternoon.

   "I have recorded the previous three songs."

Su Tang thought for a while, and seemed to think that this kind of statement was a bit too plain, and added: "I have recorded these three songs so many times before recording these three songs to the perfect point. It's not easy. I was responsible for the production. The little brother said, my songs are of great quality and they will definitely be popular."

   "People are just polite, you take it seriously."

   Tang Su started hitting her with one mouthful.

   This is also true. If he is the person who makes the song, he doesn't mind saying two good words. Anyway, there is no cost and no responsibility.

  Of course, he sent...No, the two songs he sold to "Dream Entertainment", and the bonus one, the quality is really good.

"Riding on My Beloved Motorcycle"... Well, how can I say, what is the evaluation of this song in terms of'musical' and'artistic'? For the time being, the song itself can still be liked by some sand sculpture audiences. , And the audience of sand sculptures... is increasing every year.

   The song "An Ode to a Millennium Recipe" is not in the funny style of the former, but it also has some joyful attributes, and the audience should be wider than that of "Small Motorcycle".

"Don't trouble me" is the soul of these three songs. In Tang Su's view, the lyrics of this song are really similar to Su Tang's style, a bit of sand sculpture, always reckless, and Even in the face of terrible and unlucky things, they are still full of optimism.

   What happens when these three songs are released?

   The fire is definitely not enough, but the effect should be stronger than those ordinary saliva songs that have no special features on the market.


   Tang Su drove the car, and the two chatted with each other.

   Most of the time, it was Su Tang who spoke. Tang Su listened quietly, then nodded, indicating that he heard it, and the other party would be very happy.

   stop red light——

"Oh, right."

   Tang Su glanced at her while waiting for the green light, and then said in a casual tone: "I just bought you a little gift."


  Su Tang was startled, then turned his head and looked at it: "Where is it?"

She began to search. First, she searched the place of the co-pilot. Then she looked sideways to look at the back row. She quickly caught the gift Tang Su said. She froze for a long time and hesitated before reaching out. , Sat in the co-pilot honestly, lowered his head, his face was a little red, and whispered, "Thank you."

   This is not the first time she has received flowers.

As a beautiful girl since she was a child, when she was in junior high school, boys gave flowers to her, and she never stopped in high school and university, but without exception, she did not accept any of them, because her mother often educates her and can’t do it casually. Receive gifts from boys.

At that time, my mother said: "The purpose of boys giving gifts, especially flowers, is not pure. If you accept a boy’s gift, the boy will feel that you agree to associate with him, and then it will pester you and affect your study. , Let you become a problematic student in the eyes of the teacher, or even a parent... If you don’t want to do this and want to'break up,' the boys will get worse and let you return the gifts you received, even with the benefits, or even find You ask for a youth loss fee. In more serious cases, you cannot accept the reality of being broken up, and even go to extremes, drag you into the grove, or throw sulfuric acid on you, scratch your face with a knife, and disfigure you... …"

   In order to make this passage more authoritative, my mother specially found relevant news to show her.

   The young Xiaotang was frightened at the time.

   Therefore, she refused all the gifts from the boys and devoted all her thoughts to studying.

   is a bit more popular——

   This is the first time Su Tang has accepted a gift from a boy, and he still likes it very much.

   How do you describe this feeling? It seems to be more irritating than being pressed on the lawn by him before, his heartbeat is a bit fast, and his blush is a bit hot.

   Rose, a plot that often appears in idol dramas.

   She once imagined that Tang Su would hold a rose to confess to her, but then she felt that it was impossible. How could a person like Tang Su buy flowers...

  At this moment, when the fantasy shines into reality, Su Tang is a little dazed, sniffing the fragrance of roses lightly, and turning his head to look in the direction of the car window, for fear that Tang Su will see the ruddyness on his little face.

   But she seems to have forgotten.

She turned her head like this, just exposing her little ear that is most likely to change color in front of Tang Su's eyes. Those ears, which were originally fair and rosy, are almost the same color as Little Tomato at the moment. They are ruddy and make Tang Su want to miss it. Rub it with your hands.

   Tang Su not only thinks like this, he also wants to try it out. He has become more and more courageous recently.


   There was a horn sound from behind, Tang Su subconsciously looked up and found that it was already the green light, so he drove quickly.

   As for this bold idea, let's put it away first, there will always be opportunities in the future.


  Su Tang was very honest along the way, it seemed that he was calmed by this bouquet of roses.

   "Tang Su, why did you suddenly remember that you want to send me flowers?"

   Su Tang turned to look at him: "Are you trying to confess?"

   "No, if you confess, you can't just send a bunch of flowers."

   Tang Su said casually: "It just suddenly remembered that we have known each other for so long and haven't given you anything yet, and don't know what you like, so I can only buy flowers."

   "You gave me three songs."

   Su Tang stretched out three fingers and corrected.

   "That's not a gift, it's sold to you... our company."

   Tang Su shook his head: "I originally wanted to give it to you directly, but if you have to give it, then it's not a gift. It can only be said to be a sale, and I have taken a big advantage."

   is indeed a big advantage.

Three songs have been sold for more than 200,000. Under normal circumstances, a five-no creator like him who has no reputation, no qualifications, no achievements, no background, and no connections, writes a song that says nothing. The value is a bit too much, but at most tens of thousands, it is impossible to sell at too high a price.

   But under Su Tang’s interference, the three songs were sold for more than 200,000 yuan, which became the largest and most unexpected income since Tang Su’s soul was worn.

   Therefore, Tang Su couldn't think of these three songs as ‘sent’ to the other party. He didn’t have such a thick-skinned face.


Su Tang thought for a while, and said seriously: "This kind of thing is not really anyone's advantage. It's just a deal you like and I want. My words are at best to help you match the company with the company. Professionals are willing to pay high prices, which shows that they think it is worth the price, and you are not taking advantage of it."


   Hearing what she said, Tang Su suddenly thought of the day when he talked about cooperation. When Su Tang slapped the table and called out 200,000, the other party's constipated expression...

   good fellow!

   is really redefining "you love me"?

   The capitalists are all adept at hearing this!


   It's more than six o'clock.

   When they returned to the hut, they saw Li Shuyao sitting in the living room reading a book.

Hearing the sound, Li Shuya turned his head and looked towards the door, and then saw Tang Su and Su Tang walking in. Her gaze paused on the bouquet in Su Tang's hand, and then said hello: "You guys are back early. "

   "Fortunately, the main reason is not very busy."

   Tang Su nodded, and asked casually, "Is anyone cooking today?"

If I remember correctly, it should be Li Shuyao and Liu Xinjie’s turn to cook together to prepare dinner today. But at this moment, Li Shuyao is sitting here quietly reading a book, and he didn’t mean to cook. Tang Su guessed that someone should have taken the initiative to propose. It's time to take the job.

who can that be?


Li Shuyao shrugged, and said helplessly, "I was preparing to cook by myself, and even the ingredients have been bought. As a result, when I came back, I found that there were already people in the kitchen, and they were almost ready to prepare the dishes. The work is done, I can only stay here and read."


   Tang Su nodded thoughtfully.

   "Tangtang, what's the matter with your bunch of flowers?"

   Li Shuya turned his head to look at Su Tang again, and asked meaningfully.

   "This, this..."

   Su Tang blushed a little, thought about it, raised his chin and said, "It's a coincidence that I found this in Tang Su's car."

   Tang Su:? ? ?

   Li Shuya:? ? ?

  You can really pick it up.

   "I won't talk to you anymore, I'll go to the kitchen and put this up."

  Su Tang pointed at the rose in his hand, and then ran to the kitchen quickly.

   I remember that there is a flower basket on the table. There are fresh flowers in it every day. It should be the staff of the program group who came in to prepare when the guests left.

   "I will check it out too."

   Tang Su smiled and said something, and then walked towards the Li Shuyao did not move, and continued to sit on the sofa and read.


   In the kitchen.

  Su Tang seriously put the small flowers Tang Su gave her and put them in the middle of the flowers in the flower basket. After looking at them, they looked pretty good.

   Then, she turned to look at the two figures who were cooking, and she happened to look at one of them, her eyes lit up: "Sister Xiaoying, you came back so early, are you cooking dinner today?"


   Zhang Xiaoying smiled and nodded, looked in the direction of the flower basket, and asked in a low voice, "What's the situation?"

   "Hey hey."

  Su Tang just showed a bright smile, did not speak, and when he rolled his eyes, he saw Tang Su walking in.

  ‘It turned out to be Zhang Xiaoying and Liu Xinjie. ’

   Tang Su is different from Su Tang. When he entered the kitchen, he saw the two people at first sight. Seeing that they cooperated in a tacit understanding, he felt thoughtful.

   Liu Xinjie, this is... getting serious.

   is not easy, not easy.

   Tang Su felt relieved at first, and then he thought of another thing——

  Senior Sister Shuyao seems to have always had the virtue of "adult beauty". Before, it was herself and Su Tang, but now it is Liu Xinjie and Zhang Xiaoying.

   Tang Su felt that she shouldn’t be the editor-in-chief of the magazine, she should be a matchmaker...

   I just don’t know, when can she get out of the singles by herself, Shuya-senpai, who likes adult beauty so much.

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