Qu Jianlei had always been on guard. Seeing that the Hedley family had a lot of people coming, he even planned to make a move at any time.

Even if the other party explained the reason, he did not completely let go of his guard and remained quite vigilant.

But Wen Lington's shot was really beyond his expectation - because he didn't feel the killing intent from the opponent.

In other words, Wen Lington's intention was purely temporary, and he hid his killing intent very well.

But at the moment when he shot, Qu Jianlei still felt something was wrong.

He originally had a layer of rock armor attached to his body surface, and temporarily activated the "Golden Skin Technique", which blocked the opponent's blow.

He had just shot and killed Wen Lington, Xiao Moshan had already made a bold move, and directly threw a wind binding technique at Kester.

Bentley, who was leaning on the tree, stopped snoring suddenly, opened his eyes suddenly, and reached out his hand to take out two snake-shaped daggers.

"I have something to say!" Seelig shouted, covering his left chest with his right hand, making an "OK" gesture.

Kester broke free from the wind binding technique and frowned slightly when he saw the vines rolling towards him.

He knew very well that his reaction at this moment would determine the future fate of the Hedley family.

So his heart was broken, and he didn't dodge or dodge, and shouted, "Don't do anything!"

With just this voice, the vines had already engulfed him, wrapping him tightly in an instant.

However, he was still a bit late in shouting, a C-rank fighter had already made a move, and the target was the three of them, "Earth stab!"

He is an earth attribute fighter. It is said that at the C-level stage, the range of the ground stabbing technique will not be very large.

But when he used it, the scope was really not small, and he directly targeted the three of them, so it can be seen that he is also an outstanding generation.

But he didn't expect to hurt Qu Jianlei and Xiao Moshan, those two places were just meant to hold back.

The focus of his target is Benjamin. The electromagnetic attribute is a headache, and the opponent has just lost strength, which is a good opportunity to make a move.

In his plan, at least he had to injure his opponent severely in order to gain a chance to negotiate.

However, to his surprise, it wasn't just Qu Jianlei who resisted the thorn.

Xiao Moshan dodged nimbly, and Bentley's body moved out more than three meters strangely.

He was horrified for a moment, "They still have wind attribute fighters!"

However, he woke up a bit late, the next moment, a tornado from Xiao Moshan swept him into the air.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of wind blades appeared beside him, cutting his body open one after another.

The defense of the earth attribute is very strong, but the attack power of the wind blade is really rubbish.

But it can't stand it, it's a B-level wind blade, attacking a C-level earth attribute defense.

Dozens of cuts were cut on the body, blood spattered everywhere, and then fell heavily on the ground, dying in sight.

"Dare to attack me?" Bentley sneered, about to provoke Thunder Dragon.

"Old Ben, wait a moment," Qu Jianlei had already noticed that most of the other party didn't make a move.

The point is that he knows very well that Bentley can only deliver one or two more blows, if he can't kill the opponent, he will be exposed instead.

It's better to let him save some energy, and if he needs to fight, he can dodge in time.

Qu Jianlei looked at Kester who gave up struggling, and sighed softly, "I need an explanation."

Immediately afterwards, he found that someone was going to rescue the C-rank earth attribute fighter, and when he raised his hand, he shot out a golden light.

A short golden spear pierced into the soil beside the soldier, "Don't save him!"

Although it is not suitable to make up the knife now, but do you want first aid? That is a dream!

The one who wanted to save people was a female reformed soldier. She turned her head and glared at Qu Jianlei, "We must stop the bleeding immediately!"

Qu Jianlei looked at her expressionlessly, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"Just kill it and it's over," Xiao Moshan said indifferently.

When he said this, there was no killing intent in his eyes—in his opinion, it was just a small make-up.

"Dare to attack three people at the same time. He is lucky to live to such an old age. If you want to save him, I will kill you."

The female transformation fighter was still talking, but someone nearby shouted, "Shut up!"

You are at home, you can argue all you want, but if you don't take a look, who is the opposite of you now!

The woman finally fell silent.

Xiao Moshan raised his hand expressionlessly, photographed Wen Lington's body, and began to search him.

To start looting the dead in front of the Hedleys was a bit deceptive.

But the other party still didn't dare to make a sound, after all, the Douglas family's signature was there.

Kester felt the vines on his body loosen a little, and couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief—he was still betting right.

He said aloud, "Master Jian Lei, this Winnington is only the son-in-law of the family, and cannot represent the wishes of the Hedley family."

Qu Jianlei looked at him silently for a while before asking, "Then why did you bring him here?"

What are you doing... Of course, when the negotiation fails, you have the capital to fight back!

Kester definitely didn't dare to tell the truth, so he could only smile wryly, "I really didn't expect this person to be unfamiliar!"

Seelig also said in time, "His sense of identity with the family is not very strong, and he has the intention of becoming self-reliant after the B-level."

Being a son-in-law in the wasteland is not shameful, but it is definitely not honorable either.

After Winnington advanced to B-level, it was normal for him to develop a sense of self-reliance.

The key point is that he was funded by the Hedley family before, some people were kind to him, and some people were jealous of him, so they had to say some sarcastic remarks.

And the Hedley family will not stop these gossips. After all, Wen Lington is an outsider, so it is necessary to knock him from time to time.

At this moment, someone said again, "It is said that he has someone outside, really...he will not forget to cheat our family when he dies."

"It's nothing more than an idea of ​​wealth," Xiao Moshan sneered, "The Nawu Talisman is good...does your Hedley family have it?"

This is the real truth, the appearance of the space treasure is enough to make people stunned, and they don't hesitate to take risks.

Of course, Kester is also aware of this. If he hadn't shouldered the responsibility of the entire family, he might have given it a go.

Fortunately, now that Winnington died, the top strength of the Hedley family was reduced by half.

But at this moment, he didn't care about his distress, and said softly, "The Hedley family is willing to compensate."

Xiao Moshan snorted coldly, "Let's see how you estimate the price. If the compensation is not enough, I will pay for it with my life!"

Such domineering words have always been spoken by the Hedley family to others, and unexpectedly it was finally his family's turn.

But Kester didn't have the courage to care about it at all, he could only curse inwardly, this guy Wen Lington is really harmful.

Next, a group of people tossed until it was almost dawn, and finally figured out the approximate assets of the Benjamin family.

Because Qu Jianlei had warned them before, they didn't dare to underestimate, so they could only overestimate.

The family property plus some business, is about... about 150,000 silver dollars.

There are a total of four properties, two stores, and a construction company, as well as large items such as vehicles, plus some gold and silver.

One hundred and fifty thousand silver dollars does not sound like a lot, but referring to Xiao Qin's off-road vehicle, it is only about three thousand silver dollars.

That kind of very good off-road vehicle, if you can buy fifty, it is already quite a fortune.

Benjamin didn't have much objection to the valuation, but Qu Jianlei expressed dissatisfaction, "That construction company... underestimated!"

Kester hesitated and explained patiently.

"The most important thing for a construction company is the workers. Those vehicles and machinery are not worth much."

What the Bunker family had to deal with was Benjamin's family, no matter how insane they were, it was impossible to attack those ordinary workers.

The construction company is disbanded, that is, the vehicles and construction machinery are worth some money, and those workers... can stay if they can, and let it go if they can't.

The central city is much stronger than the inhabited area, but the overall level of development is still a bit lacking, and the labor cost is not that high.

Anyway, these workers did not sign the deed of sale, so it is impossible to count them among the company's assets.

Qu Jianlei shook his head, "You're not right, can you establish a construction company by buying some construction machinery and hiring some workers?"

Kester was speechless, he was really unfamiliar with this, and someone in the clan was responsible for business matters, and his task was to cultivate.

But he felt that what Jian Lei said sounded reasonable.

Qu Jianlei continued to explain, "A construction company that can receive work is considered a serious company, not a grass-roots team!"

"The original 'fast and good building' has already gained a considerable reputation, and it is convenient to pick up jobs... Is this intangible asset considered money?"

This theory is considered common sense in Blue Star, but there is really no similar statement in Central City.

Here, although commerce is also very developed, what everyone values ​​most is force value, and commercial activities are only auxiliary.

However, after Qu Jianlei pointed out this point, everyone thought about it, and it was not unreasonable to say so.

Everyone admits that a good reputation makes it easier to do business, so "reputation" is really important.

But the matter of putting reputation at a price... was brought up by Jian Lei, and no one dared to refute it.

If someone who is not strong enough dares to make such a request, the Hedley family doesn't mind letting the other party know what it means to "talk from the mouth"!

After Qu Jianlei explained, he didn't care whether the other party understood or not. He said to himself, "So...the total price is 200,000 yuan!"

"Two hundred thousand," Kester's mouth twitched, "multiplied by thirty, it's... six million."

You can buy two thousand off-road vehicles like Xiao Qin, or about a thousand B-grade crystals.

The Hedley family has a lot of properties, but if they want to take out such a sum of money immediately, it is inevitable that they will be hurt.

But he dared not express the slightest dissatisfaction.

"What six million, who told you it's still thirty times?" Qu Jianlei's face sank.

"I didn't know before that you guys had the guts to take over the remaining property of the Bunker family!"

He didn't feel that he was going back on his word, "Now I know, if I don't respond... others will think I'm afraid of your family!"

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